Hey there, today let's chat about the most amazing 4-year-old birthday gifts for boys and girl that you should know about.

Coming up with ideas for 4-year-old birthday gifts for boys and girls can be difficult and if you are anything like me you want to give something that will be played with.
As a mom of 4 kids, an aunt to 13, and a home daycare provider, I have been giving out 4-year-old birthday gifts for a while.
Read on and you will find great 4-year-old birthday gifts for both boys and girls like toys, books, games, and more.
After hearing about all of these outstanding 4-year-old birthday gifts, I know you will have the perfect gift to give.
Let's jump into the best 4-year-old birthday gifts for boys and girls.
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Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
1. Indoor Tent

Your little one will spend hours playing in, reading in, and rearranging items in one of these tents.
We have the princess castle and it is such a hit with all my kids.
My kids were able to try out the camping tent at school and they were so pumped about it.
2. Water Doodle Mat
This water doodle mat is large and I love it.
All of my kids and daycare kids can use it at the same time.
I am trying to teach them to spread out a little but I don’t think they get it.
The kids use a water pen, so it won't make a colorful mess. Kids get really creative with this.
3. Doctor Kit

Let your child use his imagination with this doctor kit.
You, of course, will most likely be the patient.
I have been “sick” more times than I can count.
4. Play Kitchen

More imagination will be used when it comes to this play kitchen. To make the most of this, don't be afraid to use your imagination too, and get right in there to play.
I love seeing what kind of meals they come up with.
Don’t forget some play food to go with it.
5. Magnet Blocks

Just buy these magnet blocks! They are that good.
Don’t even bother with the cheap ones. You will be disappointed.
We have 3 sets and they have been played with every day for the past 5 years. No joke.
Everyone who comes to our house that has kids has ended up buying them.
6. Lincoln Logs
A little architect in the making with Lincoln Logs.
My boys are way more creative with these than I am.
I usually end up with a square house.
7. Legos

As a 4-year-old, your little one is right on the edge of getting into small (regular) Legos.
If you think your child can handle it, I would go with this set of classic Legos.
Your child will never outgrow them!
8. Dress Up Clothes
9. Puzzles
Slow things down a bit, and work on problem-solving, with a puzzle.
There are so many to choose from but I love floor puzzles.
10. Toys For Her
Your little birthday girl would be thrilled to get this set of rings or this baby doll.
My daughter has both and was a huge fan.
11. Toys For Him
Boys are drawn to things with motors and wheels.
This race track and garage will get some use out of it.
My oldest son just turned 9 and he loves to play with both of these with his younger brothers.
Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
Electronic Toys
12. Fire 7 Kids Tablet
You guys, I was so on the fence about this kid’s tablet, but I am so glad we finally got it.
It is filled with age-appropriate learning materials.
And I have my phone back.
13. Walkie Talkies
My kids have the best time hiding from each other with these walkie-talkies.
I know yours will just as much. Pretty sure you will also get in on the action.
Walkie talkies are just fun.
14. Microscope

You put in the different slides and the microscope will tell facts about the animal.
A great STEM toy.
I hear my kids repeat the animal facts all the time.
15. Projection Nightlights
These nightlights are fun to watch.
We have the boy one since I have 3 boys and all, but my daughter still gets right in there to watch also.
16. Camera
Every kiddo I know has loved to get their hands on this camera.
It has a selfie mode, and let me tell you, that gets used the most!
Tons of goofy face pictures.
It is durable too. Ours has been dropped so many times and it is still going strong.
17. RC Stunt Cars

All 3 of my boys got these RC stunt cars for Christmas, my youngest was 4.
They are nuts about them.
I love that they are rechargeable. Saves me some money on batteries!
Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
4-year-old kiddos are like little sponges so read, read, read to them. And then read some more. They are paying attention to more than you think.
18. Book Readers
We have 2 different sets of these book readers and they are amazing.
Multiple books that come with a reader your kiddo can easily use.
I love them for car rides and when I need to get a few chores done.
19. Educational Books
Since they are sponges, I like books about the world around us.
My kids repeat facts from these books all the time.
20. Books
The books below are some of the most loved books we have.
Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
Games are great for so many teachable things – fine motor skills, color, shape, and letter recognition, taking turns, and good sportsmanship to name a few.
At least one game gets played at my house every day.
21. Top Games
Here are the top 3 games that get played between my younger 2 and daycare kids.

22. Great Games
These games below fill out our top 10 games played. All of these games are great options.
Your kiddo will play with them, as long as they have someone to play with.

Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
Arts and Crafts
23. Play-Doh

I can hear you know, oh the mess of Play-Doh. But try not to be like that.
Your kiddo can spend hours using playdoh as long as you are near to see their creations.
Trust me, you can get a lot done during playdoh time.
24. Kinetic Sand

If you have never used kinetic sand before, please note that it does get messy.
And so, here it can only be used outside on our deck table.
But it is amazing. I love playing with just as much as my kids do.
My daughter got it as a gift and we played with it so much that I purchased two more bags of it.
25. Rainbow Scratch Paper
All kids can’t get enough of rainbow scratch paper. And I know this will be true for your kiddo as well.
Even I have mini note cards of this. They are way more fun than plain post it notes!
26. Coloring Books

What a great way for kids to relax a bit – coloring pictures.
Since I do daycare, we have a large variety of coloring books and they all get used – every day.
Don’t be shy about jumping in there, it is a great stress reliever for adults.
28. Color Wonder
I do love a good regular color book, but I have to say color wonder by Crayola is so much fun and mess-free.
Your kiddo will be amazing by all the hidden pictures that come to life as they color the pictures, my kids’ favorite part.
The markers only work on that paper so your kids can even use them right on the carpet.
29. Magic Light Brush
I just got this for my niece's birthday, and my sister is loving how mess-free it is.
The Magic Light Brush has clear paint that only shows up on the paper it comes with.
And the paint doesn’t dry up.
30. LCD Writing Tablet

If you haven’t seen a LCD writing tablet, you are missing out.
You need to snag one of these and should get one for yourself. All of my kids have their own.
They are great for little ones who love to draw and write. This tablet is also small enough and light enough that your kiddo can take it in the car with them.
My oldest does her homework with hers right beside her and uses it as scratch paper.
31. Write and Learn Creative Center
This write and learn creative center is so amazing and interactive.
Your kiddo is just getting started practicing writing and this is a dynamite tool.
My kids and daycare kids love it so much that they are disappointed when it isn't their turn.
Your kiddo is going to love it.
Best 4-Year-Old Birthday Gifts
32. Stomp Rocket
Your kiddo will have so much fun trying to see how high they can send this stomp rocket!
You can take a turn too; I know I have done it plenty of times.
Make sure you get this double one and not the single. The double one is sturdier.
We have gifted this so many times and all of our neighbors have one too.
33. Sidewalk Chalk

If you have a place for sidewalk chalk then this makes a great gift.
The birthday kiddo can be so creative with it from pictures to obstacle courses to outlines of people.
Endless possibilities!
34. Bubbles

Everyone from little tikes to people getting married loves bubbles. They are soothing to watch and tons of fun to play with.
All of my kids run after them as long as I keep making them.
I really like this bubble bucket. It can be knocked over and the bubble juice doesn’t spill.
35. Bike

Riding a bike is a great way for a 4-year-old to exercise and build confidence.
You can’t go wrong with this brand of bike. My kids still use it.
36. Little Tikes T-Ball Set
This t-ball set will get a crazy amount of use from your little one.
I know ours sure has.
37. Basketball Hoop

Just like with the t-ball set, this basketball hoop will also get a lot of use.
It helps build a ton of perseverance and confidence.
Ours was a hand me down and it finally just broke, but I am going to run out and buy it again since my kids and daycare kids use it so much.
38. Play Set with Swings

Feel like something is missing in your backyard? The answer is a playset with swings.
Round and round they will go on this.
Who knows, you may even get to sit down for a couple of minutes and cruise your phone while they play.
You won’t be sorry about this purchase!
39. Balls

There are a variety of sports balls that you could pick up for the birthday boy or girl.
These are my favorites because they have lasted through years and multiple kids playing with them.
Some kind of ball is out for play every day here.
40. Sandbox Toys

If the birthday kiddo has a sandbox, get a refresh of sandbox toys. They always seem to break down from normal wear and tear.
We have a giant sandbox and kids are in it every time we go into the backyard. These toys will be usedThis post was all about the best 4-year-old birthday gifts.
Let me know what you ended up with for a birthday gift in the comments below.
Even though my youngest just turned 5, I still have plenty of young nieces and nephews to get gifts for and can always use fresh ideas.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.