Hey girl, today let's chat about the best 6-year-old birthday gift ideas for boys and girls.

Trying to figure out a 6-year-old birthday gift for a boy or girl can be tricky. Or course you want to get a gift that will be loved and used.
As a mom of 4 (1 girl and 3 boys), and a home daycare provider, I am here to tell you what the most popular and used 6-year-old birthday gifts are.
You are going to hear about amazing 6-year-old birthday gift ideas for toys, outside activities, games, books, and so much more.
After hearing about all of these 6-year-old birthday gift ideas, I know you will be able to pick the best present to fit your birthday kiddo’s style.
Let's jump into the best 6-year-old birthday gift ideas that any kiddo will be thrilled to get.
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Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
1. Stomp Rocket
Your birthday kiddo is going to have so much fun with this stomp rocket. It is fun to see how high the rockets can go and then try to beat them.
Everyone who has seen ours has bought one for themselves, and we have gifted this so many times.
You can even give it a whirl!
2. Ball Catch Set
This catch set is awesome for those kiddos who haven’t mastered using a glove for playing catch.
There are different color options to choose from.
3. Scooter
This scooter is a great way for your 6-year-old to get outside and get some exercise.
She will have a blast with it.
I love that it is small so it doesn’t take much room to store it.
4. Bike

A bike is a great gift at any age! And is a way to get exercise for your whole life.
I recommend getting one that is slightly big so it isn’t grown out of so fast.
5. Jump Rope

I think a jump rope is often forgotten about as a gift. Once kids have it though, they love using it.
My kids take turns seeing who can get the most jumps in a row.
6. Balls

There is an endless possibility of balls out there. Kids love to play with them.
Since I do home daycare, we have a wide variety of balls.
These are the ones that get used the most, and you guys, they are durable!
7. Baseball

Is your kiddo into baseball or softball?
Then you need to check this equipment out. It all makes a great gift!
8. Body Bumpers
These body bumpers are hilarious.
And your birthday kiddo is going to have a blast with them.
Just be sure they are used in an open area.
9. Frisbee or Flying Rings

Frisbee is so much fun to play.
This frisbee and these flying rings are a dynamite option.
These can be used by a wide age range. So, get out there and play with your kiddo.
10. Giant Bubble Wand
Watch your birthday kiddo be absolutely amazed by this giant bubble wand kit. I know I was!
Bubbles are a huge hit here so I knew we had to try this out, and it did NOT disappoint.
Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift

There are so many wonderful benefits for those 6-year-old kiddos that play games.
They have a blast playing with their friends but also want to play with you.
And I love playing games with my kids.
It is a great way to spend time together and if you sit back, they just start chatting away about anything and everything.
Since I do home daycare and have 4 kids, we have a ton of games at our house, really that number is just north of 50 and I am sure it will rise.
These games are the ones that get pulled out to play the most.

Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
6-year-olds are learning how to read by leaps and bounds. Keep it going with the gift of a new book or 2.
You can make books the entire gift by giving a variety pack or a series.
Books also make a great addition to another gift when you think it needs a little something extra with it.
Get ready to snuggle up with your birthday kiddo for some fun reading time!
These are books that are a giant hit at my house.
Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
Clothes and Accessories
13. T-Shirt
Kids like what they like and will go bananas about it. So, pick out their favorite character t-shirt and watch their excitement fill the room.
My boys love superheroes and Super Mario.
14. Sunglasses
Oh my gosh, there are so many fun and cute sunglasses out there for 6-year-old kids.
They make a great addition when you are looking to put a little something extra in their gift.
15. Hat
I am not sure what your 6-year-old likes, but all my kids love hats.
Ball hats, sun hats for my daughter, winter hats, it doesn’t matter because they are all a hit.
16. Rain Boots

You can’t go wrong with these Western Chief rain boots. I know they cost just a little bit more but they are built to last and can be handed down if you have younger kiddos.
We go on puddle hunts all the time after it rains. I am trying to let my kids be kids as long as it lasts!
Grab your camera and capture those fun splashing moments.
17. Umbrella

If you want to turn the gift into a theme with rain boots, grab an umbrella to go with it.
This one is less likely to turn inside out.
18. Character Sheets
Getting some fun character sheets is an out-of-the-box idea and your birthday kiddo is going to love it.
It is something that they can use all the time for a long time.
19. Beach Towel and Goggles

Kids love the water and always need a way to dry off. A beach towel can last for years too.
My daughter got this as a gift when she was 6 and has used the towel since.
20. Bathrobe
Help keep the birthday kiddo warm and snuggly right out of the shower or when there is just a chill in the air with a bathrobe.
All of my kids have bathrobes and wear them all the time.
21. Slippers
Pair the bathrobe with some great slippers.
There are so many slippers to choose from that I know you will find the perfect ones to match your 6-year-old's style.
If you can’t, these 2 slippers are some great options.
Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
22. Legos

There are so many Legos for boys and girls today.
Personally, I like the classic Legos the best. Kids can use their creativity and imagination the most with them.
But if you are looking for some Lego sets, this is a great set for boys and this is a great set for girls.
23. Magnet Blocks

Holy moly guys, if you haven’t seen these magnet blocks then you need to check them out.
We have 3 sets and they have been played with every day for almost 5 years now, and that is no joke. My oldest, who is 11, still can’t get enough of them.
Don’t cheap out on these though, we made that mistake and it was a waste of money.
24. Army Men

Here is something mostly for those 6-year-old boys, Army Men.
If you can tell your son would be into these, get them.
My 7-year-old son has had these for a bit and spends hours setting them up.
25. Walkie Talkies

Girls and boys are going to have a blast with these walkie-talkies.
I know that they are grown-up ones, but you guys, these are built to last.
26. Barbie

Do you have a little girl that is into Barbie? Oh, do you have options!
There is this Barbie house, that I know is large but it is so worth it.
If she already has a house, she can never have enough Barbie dolls to go with it.
27. Hot Wheels Crash Track

Smash, bash, and crash will be what you will hear along with tons of giggles from your birthday boy when you get him this Hot Wheels Crash Track.
It is a little bigger than you think so make sure you have some floor space for it.
Add a set of Hot Wheels cars in with it and you are all set.
28. Pokémon Cards and Binder

Can anyone explain what you are supposed to do with Pokémon cards besides look at them?
Let me know in the comments below.
Anyway, if your kiddo is into them, you can put together this themed gift for them. They will go nuts over it.
29. Fire Kids Tablet
I am all for a monitored amount of screen time.
This kid’s tablet is easy for kids to use and has tailored material for their age.
30. Microphone
Your kiddo is going to have a blast singing and performing with this microphone.
My daughter has one every time she uses it her brothers want a turn as well. So many amazing dance parties with it.
I have been nothing but impressed with it.
31. Voice Changer
If your birthday kiddo is anything like my 4 kids, being silly most of the time is the name of the game.
Make things sillier with this voice changer.
32. Binoculars

A set of binoculars can broaden your 6-year-old's interest of the great outdoors.
They are great for hiking, in the car, or even bird watching out your window.
Don’t go for the crazy nice (expensive) ones because you know they are going to be dropped.
33. Nerf Guns

Even though it is mostly boys who play with nerf guns, don’t be surprised if your little girl is interested in them too.
Nerf Guns are just fun.
If you are going to get one, you might as well get 2. It isn't much fun to try to have a battle with just 1 nerf gun.
Best 6-Year-Old Birthday Gift
Art, Crafts, and Activities
34. Slime Kit

Every 6-year-old boy and girl loves playing with slime.
If the slime is stored properly, it can last for a long time.
35. Rock Painting
You will be surprised how into and creative your birthday kiddo will get with this rock painting kit.
My daughter did holiday-themed rocks, while my oldest son went for superheroes.
If this is your gift, let me know in the comments below how your rocks got painted.
36. Light Up Tracing Pad
Does your kiddo love to draw? Watch their skills explode with this light up tracing pad.
Sure, he will trace pictures at first but then get brave and creative and make his own pictures.
It is light and small enough that it can be used to pass the time on long car trips.
37. Fashion Plates

Hours and hours of entertainment, spanning over years, for your little girl with Fashion Plates.
They are even better when you pair them with colored pencils or our favorite – gel pens.
38. Spirograph

Markers, colored pencils, gel pens, or any other writing utensil will help make the coolest designs when using a spirograph.
I always wanted one when I was a kid, so I am happy that my kiddos let me create with it when they are using it.
39. Marbling Paint
This makes for a great activity on a rainy day – marbling paint.
Your kiddo will be able to make amazing-looking artwork to hang on their wall!
40. Rainbow Scratch Art
Ooh, rainbow scratch art, kids can’t get enough of you! And for good reason, you are so much fun.
Better get an extra-large stack of this because your 6-year-old is going to fly through it.
41. Science Kit
Kids are in awe when it comes to science projects.
And this science kit will keep their brain working all summer long!
I can’t even tell you the number of times I heard “that’s so cool” when we were working with this science kit.
42. Fort Building Kit
I am sure you loved building forts when you were a kid, a secret little spot to read or play. Well, 6-year-olds love to make and play in them too.
This fort-building kit will make them get thinking about different ways to build a fort while using their imagination.
Your kiddo can even take it outside.
We ended up with 2 kits and I am glad we did. With 4 kids wanting to fit inside at one time, they needed the extra space.
This post was all about the best 6-year-old birthday gift ideas.
Let me know in the comments below if I missed a great gift idea. I will be sure to add it.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.