Hey girl, today let's chat about the best 9 year old boy birthday ideas.

So, you have a birthday to celebrate and you need some 9 year old boy birthday ideas to make his big day extra special? Girl, do I ever have you covered!
As a mom of a boy who has a 9th birthday right around the corner along with numerous nephews and friends’ sons, I am going to give you all of my best 9 year old boy birthday gifts that have knocked the birthday boy’s socks off!
You are going to learn about tons of great birthday gifts for 9 year old boys like toys, games, outdoor items, experiences, clothes, books, and more.
After hearing about all of these amazing 9 year old boy birthday gifts, you will be able to find the perfect present that you know the birthday boy is going to be nuts over.
Let's jump into the best 9 year old boy birthday ideas that will be a massive hit.
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Best 9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Hey girl, I hope you are having a marvelous day!
I am not sure how it happened but my middle son is going to be 9 soon, a tween! Say what?
I also have a daughter and 2 other boys, 4 total.
Anyway, I am going to let you in on what his top picks are for his birthday plus many runner-ups. Or in his words, "Oh mom, that is so cool" or "maybe that should be on my list".
Good thing I had him narrow his list down.
I am also going to share tops picks of my nephews who recently had their 9th birthday.
Have a blast celebrating and let’s get into it!
Our Top Picks
You can find a description of all of these below.
Outdoor Play
Movie Theater
Tour a Sports Stadium
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Games For 9 Year Olds
Board Games
This is near the top of his birthday wish list this year.
My nephew got Gravity Maze for Christmas this last year and my son was captivated by it. He loves to figure things out.
I even got to try it out and it is challenging and so fun at the same time.
We have these games and all my kids love to play them. Game night happens often at our house and we like to rotate through these.
We have more games to choose from, these are the go–to's.

The following games have a high number of positive reviews on Amazon but we don’t have them.
If you do have them and think they are worth buying, can you let me know in the comments below?
I have 6 nephews 8 and under, and lots of my son’s friends, so I need lots of gift ideas coming up!
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Toys for 9 Year Old Boys
Nerf Gun

Check out these Nerf guns. Your son will have a blast with them. And Nerf gun battles are always more fun with more artillery!

X-Shot also makes foam dart guns that pack a punch, and sometimes they are cheaper than Nerf Guns.
Whichever ones you choose, include safety glasses. Your kiddo will want to wear them.
Laser Guns

My son got these laser tag guns for Christmas this last year.
It came with enough guns that 4 people could play at once.
My kids really love running around our yard in the dark playing laser tag.
They even let my husband and me join in when they need a break.

I have never met a kiddo that didn’t get into Legos.
There is a reason they have been around for so long! They are amazing for everyone.
If you don’t know what the birthday boy is into, get the classic brick box and let their creativity run wild.
Remote Control Cars

All 3 of my boys got these remote-control cars for Christmas and they are so fun!
They can be recharged so you aren’t flying through the batteries.
They have been on the go every day.
Walkie Talkies

All my kids love these walkie-talkies, we sprung for good ones so our son could have them hopefully forever.
When the neighborhood kids come to play these get taken out every time.
I am thankful for them when we go camping and hiking with our kids.
Sports Cards

My boys will sit for a long time comparing and reorganizing their sports cards.
Win for me that it keeps them busy with no fighting.
This is something they can be into their whole life too. I like things they can grow with or that can grow with them.
Get him this binder for his cards. Each page can hold 9 cards and has a zipper that closes the whole thing up. Best of all, the cards won't be laying all over your house.
Pokémon Cards

Alright, Pokémon Cards! I still don’t understand you but my boys, their friends, and my nephews can’t get enough of them.
Such a hit!
Can anyone tell me if you know how to play with these cards? I am baffled!
Video Games
There are so many boys who are into video games. If you know which gaming system they have then this may be a great option for you.
We only have the original Wii, and we are trying to hold off on getting another gaming system for as long as possible.
They are expensive and we would rather see our kiddos do other activities besides ONLY gaming right now. If you have played, you know they are addicting!
Science Kits
I got these two National Geographic Kits – Earth Science and Science Magic – for 2 of my nephews and both told me they loved working through them.
If your birthday boy is into science experiments, I would give these a try.
Other Toys To Consider
These 5 toys caught my eye of things my boys and their friends would love to play with. We don’t have any of them.
If you have experience with any of them, could you let me know in the comments below if they are worth my money?
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Outdoor Toys For 9 Year Olds
I love when my kids get outside to play. In all kinds of weather, I am usually right there with them. It is great to get some exercise and fresh air.
I also love that they aren’t causing a huge ruckus in the house.
Fishing Gear

My son loves to fish. We rent a cabin for a week every summer and he would fish all day long, and all night if we would let him. I would be right there with him!
We were just at Cabela’s and spent over ½ hour going up and down the fishing tackle aisles. My kids, yep, my daughter too, had to see what they thought should be included in their tackle boxes.
If your birthday boy is into fishing here are some great items to consider for his birthday.Sports Balls

Maybe the birthday boy needs a size upgrade or just a refresh of their sports balls. These are amazing.
Especially the football, you don't have to pump it up.
With having 3 boys, we ended up with 3 of these, among others, and these footballs are the ones reached for.
I run a home daycare and these sports balls are out and used every day and they are holding up strong!
Baseball Gear

If baseball is your birthday boy's sport, I am sure that he has outgrown some of his gear.
I know my boys are growing like weeds!

Speaking of growing, did your birthday outgrow his bike? Thankfully, all of my kids are good with their bikes for one more year.
My kids love riding bikes. It is great exercise.
And gives them some freedom and responsibility as they get to travel a little further from our yard on their own.
I will just be over here holding my breath while they do this!
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Clothes For 9 Year Olds
Don't shy away from gifting clothes. Boys can get pretty excited about them these days.
Of all the shirts my boys have, I see them wear the ones with their favorite characters and sports teams on them.
And this isn't just for my boys. My boys have their friends over all the time and this is what they all love to wear the most too.
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Books for 9 Year Olds
We love books, and reading is so important for kids.
These are my almost 9 year old son’s favorites.
If you have any other great book suggestions we should read, leave them in the comments below!
The Bad Guys

My oldest son has the complete Bad Guy Book Series but all of my kids love reading these.
One of my nephews told us about how good these are, and he was so RIGHT! Incredibly funny.
These books are a great mix of pictures and words.
The One and Only Ivan

If you haven’t read The One and Only Ivan, you are missing out.
I read it with my daughter when she was 9 and my oldest son just got done reading it in school.
Wasn’t sure how he was going to like it but he loved it.
The story is wonderfully written and the chapters are short enough that it will hold a 9 year old boy’s attention.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Diary of a Wimpy kid series is perfect for 9 year old boys!
They are funny and engaging.
I know your son will love them as much as all my boys do. My daughter even gets into these.
Joke Books

It seems lots of 9-ish year old boys love to laugh and joke around.
A joke book or 2 would be a perfect addition to their book collection.
We have these 2 joke books and they are filled with laugh-out-loud jokes.

Garfield books are so great for those boys who love comics. They are pretty funny too!
We have this Garfield Book but there are so many more to choose from.
Not sure how my oldest boy got into Garfield in the first place but he has everyone in the house picking up the books to get a chuckle.
5000 Awesome Facts
Most 9 year old boys are curious and love knowing facts about everything they can.
We don’t have this 5000 Awesome Facts book but I am thinking of adding it to our home library because I know my kids would love it.
National Geographic usually does a smashing job with whichever books they put out.
Let me know in the comments below if you have this book or have given it as a gift!
9 Year Old Boy Birthday Ideas
Experience Birthday Gift Ideas
For the birthday boy who is hard to buy for or seems to have it all, consider gifting him an experience of some kind, with or without some friends.
We have done all of these with our 4 kids and they talk about them all the time.
The one my almost 9-year-old son was most excited about was visiting the Packer’s Hall of Fame. He has just been nuts about it and it happened almost a year ago.
This year he wants to bring a friend or 2 along to a movie. Easy enough for me!
A Movie at a Theater
Trampoline Park
Tickets to a Sports Game
Hall of Fame
Water Park - Indoor or Outdoor
Have the best time celebrating the birthday boy!
Embrace this year with him, he is changing so much!
This post was all about the best 9 year old boy birthday ideas.
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If I missed any great 9 year old birthday ideas, leave them in the comments below.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.