Hey there, today let's chat about the most amazing Amazon toys for 3 year old boys and girls that will get played with inside.

Want to know which Amazon toys for 3 year old boys and girls are worth your money? These are the best toys for 3 year olds that they love to play with.
As a mom of 4 and a home daycare provider for years, I am giving you the top toys that my kids and daycare kids are most drawn to.
You are going to learn about all the best 3 year old toys like inside toys, arts and crafts, educational toys, and so much more.
After learning about all of these kids' toys, you are going to be able to pick out the best ones that will get years of use.
Let's jump into the best Amazon toys for 3 year old boys and girls.
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Best Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
Hey girl, I know that there are a billion toys out there for 3 year olds but these are the ones that get the most use with my kids and daycare kids.
If I included all the toys out there, this list would be forever long. But, please let me know in the comments below what toy is a hot item at your house.
I always get new toys for my daycare kids and would love your input. These are toys that we play with inside. Very soon I will post the best outside toys for 3 year olds. So, stay tuned in for that.
Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
1. Magna Tiles

These tiles, THESE!!!, are amazing and 3 year olds love them.
We now have 3 sets and they are used almost every day, for like the last 5 years. Just invest in them.
I can not rave about them enough!
2. Cars

This one is mostly for the little boy in your life, but girls love cars too.
Hot Wheels cars are the perfect size for their hands and they love playing with them.
If you really want a grand reaction, pair it with a Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage.
With 3 boys of my own, we have so many cars around here that I stopped counting. But you know what, they are all played with.
4. Paw Patrol

Girls love carrying around baby dolls.
This has been true of every little girl at my house but also of my nieces and friends’ little girls as well.
5. Thomas the Train

Girls and boys are crazy for Thomas and Friends.
These wooden tracks are dynamite and will get the wheels turning in your 3 year old’s head.
To completely blow his mind, try out this train table. It is the perfect height for 3 year olds.
This table does take up some room so make sure you have the space for it before you buy it!
6. Transformer Rescue Bots
Easy enough for 3 year olds to transform and fascinating enough to hold their interests, transformer rescue bots.
All of my boys love these and still play with them among the more advanced transformers they have.
7. Dinosaur Track
Do you have a dinosaur lover at your house? You have to check out this dino track.
At first, he will probably need your help but will be able to do it by himself in no time at all. I don’t know who is more wowed by the flexible track in here, me or the kiddos.
8. Stuffed Animal

Kiddos this age love to snuggle stuffed animals.
As they get older, these little guys make the perfect companion for reading with. I know mine sure do and their beds are full of them!
9. Pull Back Vehicles
These pull-back vehicles work best on floors that don't have carpet. So, if your kiddo has a place to play these then for sure pick some up.
They will go crazy driving them back and forth.
Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
Educational Toys
10. V-Tech Tablet
Holy smokes, I cannot even tell you how many hours this V-Tech tablet has been in use.
My kids loved it and now my daycare kids try to patiently wait their turn to play on it.
11. Computer
Your kiddo will also love to learn on this computer.
This computer isn't as hot of an item as the tablet but still gets a bunch of use here.
12. Write and Learn Center
This fella is a great way for your 3 year old to start practicing writing letters and numbers. Another great interactive toy that will get tons of use.
13. Puzzles

I love watching kids do puzzles.
They can problem solve and build confidence at the same time. Wooden ones are best since they will last way longer.
Of course, I have a wide range of puzzles at my house but I always try to push kids to do the ones that are a tad above their level.
14. Magnetic Maze
These things are so cool. It is no wonder why 3 year olds are so engaged.
I even catch myself trying to complete them from time to time.
15. Building Blocks

Whether you go with the Mega Bloks or Duplo Lego, they are going to get played with.
We have 2 large bins of a mix of these and the kids go nuts when it is time to dump them out.
Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
Imagination Play
16. Play Kitchen

Oh, wow, will this play kitchen get some use at your house.
There are so many great ones out there but this is the one we have.
You will be able to eat out whenever you like with the most unique menu too.
My kiddos love to use this play kitchen with a bunch of play food and this cash register.
17. Little People
There is such a variety of Little People items that you can get for your kiddo.
We have a large amount of them and they get used by boys and girls. They are so fun and built to last!
18. Doctor Kit

Whether you are a patient or some favorite stuffed animals, you can't go wrong with either of these kits.
I know I have been the patient way more times than I can recall but I hardly ever seem to be the doctor.
19. Wooden Magnetic Dress Ups
Boys and girls have loved playing with these magnetic wooden dress-ups at my house.
There are so many to choose from but these are the ones that we have.
20. Workbench
As soon as we got this workbench, it seemed everything in our house needed some fixin’ and I am sure it will be the same at your house. Y
our little guy is going to love it. And good news, he is going to play with it for years!
21. Pop Ups

3 year olds go nuts for any kind of fort they can play in. I am still so surprised at how much use these things get.
Don’t be shocked to find yourself squeezed into them from time to time as well. We love to read in these.
22. Dress Up Clothes

Boys love to play with dress-up clothes just as much as girls do and why not?
Just the other day, my youngest was a cowboy, and a few days before that he was Captain America. Let them be little!
Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
Arts and Crafts
23. Boogie Board

This is one of the most used things at our house, and for the longest time too.
My daughter got a boogie board for her birthday years ago and now we have multiple. It helps 3 year olds start to draw pictures and write their letters and numbers.
As they get older, it can still be used for pictures but also as scratch paper to help with any homework. They work great in the car, too!
24. Water Doodle Mat
This floor doodle mat is huge and will wow your 3 year old. She only has to use a water pen to make her beautiful pictures. Then when it dries, she can make more.
And if the pen spills, no big deal. It is just water! After years of constant use, I finally had to retire our old one.
I immediately bought a new one though since the kids love it so much.
25. Water Wow
There are hidden pictures all over these pages that are only brought to life by water.
My kids love them and your will too.
They are a great activity for the car. I like to include them in all the 3 year old gifts we give.
26. Color Wonder
Kids are so engaged when coloring on color wonder pages. Just like the water wow books, there are hidden pictures all over every page.
What is so cool about these though is they only work with special markers that won’t write on anything else but this special paper.
Less mess for you! OH YEAH BABY!
27. Color Books and Colors

Color books help your kiddo work on so many skills – fine motor skills, confidence building, color recognition, and more.
Include crayons or markers and you have an easy gift that your kiddo is going to go nuts over. We have so many color books that it is hard to say which are our favorites.
However, I do have a favorite brand of colors and that is Crayola hands down. If I am buying, that is the only brand in my cart.
Amazon Toys For 3 Year Old
28. Board Games

Young kids love playing games and more so, they love playing games with you!
These are the 3 year old favorites of my kids and daycare kids. Games get played here every single day.
They help kids learn colors, numbers, counting, taking turns, and being a good sport.
This post was about the best Amazon toys for 3 year old boys and girls.
Let me know in the comments below which toys you picked up for your 3 year old.
This is one of my favorite kid stages since they are starting to explore the world around them.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.