Hey girl, today let's chat about how you can make an epic braces-off gift for your kiddo.

I never had braces myself, but I am on son number 2 for braces. Let me tell you, it does not look like an easy walk in the park.
My 1st son first started his orthodontic journey just after he turned 8 and got them off 1.5 years later. The second is almost 1 year in, he started at 7 and still has a year to go.
With all the appointments and pain they go through, not to mention all of the extra emotions, these kids more than deserve a braces-off gift at the end of it all.
My mouth hurt for my boys as I watched braces move their teeth dramatically sometimes in just a few days, ouch!
Of course, in this braces-off gift, you are going to have to include a bunch of food and treats that they couldn’t have while their braces were on but I am going to give you a bunch of other gift ideas for your son or daughter as well.
Unfortunately, it is looking like both of my boys will also need a second round of braces so we get to go through this all again☹. My poor babies!
Let's get into the best braces-off gift your kiddo will never forget.
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Best Braces Off Gift Ideas
1. Food Gift Ideas
The first thing on your get the braces off gift list should be food! And for kids of any age, their world revolves around food.
You and I both know that there is quite a list of foods that kids with braces can't have. And the ones they can have, they have to be super careful about how they eat to not break anything in their mouth.
Once, my older son who has his braces off for now, bit into a crunchy Cheeto and busted his wire so much that we had to take him in for an unscheduled fix-it appointment. He wasn’t too happy about that and neither was I.
Since he was so restricted, he ended up making a running list of all the foods he wanted to have when he got his braces off.
Sweet Corn
Cheeseburgers (he just wanted to eat them normally)
2. Treats
Don’t think I forgot about all of the treats kids with braces can’t have. There are so many of them that they deserve their own section.
All those chewy, caramel, hard candy goodies that they seemed to want even more because they could have them. Fill up your shopping basket with them.
These are the ones my son wanted the most.
Candy Corn – We had quite the time finding these since he got his braces off when it wasn’t candy corn season.
3. Celebration Dinner
Since we are talking about food, why not take your kiddo out to eat to celebrate? I am talking about no fast food here unless that is what he requests.
At our house, we try to save eating out for special occasions.
Wowza, has it gotten expensive to go out to eat when you have a family of 6. We did have to stop the other night and it was almost $45 for a fast-food place. You guys, I only had a simple cheeseburger and this didn’t include dessert!
Let me know in the comments below what your 2 favorite restaurants are.
4. Books
All 4 of my kids are mega readers and love getting books as gifts. So, I end up getting them at least 1 with every gift I give them.

My oldest son is 10 and loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.
He is just getting into the Harry Potter books, which you know are amazing for teens.

My daughter is 12 and always has a book in her hands.
Anne of Green Gables and The Little House books have been her favorite reread books for a while now.

And if you really want to go bananas on a reading gift, get a Kindle.
We just gave one to our daughter for her birthday and she is in heaven.
5. Board Games

I love to have options when it comes to board games and my kids do too. They make amazing gifts.
These 2 games - Ticket to Ride and Mall Madness - are perfect for tweens and up and of the 50+ board games that we have, they get a workout.
Yes, you read that right. We have over 50 games. Grandma got on a theme a few years in a row for Christmas where everyone got board games (not complaining!).

Catch Phrase is another fun game but is more suited for teens and up.
Some of the words that the players are supposed to guess the tweens and younger age group wouldn’t understand.
6. Sports Equipment
If your kiddo is into sports, upgrade the gear.
I never shy away from giving sports gear as a gift. Kids can get mega excited about it!
My kids only play sports around the yard and with their friends at the park right now but they are always so glad that we have the right equipment so they can play.
Having the sports gear encourages kids to get out and play more (and maybe a little suggestion from you too😉). We could all use more exercise and movement.
7. Video Games
If you have a game system, what do you have? Let me know in the comments below. We have the original Wii and it is going strong.
My nephew has the Nintendo Switch and loves it. My boys get to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe when we go to visit. They always tell me that they wish it would work on our system.
Nope, we are not ready to make that switch.
I am a Super Mario Bros girl but I haven’t played that many video games to be able to compare.
8. Go to a Movie
Is there a movie playing that your kiddo wants to see? Take her to it. Make sure to get the popcorn and chewy treats!
We usually get popcorn there but if we want treats then we sneak them in. Please tell me I am not the only one who does this!
9. Go Bowling
Bowling is so fun for everyone and it makes for a fantastic get-your-braces-off gift.
Order some food that she loves but struggled with when she had the braces on.
10. Sports Cards

Is your son as crazy about sports cards as mine? Get him the latest sports cards.
My boys are all about football around here but Panini makes more sports cards than just for football.
And a new binder to hold all the new cards wouldn't hurt.
My boys have both this small binder and this big binder. They are both great options!
11. Instax Camera

An Instax Camera is an amazing gift for your daughter (if she doesn't already have one).
She will be more than willing to smile for any picture since her braces are off now.
Don't forget to buy a few packages of film to go with it. Trust me, she is going to use them.
My daughter is crazy about her camera and uses it every chance she gets!
12. Laser Tag

Your son is going to have a blast playing laser tag with all of his buddies!
He can play it whether he is 8 or 18, night and day.
13. Travel Mirror
Your daughter is going to want to check out her killer smile every chance she gets.
This travel mirror is fantastic.
It is slim, has a light (that charges with a USB), and the protective cover flips to make a stand.
This post was all about the best braces-off gift ideas.
Let me know how the braces journey went in your house and if there are any gifts I should add to this list.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.