Hey girl, today let’s chat about the best girl Christmas party ideas for teens.

Does your teen girl want to throw a Christmas party for her friends and you are looking for ideas to make it as memorable as possible? Girl, you have come to the right place.
As a mom of a teen girl who has hosted and been to friend Christmas parties, I am here to give you dynamite Christmas party ideas for teens.
And even though we are talking about girl Christmas party ideas for teens you can use these for your family Christmas party too. Yep, they are that good.
Make sure to check the end for some amazing small Christmas prize ideas.
Let’s jump into the best Christmas party ideas for teens that the girls will be talking about all year long.
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Best Christmas Party Ideas For Teens
Photo Booth
Set up a photo booth area. Nope, it doesn’t have to be that big either.
Girls love to take pictures so this will get used!
This Christmas foil fringe along with festive Christmas lights make the perfect backdrop.
And don’t forget some fun Christmas photo booth props for them to use.
We love using an Instax Camera. It is instant and the girls can all take pictures home.
Christmas Party Glasses
You have to check out these Christmas party glasses, they are a riot.
My kids had the best time wearing these at a Christmas party with our friends last year. Even my teen daughter wore them for almost the entire party until she got doing handstands😊.
Watch Christmas Movies
Who doesn’t love a good Christmas movie? There are so many to choose from.
My daughter loves National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Prep and Landing (found on Disney+). However, my favorites include White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life.
What are your favorite Christmas movies? Let me know in the comments below.
Hot Chocolate Bar
Set up a hot chocolate bar for the girls. Thankfully, this doesn’t take much.
You will need some cute Christmas mugs (if you want to be super festive and the girls can each take one home with them), hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, whipped cream, and candy canes.
If you want to go the extra mile, which let’s be honest – the girls aren’t going to care that much, you can include different flavors of creamer and sauces like chocolate and caramel.
Are you a candy cane girl? They are just not my favorite!
Build Gingerbread Houses
Have a gingerbread house making contest.
Girl, gingerbread house kits are expensive but not bad if you only have a few girls.
Last year my daughter did this at her party but instead, we bought a few boxes of graham crackers, white frosting, and lots of different candy toppings.
It worked out so well and they were able to eat them afterward if they wanted to.
Make Christmas Treats
If you think your teen girls have patience, let them make some Christmas goodies. Check out my post about these delicious and crowd pleasing Christmas treats to make.
However, most teen girls get distracted easily so instead you could make sugar cut-out cookies (these are deliciously addicting, yum) and let them frost and decorate them.
Make Christmas Food
Have your daughter pick out some fun Christmas food recipes from Pinterest so you can have all the ingredients ready. Then at the party, the girls can make their own food.
My daughter and her friends love to make food, especially appetizers, at my house. I know they are going to make a mess but they have so much fun and it is life lesson building.
Design Christmas Stockings
These little Christmas stockings are the perfect size to be decorated.
You will need some fabric glitter paint, Christmas Foam stickers, Christmas ribbon, and probably a hot glue gun.
Secret Santa
Have the girls do a Secret Santa pick a few weeks before the party so they have time to shop. Tell your daughter that maybe everyone should jot down a few items/ideas they would love to get.
Then at the party, they can all exchange their gifts.
It isn’t as bad as it sounds, a bunch of loud, giggling, and sometimes screaming girls.
They will have the best time just hanging out with each other.
Believe me, we hosted last year.
Christmas Games
There are lots of games that can be played at Christmas but I am talking about board games here.
Some great games for 4 players or more include Pictionary, Scattergories, and Catch Phrase.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
Have those girls get festive with an ugly sweater party.
Actually, there are so many fun ugly Christmas sweaters that it can be hard to choose.
Christmas Pajama Party
We both know there are so many cute Christmas pajamas to choose from.
Pair them with Christmas movies and hot chocolate and it makes for a cozy Christmas party for your girl and her friends.
Christmas Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of Christmas items around your house that the girls need to find. Make some items a little harder than others to find.
It doesn’t have to be just one of something either. For example, you can have them search for 12 candy canes, 6 snowmen, 8 reindeer, and so on.
Build a Snowman
Does it snow at your house? Strongly encourage those girls to bring snow gear and get outside.
They can work together to build one epic snowman or split into teams and have a “best snowman contest.”
You can help them add color by mixing washable paint like this Crayola paint and warm water in a squirt bottle or spray bottle. My kids do this and it makes the snowy yard look amazing.
Sing Christmas Carols
If anyone is blessed enough with the gift of playing the piano, get playing and sing those Christmas toons.
They may be shy at first but soon they will all join in.
What is your favorite Christmas song? Mine is a toss up between White Christmas and Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.
Christmas Pickle Game
Have you heard of the Christmas Pickle ornament and tradition?
Well if you haven’t, the gist is you hide a Christmas pickle ornament somewhere on your Christmas tree and then the rest of the people find it. The first person who finds it, without using their hands to move any of the branches, gets a small present.
Those girls will love this challenge.
My kids are nuts over this game and would play it every single day if I let them.
Christmas Trivia
Have your daughter make a list of Christmas trivia questions. You can do it too if she wants to be able to play the game with her friends.
It can be a page that they all fill out or they can break into teams and it can be a verbal game for points. It is more fun with prizes of course.
Christmas Bingo
Everyone loves Bingo. The girls can play regular Bingo if you have it or they can also play this Christmas Bingo.
Christmas Game Prizes
As promised, here are the best small gift items for your daughter and her friends that they will all love and use. Best of all, these are cheap!
This post was all about the best Christmas party ideas for teens.
What is your favorite part about the Christmas season?
My daughter and I can’t get enough of all of it – the lights, decorating, music, picking out gifts, making goodies, and most of all seeing family.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.