Want to freshen up your options for daycare activities? These are the best daycare activities that your daycare kiddos are going to have a blast doing.

Trying to come up with daycare activities that are fresh and engaging for your kiddos can be so difficult.
As a home daycare provider for the last 9 years and a mom of 4, I am giving you the top daycare activities that all of my kids can get on board with.
You are going to learn about all the different kinds of daycare activities for your kids to do during playtime, arts and crafts, indoor movement, outside time, and so much more.
After hearing about all these fantastic daycare activities, you will be able to add in a ton of new activities your kiddos will love exploring.
Let's jump into the best daycare activities you need to try at your daycare.
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Best Daycare Activities
Hi there, daycare mama! You are doing a fantastic job today! Keep up all of your great work, and I know how hard you work.
If you need a daycare provider friend, leave me a comment below.
I love connecting with other daycare providers and seeing what amazing ideas they can share with me.
Below you can find so many great options for daycare activities that will keep your kiddos busy, engaged, and learning at the same time.
I have only tested these activities in a home daycare setting, but as much as my kids love to do them, I know they will work in a daycare center setting as well.
There are so many wonderful daycare activities that I want to share with you but I didn’t want this list to go on forever. So, I included my top activities in each section.
I may create a part 2 for you, so keep your eyes open for that!
Let me know in the comments below what you try and which ones your kiddos go bananas over.
Daycare Activities
Free Playtime

There are so many amazing toys that kids can play with these days.
The toys I picked for open play time are the ones that all of my daycare kids, and my own kids, play with all the time.
Kids of all ages can play with these toys; they are not just for toddlers or older kids.
Playtime is a great way for kids to practice sharing and their imagination comes to life.
Daycare Activities
Arts and Crafts

Let them get messy, mama! You know they have way more fun that way.
Doing arts and crafts is a great way for your kids to use their imaginations while working on those fine motor skills and building hand strength.
I find it so interesting to watch how kids approach arts and crafts.
Some are slow and steady, careful and neat, while for others it seems like it is a speed race to the finish line and their design is all over the place.
And while we do love using the materials below to make some outstanding art projects, I add art projects from Pinterest now and then to spice things up.
I think the kids' favorite kind of artwork is when they get to put their hands and feet in the paint.
A lot of work on my end, but they love it and are so good at being patient and taking turns during them.

Daycare Activities
Whether you are reading during story time, snuggling up reading with 1 daycare kiddo, or letting them look at books/read to self, reading is one of the best daycare activities out there.
And of course, reading is extremely important so why not have them start loving books while they are young.
I take care of kids ranging in ages 0 – 11 (my own kids are in there too) and these are the number 1 books or series per age that my kids can’t get enough of!
If you haven’t had the pleasure of checking them out yet, I highly recommend you do.
A Kissing Hand For Chester Raccoon
Let me know in the comments below what your favorite books for kids are.
Daycare Activities
Get those brain wheels turning with these toys.
Holy moly, you guys, I have to say that magnet blocks are the absolute best toy I have spent money on for my kids.
They have been played with every day we have been home for the last 5 years. I am not even exaggerating that.
If you are going to get one thing from this section, pick the magnet blocks.
Please do not cheap out on them though. The cheaper options do not have as strong of magnets and you will be disappointed.
Have you ever done science experiments with your daycare kids?
When I started it, I had no idea it was going to be such a hit with all my kids.
I bought this science experiment book and had my older kids help pick out a few experiments to try a few summers ago.
The kids turned into scientists and I would even have them make a hypothesis for each experiment.
During the summer we do 1 experiment a week but during school, we do an experiment whenever we can fit it in. This might be on a school day off or an early out.
These are their favorites and we have done them many times.
Elephant Toothpaste
Rain Clouds
Sink or Float
Static Electricity
Daycare Activities

There are so many amazing games out there and kids love to play them.
I love them because they teach so many different things – colors, numbers, memory, taking turns, and good sportsmanship to name a few.
Add a few games into your collection from time to time to keep things fresh for the kids.
These are just a few of the games that get pulled out the most at my house.
Daycare Activities
Indoor Movement
Oh, the weather outside is crummy, and your kids inside are crazy! What to do, what to do?
Get those kids on the move!

I have this Bluetooth speaker to get the kids in the mood.
Let the kids pick out the songs they want to dance to or the exercises they want to try using Go Noodles or Brain Breaks.
I have some kids that will want to attack this for over ½ an hour, which is a great way for them to get their wiggles all out!
And don’t forget to try a streamer obstacle course. It works best if you create it in a hallway.
Dance Party
Go Noodles
Brain Breaks
Streamer Obstacle Course
Daycare Activities
Sidewalk Chalk
If you are anything like me, you get your kiddos outside every day and even twice a day if you can.
They are going to have way more fun and be more active if they have the following to play with.

A rockstar playset is a must and I recommend getting the biggest one you can.
Don’t forget the swings!
You will also be amazed at how long kids can play in a sandbox.
I am blessed with the best husband who built one big enough that all my kids and daycare kids can fit in it at the same time.
We ended up getting this giant umbrella for it and they just want to be in it more now. A complete game-changer. Don't forget the sandbox toys.
As for the sidewalk chalk and bubbles, kids go bananas over these!

We make tons of sensory path obstacle courses with sidewalk chalk that all the kids love doing over and over again.
Daycare Activities
If you are bored and feel like you need a change of scenery, take your daycare kids on an adventure.
It could be as simple as going for a walk. You can spice this up by having the kids look for different items on the walk, and boom – an impromptu scavenger hunt. Believe me, they will enjoy the walk a whole lot more.
If you are close enough, visit the library or go to a park.
Take a walk
Go on a scavenger hunt
Visit the library
Go to the park
This post was all about the best daycare activities you need to try with your kiddos.
Let me know in the comments below what daycare activities are your favorites. Heavens knows everyone can stand to switch things up once in a while.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.