Hey girl, today let's chat about the best daycare arts and crafts supplies every home daycare provider should have.

When it comes to getting crafty and creative with your daycare kiddos, you want to be prepared for anything. And the best way to do that is to have a fully stocked daycare arts and crafts supply cupboard.
As a home daycare provider for the last 9 years, and a mom of 4, I am giving you my must-have daycare arts and crafts supplies.
You will learn about all the top daycare arts and crafts supplies from what paper products to have, different colors, extra craft accessories, and so much more.
After reading about all of these amazing daycare arts and crafts supplies, you will easily be able to tackle any project with your kiddos.
Let's jump into the must-have daycare arts and crafts supplies every home daycare provider should stock up on.
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Best Daycare Arts and Crafts Supplies
Let me start by saying, yes, I do have every single thing on this list. But no, I did not buy it all at once.
I did not have a big enough budget when opening my daycare for that. There are so many other things that you are paying for at that time.
If you are just starting out, I would go with the basics and build from there.
I will mark the basics for you with an *. For example: Color Books*.
Have the best time getting creative with your daycare kids. I love seeing where their imaginations run.
1. Color Books*

There are loads of color books to choose from out there.
If you are starting from scratch, then you have to check out these fantastic color books.
2. Activity Books

If your kiddos are looking for something a little more than coloring, challenge them with an activity book.
3. Blank Paper*
So many projects can start with a blank piece of white paper. Grab some printer paper and a paper roll. You will be surprised how often you need bigger pieces of paper.
4. Construction Paper*
When it comes to construction paper, you can’t beat Crayola construction paper.
5. Scratch Paper
Kids jump at the chance to use scratch paper any time it is out.
And I know you will be creating right with them, just like I do. I love this paper!
6. Boogie Board

Here is a different way for kids to practice their drawing and writing skills, a boogie board.
I love this slim drawing board so much that I got one for myself and use it all the time. You will probably want a few of these in your cart!
Don’t cheap out though! I did one time and was sadly disappointed.
7. Crayola Musical Doodle Board
This little guy is amazing for toddlers to make art without making a mess.
Your daycare kiddos will be able to create art anywhere!
8. Scissors*

When it comes to scissors, save your money and skip those safety scissors. They don’t work well at all and they make toddlers frustrated. I am for sure speaking from experience here!
Instead, grab as many of these scissors as there are kids in your daycare.
9. Glue*

It is up to you when it comes to which kind of glue you like better but my kids prefer glue sticks over bottles of glue.
We do have both and found that Elmer’s WASHABLE Glue works the best.
10. Glitter Glue

Want to add some sparkle to the arts and crafts projects but don’t want to have the mess of loose glitter?
You need to have glitter glue on hand.
11. Canvases

So many children's holiday projects can be elevated to keepsake status by making them on a canvas.
You don’t have to go crazy and get the expensive ones but having a variety of sizes is best.
12. Colors*

When it comes to buying crayons, colored pencils, and markers, Crayola is the only brand you should be buying.
I know they cost just a bit more but Crayola quality in color payoff and longevity can't be beaten!
13. Dot Markers
When my daughter was in preschool, she introduced me to dot markers and they have been a daycare arts and crafts staple ever since. They are so great!
14. Gel Pens

With all the amazing glittering colors, gel pens will quickly become a fan favorite among your older daycare kiddos.
15. Paint

When it comes to washable paint, no one does it better than Crayola.
I can hear your groaning about the mess potential already, but kids should be able to get messy!
16. Stencils
Your kiddos can get extra creative when they get to use stencils.
17. Stickers*

Have you ever met a kid that doesn't like stickers? Me either. Pick up a bunch of different sizes and how you can use them is endless.
My younger kids love to place small ones on an outline of the letter of the week. It works on fine motor skills and letter recognition at the same time.
18. Play-Doh

Oh yeah, baby, work those little hand muscles while having a blast with Play-Doh. Last time I checked, this is hours upon hours of fun!
When it comes to Play-Doh, are you one to mix colors or keep them separate?
Let me know in the comments below.
I like to use them together, however, I put them back in their correct containers.
19. Play-Doh Tools

20. Kinetic Sand

Have you seen this stuff? My sister introduced it to us and there was no turning back.
It can get a bit messy but if you place a big jelly roll pan under it, that’ll help.
Also, one bag isn't enough if more than 1 kiddo is playing with it. We found that out pretty quickly!
21. Water Wow Pads*
Even though these water pads are meant for smaller kids, your older kids will be using them just as much!
I love that they work with just water which saves on some mess.
22. Water Doodle Mat
Take arts and crafts time to the floor!
This huge water doodle mat uses water pens and your kids will easily be able to create any picture or practice numbers and letters.
23. Color Wonder
Your kids can use Color Wonder markers and color books on the floor as well and you won’t have to worry one bit about a mess.
Those amazing markers only work on the special color wonder paper.
24. Crafting Kit
This crafting kit comes with pipe cleaners, pompoms, and googly eyes, and your kids are going to go bananas over it.
The only thing I wish it had in it was colorful feathers.
25. Beads

My kids love adding beads to pipe cleaners or yarn and I am sure yours will too!
26. Tape
I wasn’t even thinking that kids could have so much fun with making tape designs until my son came home from 2 grade this year and was telling me all about his tape project.
So, of course, I bought these 2 different kinds and we have been making tape designs ever since.
27. Stamps
First of all, when it comes to stamps, get washable ink pads and then lay out lots of paper.
Give your kiddos ½ hour and their paper will be filled with stamp designs.
28. Art Storage Containers
With all of these amazing art supplies you will be stocking up on, you will need a few containers to keep them organized!
These containers have worked so well and I suggest you get them! I have multiple of each, but I appreciate everything being organized and easy to find.
29. Laminating Paper
If you are into making cute holiday paper arts and crafts with your kiddos, grab some laminating paper to help make their projects last for a long time.
The projects I have laminated for my kids have been able to be put up year after year, and my kids love it when their art gets displayed.
30. Paper Cutter

You are going to be surprised how much you use this paper cutter.
It will come in handy for so many of your projects.
This post is all about the best daycare arts and crafts supplies that are worth your money.
Let me know in the comments below what kind of arts and crafts projects you like to do with your daycare kiddos.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.
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