Hey girl, today let's chat about the must-have items you need to have in your daycare bag.

Not sure what to pack in your kiddo's daycare bag? Don't worry, I got you, girl.
As a home daycare provider and a mom of 4 (2 of which went to daycare for a bit), I am here to let you know all the essentials you need to include in your daycare bag.
You probably know the obvious ones like diapers and wipes but there is more that should go in your bag than that.
Let's jump into all the essentials that need to be in your diaper bag.
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Best Daycare Bag
Why You Need A Daycare Bag
Obviously, you need a daycare bag to hold all of your child’s belongings.
If you have more than 1 kiddo going to a home daycare, you should only need 1 bag.
But if you have more than 1 kiddo going to a daycare center and those kids are in different classrooms, then they should each have their own daycare bag.
Hopefully the daycare your child is going to has a cubby of some sort that you can keep some extra items in but if not, this bag will store them.
Which Daycare Bag Should I Use
First, let’s talk about the bag itself.
You can use any bag for this be it a tote, a backpack, a diaper bag, and so on.
Personally, I like the backpack option. When your kiddo gets old enough, he is going to want to be a helper and a backpack is easy for him to carry.

This is my favorite backpack diaper bag.
Label Your Daycare Bag Items
No matter where you are taking your child to daycare (a home daycare or a daycare center), you should label all of the items going along.
When my kids went to a daycare center, we had to label everything including each individual diaper with their initials.
While you might think this is overboard (because I know I did at first), it was extremely helpful for the daycare when it came time to change diapers.
There were 13 kids in my daughter's room so they had to keep track of whose diapers were whose somehow.
This is probably not necessary for home daycares. Certainly not at mine.
If you have any questions about what you have to label, just ask your daycare provider.
What Are The Daycare Bag Essentials
These are the essentials that you need to keep in your daycare bag. I hope that the daycare your child is going to has some space to keep extras of these as well.
If there is a brand of these items that I highly recommend, I will let you know and why.
But in the end, you know your baby best so, you do you girl!
This list is geared toward every age, so if your kiddo is out of diapers or other items like it then skip that suggestion.
1. Diapers

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If your kiddo is in diapers, always keep an extra stack in the daycare bag.
Daycare providers are human and forget to ask you to bring more sometimes.
I have had experience with so many different kinds of diapers and the ones that I had the best luck with for my kids and daycare kids is Huggies.
These are the ones that are the gentlest on baby’s bottoms and create the least diaper rash.
Also, they are great for containing the most poop. And guys, I have seen a ton of baby poop in the last 11 years!
2. Wipes

I love Huggies wipes because they work amazingly.
They are thick and durable so you don't have to use as many to clean up any kind of a mess. More bang for your buck here people!
Even though my own kids are out of diapers, I still carry a small package of these wipes around.They are fragrance-free and gentle enough to be used on a child's hands and face.
3. Diaper Rash Cream
Desitin is the best diaper rash cream that I have used.
It cleared up the Hand, Foot, and Mouth rash my youngest son got on his bottom when he was still in diapers so well.
I didn’t even know that rash could get on a bottom until he got it. So, if it is going around – watch out for that.
4. Extra Clothes
One extra set of clothes is not enough! This is especially true if you are packing for an infant.
Three extra sets of clothes are a good amount. Trust me, your daycare provider will be so happy about this.
Be sure to check this often, or when your kiddo needs a change of clothes, he won’t have it.
If the weather is cool or cold, pack outer gear so your kiddo will be warm outside.
5. Bibs

Those bibs that have a snap closure, rock my world.
Bibs that have Velcro work for a while. After so many washes, the Velcro wears out and the bib won’t stay on well.
While I have more than enough bibs to use at my daycare, some daycares want you to provide your own. Make sure to check on that!
6. Pacifier

If your kiddo uses a pacifier, keep 2 – 3 extra ones in the daycare bag.
I am partial to these 2 pacifier brands. They wash up extremely well!
However, babies can be picky and only like what they like.
7. Bottles
Every daycare I have had experience with requires parents to supply bottles, mine included.
Pack enough that your kiddo will need for that day, and then pack 1 – 2 extra clean and empty bottles.
8. Breast Milk/Formula
And if your baby needs a bottle, he will need some milk or formula to put in it. So don't forget to add in that.
Daycare providers also like to have an extra package or 2 of frozen breast milk on hand. Sometimes your baby will be extra hungry with all that growing he is doing.
As for formula, I recommend Similac.
It is what all of my daycare clients use and what I used too (with one of my boys, anyway).
I have experience with both nursing and using formula.
If you have any questions with either one, let me know in the comments below.
9. Baby Food
Some daycare provides baby food and some don’t. Even if your daycare does, pack a container or 2 of it.
I don’t because all of the babies that I take care of like different brands of baby food.
While I don't think you can go wrong with whichever you choose, I am partial to Gerber Baby Food.
10. Cups

Normally, your daycare will provide cups and dishes. However, they are less likely to go out and buy new items just because your kid doesn’t like something.
So, if your kiddo is picky and only likes certain sippy cups, pack an extra.
I have a kiddo here right now that will only drink from 1 kind of sippy cup and her parents went through a bunch of different ones before landing on this cup.
11. Lunch
You only need this if your daycare is asking you to provide it.
12. Sunscreen
Daycare providers do their best to take all kids outside. If your child is old enough and you have to supply your own sunscreen, then don’t forget to pack it.
These are the sunscreens I like the best.
13. Blanket
Some kiddos love to snuggle a blanket at nap time, if they are old enough.
Even if your kiddo is little and can’t have a blanket at nap, I would still pack a light receiving blanket or 2.
I use them all the time to wrap little ones up if it is cool outside.
14. Comfort Snuggle Animal

Some kiddos nap well if they have a little snuggle friend. You could buy this specifically for daycare or it could be something that you carry back and forth.
If I were you, I would get something specific for daycare. This way you don't have to worry about forgetting it and driving back to get it.
This is my favorite brand of snuggle stuffed animals. It is soft everywhere and machine washable. And believe me, if it is at daycare, it needs to be washed from time to time.
15. Hair Items
If your kiddo has some hair growing, make sure to pack a comb or brush.
Also, if her hair is hanging down past her eyes, you may want to include clips, elastics, and maybe even a headband.
Keep rocking your mom job. You got this girl!
This post is all about the best items to include in your daycare bag.
Let me know if you have any questions about daycare, motherhood, or your kiddo.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.