Want to know the best daycare schedule for your in-home daycare? Girl, here is the tested and approved daily routine you need to know about.

Setting up a daycare schedule can be a challenge and if you are anything like me, you like to have structure in your day. As an in-home daycare provider for the last 8 years, I am giving you the best daycare schedule that will work for you.
You are going to learn about what you need to do to get ready for your day, the schedule while daycare kids are at your house, what you need to do after they get picked up, and more.
After learning all about this daycare schedule, you are going to be ready to rock your days as a daycare provider.
Let's jump into the best daycare schedule to make the most of your day.
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Best Daycare Schedule
First of all, let me tell you, I am so proud of you Mama! Being a daycare provider is the toughest job I have ever had. Yes, it is harder than being a mom!
It seems that you are always "on". Your house has to be clean, groceries bought, laundry done, and of course, raise and care for other people's children besides your own.
It is exhausting and rewarding at the same time.
Even though you will have frustrating days, I have had too many to count, try to make the most of being with your kiddos.
You can adjust this schedule for what happens in your house during daycare hours. I try to stick pretty close to this one though. It has worked so well for me for about 6.5 to 7 years now.
You can do this!
Daily Daycare Schedule
Getting on this daycare schedule will take time but stick with it.
Soon you will find your groove and you will be able to provide fantastic days for your daycare kids.
Daycare doesn’t just start when the kids arrive. I am going to share what I do before and after too.
There is so much to do in a day.
5:00 a.m. – Wake Up
Wake up before the rest of your house. It may take some getting used to but once you are in the groove, you will not regret it.
You need to make time for yourself first or your day won’t be the best it can be.
I try to roll out of bed when my alarm goes off at 5 but let’s be honest, snooze is my friend most days. But I try really hard to get up, grab a cup of coffee, and have a little “me time”.
This is the only true “me time” I get each day so I try to make it count.
6:00 a.m. – Get Myself Ready
Have a get-ready morning routine that will help put you in the work mindset, even though you are not leaving the house.
I wash and moisturize my face, tie up my hair, and put on a touch of makeup. Just enough to make me look fresh.
These are the face products I use. I have dry to combo skin.
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water
Here are the daily makeup products that I use, found on Sephora.
Most days I top off my look with some lip balm.
I don't know about you but my lips always seem dry.
I know the daycare kids wouldn’t care or even notice if I skipped the makeup step but it energizes me for my day and make me feel more awake and put together.
6:30 a.m. – Start Getting Ready
Now is the time to start setting up anything you need to make your house daycare ready.
From now until the daycare kids arrive, I am running around getting little things ready for them. Even though these are little things, they sure do add up in time.
I don’t have the space to leave all the daycare stuff up day in and day out. Our house is full with it not being big to start and then having 4 kids of my own along with my husband and me.

So, I set up the pack and plays. I have these 2 pack and plays and they have been rock stars!
They are set up and taken down 5 days a week for years and are still going strong.
The booster seats also need to be set up. These are 2 great seats.
This is my favorite one since it has a bigger tray. There is really no need for a cup holder!
Get paper towels ready in the bathroom.
Make sure all the books are put up so the toddlers can’t reach and rip them. My kids are mega readers, LOVE it!!
7:30 a.m. – Greet Daycare Kids
Not sure when your daycare kids are arriving but this is it for me.
This time is crazy no matter what time of year it is – school, days off of school, or summer.
All the kids have high energy and there are kids everywhere!
8:00 a.m. (ish) - Breakfast
Now is the time when the daycare kids get to have breakfast.
This is also a great time for you to start keeping up with your household chores.
If you try to do a little bit at a time as the day goes on you won’t become overwhelmed by the end of the day.
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. – Read and Play
Try to let the daycare kids have a little independent playtime. Don’t leave them alone but give them room to explore a bit.
My house is not very large, so I can do a chore or 2 for about 10 minutes while keeping within the sight and sound distance of the kids.
Get some easy tasks done like vacuuming, wiping down the bathroom, or tossing in a load of laundry.
9:15 – 10:30 a.m. – Outside Play
Getting outside is not only important for the kids but is also important for you Mama!!!
Kids need to run, explore the world around them, be loud and enjoy the fresh air. On top of all that, it wears them out for nap time. Huge win for you!
Unless the weather is terrible, (insert dance party) get the kids outside!
10:30 a.m. – Make Lunch and Craft
After you manage to herd the cats back inside and get everything put away, get some crafts going.
While you are busy preparing lunch, let the kids color or craft.
11:00 a.m. – Lunch
Do your daycare kids always seem hungry? Mine do!!!
I have tried many different lunchtimes over the years and having it at 11 has worked the best.
While the kids are finishing up, clean up the kitchen. You know you will have the time. Most kids are slow eaters.
You can also start any part of supper to try and save yourself a little time later in the day.
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. – Quiet Time
At the beginning of rest, take a break! By this point in the day, you have earned it.

As a mom, my Kindle Paperwhite is one of the best and most used gifts I have ever received.
I may have ordered it as a gift for myself.
Don’t sit around the whole time though, as tempting as that may be. You need to strike while the iron is hot and get some things done around the house.
Clean what you need to, order groceries, do daycare paperwork, or anything else on your list.
If you do it now you won’t have to do it after your kids go to bed!
2:00 p.m. – Naptime Is Over (Already?!)
If the daycare kids are old enough, have them help put their nap time things away.
This is a great time to snuggle, read and play games together. Let them wake up a bit.
Our favorite games to play for kids 5 and under right now are found below.

Our favorite books to read for kids 5 and under can be found below.
2:30 p.m. – Snack Time
The kids will probably be hungry, again. Mine are hungry all day long, or so it seems.
Get them a well-balanced snack to keep them full until supper.
4:00 p.m. – Outside
Weather permitting, get those daycare kids back outside. They just had a rest and a snack, they will have energy to burn.
We usually stay outside until they get picked up. They are all on their way home by 5 p.m.
Here is something so helpful that you need to try: have your daycare kids put all their toys and books away before you go outside.
This teaches them some responsibility and you don’t have to clean up as much after them.
5:10 p.m. – Next Day Prep
Just because the daycare kids are gone doesn't mean your workday is over.
Any chores that you didn't get done during the day you will have time to get done now unless your kids need you.
I usually sweep the floor, put the booster seats away, wipe down the bathroom, and whatever else is still on my list.
Your daycare workday is now complete. Go and take some time for yourself. You have more than earned it!
You are a Rockstar, Mama!!! I am so proud of you.
This post was all about the best daycare schedule.
Leave me a comment below if you have any tips to make my schedule better. I am always looking for ways to improve it!
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by!