Hey girl, today let's chat about the must-have daycare supplies you need to run an in-home daycare.

Deciding to be an in-home daycare provider can be so overwhelming. You will have a bunch of emotions along with having classes to take, figuring out what you need to buy, and getting your home ready for your new clients.
As a mom of 4 and an in-home daycare provider to 6 other children for over 8 years now, I am giving you the list of daycare supplies that I could not do without!
You are going to learn about all the essential daycare supplies for feeding, playing, napping, cleaning, and more! These supplies have been put through the wringer and have stood the test of time!
After learning about all of these daycare supplies, you are going to be ready to rock and roll with your in-home daycare.
Let's jump into the best daycare supplies you need for operating an in-home daycare.
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Best Daycare Supplies
Daycare Supplies
Meal Times
1. Booster Seat
Use a booster seat with a tray instead of a high chair. Especially if you need multiple booster seats. It saves so much space.
We had a high chair to start and we have a small kitchen. I knew we needed to switch to a booster seat once I had 2 kiddos who needed them.
This is the booster seat that I have been using 2 for years and it is so good. It has a large tray that can fit kid plates and a cup on it.
This other booster seat I use works just fine if you want to put the child’s food right on the tray.
2. Sippy Cup

Small kids require sippy cups, unless you want to clean up spills ALL – THE – TIME!!
These sippy cups lasted through my 4 kids and all of my daycare kids.
They have a no-spill stopper and a hardtop, which makes them chew through proof.
3. Spoons and Forks

Just like the sippy cups, you will want to introduce utensils before they will have the best coordination to use them. They will get the hang of it eventually.
These utensils are great and now my 12-year-old takes the spoons in her school lunch.
4. Cups

Stock up on cups that fit little hands, it will help to prevent most spills.
6. Bibs

Babies drool, spit up, and eat food so bibs are a must-have from the start.
The best kind of bibs to get are ones that have a snap closure instead of Velcro. The Velcro eventually wears out from repeated washing.
These bibs will last for you.
7. Burp Cloths

Some babies spit up more than others, but they all do.
I have experienced babies with hardly any to those who spit up so much that I had to purchase extra burp cloths.
8. Nursing Pillow

A nursing pillow will be so handy whether you are feeding the baby or they can start to hold a bottle on their own. It will help your back from being sore.
This nursing pillow has made it through 9 babies here!
The nursing pillows come “naked”.
It is nice to have 2 nursing pillow covers since babies spit up.
9. Dishwasher Basket
This dishwasher basket can be used for bottle parts, sippy cup parts, and small utensils.
It has been in my dishwasher for 10 years.
Daycare Supplies
Sleeping/Nap Time
10. Sleep Cots
Kids of napping age will need a place to rest.
These sleeping cots get the kiddos up off the floor just a bit and hold up from the constant use. They are also stackable.
11. Pack and Play

If you are going to care for any child under the age of 2, you will need a pack and play so they have somewhere safe to sleep.
I have 2 different ones, this compact one and this full-sized one.
I recommend these hands down. They are put up and taken down 5 days a week, for over 2 years now and are still in like-new condition.
12. Pack and Play Sheets
Make sure to grab at least 2 sets of sheets for your pack and play.
These sheets for the compact pack and play, and these sheets for the full-size pack and play have held up extremely well with all the washing they get.
13. White Noise Machine
Block out noises during nap time with this sound machine.
One of my daycare babies introduced me to it and it is amazing. I have them in every sleeping room now.
Daycare Supplies
Big Baby Items
14. Bouncy Seat
Having a bouncy seat will allow you to move infants around and keep them out of the way of older children.
I used this bouncy seat daily until the little ones no longer fit in it.
15. Jumper
All of my kids and daycare kids loved being in the jumper.
16. Stroller
If you plan to go on walks, to the park, or field trips with your daycare kiddos, you must get a stroller!
This double stroller is the MACK DADDY of strollers and I would buy it again, and again! In my opinion, every daycare provider who needs a stroller should have this one!
I have put countless miles and hours of use into it.
This travel system stroller is great if you have an infant or only 1 child who needs to be in a stroller. An infant car seat can click into it.
Daycare Supplies
Play Time
Being a daycare provider, you will need to have a lot of toys on hand to cover a wide age range of children.
Here are some top toys that my daycare kids and my kids can't get enough of.
17. Inside Books and Toys
Build a library for your daycare kiddos. Put a mix of board books and regular books. Your kiddos will love reading!
Board books like Little Blue Truck
Regular books like Little Critter and Snowmen at Night will be a hit.
And toys are a must. Depending on what age range you plan to take care of you may need rattles, cars, and Legos.
Don't forget games. Kids love to play games.

18. Outside Toys

Playing outside is so important for kids.
Investing in top outdoor toys will make your kids want to be out there are much as possible!
Toy Shed - after we bought this, I was like why did it take me so long to buy this?!!! My husband was nice enough to even add a few shelves in it. So nice for all the outdoor toys.
Daycare Supplies
Household Products
19. Laundry Bin
You will find yourself having a bit of extra laundry. Pick up an extra basket.
20. Changing Mat
Instead of a fabric/foam changing pad, try a washable one.
This floor-changing mat can easily be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe.
21. Extra Grocery Bags
Always have a stockpile of extra plastic grocery bags somewhere.
You are going to need them! Kids get messy and need their clothes changed now and then.
22. Thermometer

Every child I have ever had in my care has gotten sick at some point.
You will have to check temperatures, and the best way to do it is with this thermometer.
It is great since it is a no-contact one and accurate.
23. Step Stool
Daycare kids are usually pint-size, which as you know means they can reach nothing well (unless they are climbers).
Grab this step stool so they can easily wash their hands and go to the bathroom on their own. Save your back! Ours is used multiple times a day.
24. Gate
If you have stairs or need to block off certain areas of your home you NEED to have a gate.
This gate has been used for 10 years now and it has been opened and closed millions of times.
25. Monitor
Monitors are a great way to check on the little ones while they nap without having to go into their room.
Check out this monitor. It has a camera, but what doesn’t now? It is just so helpful for me!
26. Cube Storage
There needs to be a place near your entrance for each daycare child where they can put their things. It is also a great place to keep extra clothes and other extra items they may need.
This cube storage has been in place from day 1 of me being a daycare provider.
But I also bought these fabric drawers to go with it.
And these foam stickers worked great to spell out the kiddo’s names on the front of the drawers.
My front entrance has remained super organized ever since.
27. Safety Latches and Outlet Covers
Safety Latches can be a pain to install, but are so necessary since kids get into everything. These safety latches are a breeze to install and use.
We have these outlet covers everywhere the daycare kids have access to.
Daycare Supplies
Cleaning Products
28. Disinfecting Wipes
You will need disinfecting wipes, wipes, and more wipes. Everything gets dirty and full of germs when you are a daycare provider.
These disinfecting wipes will help you clean up the mess with ease.
29. Laundry Soap
There will be laundry to do here and there for daycare items.
Pick this fragrance-free laundry soap to make sure it is gentle on everyone’s skin.
30. Hand Soap
Get ready, you will fly through the hand soap with all of those daycare kids washing their hands. Stock up a bit on this liquid hand soap refill.
Money-saving tip: Purchase this foaming hand soap bottle first. When it gets low, put 3 big squeezes of the refill in and fill the rest up with water. Gently mix it. It turns the liquid hand soap into foam soap.
I am all for trying to save some money here and there, even if it is with soap!
31. Dish Soap
This is the best dish soap and dishwasher soap.
I have tried other kinds and nothing compares for me. You will be spending a fair amount of time at the sink, don’t add to it by buying discount soap that doesn’t work.
32. Broom
Do you have any floors that need to be cleaned with a broom? This broom will do the trick for you.
I have to sweep my floors every single day. The little darlings drop food crumbs everywhere!
33. Vacuum
Just like sweeping, get ready to vacuum every day or every other day. Since the kids are dropping crumbs and then are all over the place, the crumbs travel all over the place too.
34. Carpet Cleaner Spray
Make sure to have this carpet cleaner spray on hand. There have been so many times I had to use this, and I mean like right now.
Kids get sick and throw up, poop right out their diapers (so gross by the way), and let's not forget the time my son got into my daughter's dress-up makeup – blue eyeshadow on a white carpet. This carpet cleaner saved the day through it all!
35. Paper Towels
Every time a child washes their hands, they need to dry them.
I try to save as much money as possible and buy these select a size paper towel. These are the perfect size to dry little hands.
They also work great for me when I have to clean up all the spills.
36. Household Products
It is a good idea to have backups of the following house hold products.
Toilet Paper
Adhesive Bandages
Baby Wipes - I have parents provide wipes but I always keep an extra package of Huggies wipes on hand - just in case.
Congratulations on making this huge decision of being an in-home daycare provider. It is challenging and but so rewarding at the same time.
I am proud of this decision you made for yourself and your family! I know you are going to rock it.
This post was all about the best daycare supplies every in-home daycare should have.
Leave a comment below about supplies that you think should be added to this list.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.