Hey girl, today let's chat about the must-have daycare toys your kids will love to play with.

Trying to figure out what toys to stock your daycare with that the kids are actually going to play with can be tough. You will have enough going on at your house without adding toys that are just going to take up space.
As a mom of 4 (1 girl and 3 boys) and an in-home daycare provider to 6 other children for over 8 years now, I am giving you the daycare toys that are played with constantly!
You are going to learn about infant toys, toys for kids, books, arts and crafts, outside toys, and more!
After hearing about all of these daycare toys, you are going to be ready to fill your house with daycare toys you know will get played with!
Let's get into all the best daycare toys you need for your in-home daycare.
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Best Daycare Toys
This is a big list of toys that have worked so well at my daycare. Everything on this list is loved and played with!
Please know that it took years, not just days, for all of these toys to make it into my daycare/home.
Side note: I see you - daycare Mama and am proud of everything you do. It is hard work, rewarding, and sometimes lonely but I glad to know someone else is a daycare mama like me!
Let me know in the comments below if you want to chat it up.
I hope you have an awesome day. You are a Rockstar!
Infant Toys
(Ages 6 weeks to 1 year)
Do you plan on taking care of infants between 6 weeks to 1-year-old?
These are the infant toys that you need in your home daycare.
All of these toys can easily be cleaned. And we both know these toys will need it since infants put everything in their mouths or they spit up on them.
These are THE TOYS that have had countless hours of use at my house and I know they will be fan favorites at your house too.
Rattles and More Rattles
Indoor Toys
Depending on the age range you plan to care for, this list may not completely apply to you.
You need to have a variety of toys though. Kids learn so much through play.
I care for children ages 6 weeks old to 12 years old. We have a lot of toys at our house.
With that being said, if toys are not played with, I do not keep them around. My house and yard just are not big enough to keep everything!
These toys are played with at least once a week if not daily. Our favorite toys for a wide age range are magnetic blocks, mega Legos, and Little People.
Magnet Blocks

If there is one thing you pick up from this list of toys, magnet blocks have to be it!
Multiple sets are the best, and we have 3.
I can't even fully explain how big of a hit these will be!
They are played with every single day here for the last 5 years (no joke)!
Just don't cheap out. We did to start and it was a huge disappointment and a waste of our money.

If you take care of boys, you have to have cars. There is no exception to this one.
My boys play with cars every single day and I have lost track of how many we have now.

Legos, are one of my favorite toys!
Lots of creativity comes from playing with Legos.
We sit and have Lego parties when we are stuck inside all the time.
Potato Heads

Mr. Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head will keep your kids entertained for hours!

Drawing Toys

Dress Up Clothes

Play Kitchen

Ride On Toys

Baby Dolls
Toddler Toys
Creative Toys
Arts and Crafts Toys
Let your daycare kids’ imaginations run wild with arts and crafts.
Kids as young as 2 should try to do some type of art every day. It helps them with fine motor skills and learning to hold writing utensils.
Now, friend, I am not the most creative kid crafty person so I use Pinterest all of the time to come up with cute ideas for art projects my daycare kids can do for holidays and every day.

When it comes to arts and crafts, I try to buy Crayola where I can. I have tested so many other brands and nothing comes close to the quality that Crayola has.

Arts and Crafts Supplies
Moldable Art

If you get the Kinetic Sand, buy more than 1 bag. There isn't as much in 1 bag as you would hope to get. But this stuff is amazing!
Art Supplies For Older Kids

Books for Kids
Reading is so important!!! If you can help your daycare kids start to love books while they are young, it will go a long way for them later on.
I love when the kids fit right on my lap to read a book with me.
Books can also be expensive if you are buying them all brand new. Thankfully we have been gifted some and found some at garage sales. Look for deals!
The following books are favorites of my daycare kids and my own kids. I can recite most of the easy readers to you since we read so much here!
Many of these books have a board book option as well, which is great for really young readers. Most of these are part of a series too.
Just a Little Critter Collection
Daycare Games

Games are for all age groups and are a great way to pass some time.

And playing games teaches so many things. They learn how to take turns, fine motor skills, counting, colors, numbers, how to lose, how to be a good sport, and so much more!

So, girl, grab some of our favorite games to have at your daycare!

My favorite games to play with my younger daycare kids are Hi Ho Cherry-o and Trouble. My favorite game to play with my older daycare kids is Ticket to Ride.

Outdoor Daycare Toys
I am not sure how you feel about outside time for your daycare kids, but I think it is super important! Kids should be getting outside every single day, weather permitting.
I have my daycare kids outside twice a day, for at least 20 minutes at a time. Once in the morning and then again in the afternoon. And, friends, they want to be there.
The kids play with all of the following items but the absolute top favorites are our playset/swing set, sandbox and toys, and any kind of ball.
Outside Toys
Bubbles and Chalk

Ride On Toys
Bigger Outside Toys
Snow Toys
We live in an area that gets snow and my kids love playing in the snow.
Yes, it takes a ton of work to get everyone’s snow gear on and get them outside but it is so worth it! The kids need fresh air and a chance to run around.
I don’t think I could take 4 – 5 months of kids running around like crazy inside my house. My house is NOT big enough for that! We all go stir-crazy with 2 days stuck inside.
We love going sledding, building snow forts, building snowmen, and helping shovel off the driveway.

Toy Storage
If you are anything like me, you like things to have a place. All of the daycare items are no exception!
The following storage bins have held up to being stepped on, climbed in, and abused by kids for several years.
I hope they will help you keep some sort of order at your daycare.
It took a few years of me looking at outdoor sheds to finally choose this one. After I did though, I was like – why the heck did it take me so long to buy this shed?!!!
My garage has space again!
My husband was nice enough to even add a few shelves to it. It is a game-changer for our outside toys.
Inside Toy Bins
We have a couple of different toy bins for inside the house and my kids love using them to keep the toys grouped, like a car bin and a magnetic block bin.
I am so proud of the work you do as a daycare provider. It certainly has its rewards as well as challenges.
You are making a wonderful difference by providing a safe and fun environment for someone else's child. You Go, MAMA!!!
This post is all about the must-have daycare toys you should have at your in-home daycare.
Let me know in the comments below which books and toys get the most love at your daycare.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.