Hey girl, today let's chat about the top Easter basket ideas for 10 year old boys.

With Easter right around the corner, I am sure you are starting to gather gift ideas, and if you are anything like me you want to put some extra effort into making this the best Easter basket for your son yet.
As a mom of 4, 1 being a 10 year old boy (how did that happen so fast), I am giving you my must-have Easter basket ideas for 10 year old boys.
With so many amazing Easter basket ideas below I know you will have no problems finding the perfect gifts for your son.
Let's jump into the best Easter basket ideas for 10 year old boys that are worth your money.
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Best Easter Basket Ideas For 10 Year Old Boys
1. Sports Cards

Holy moly, I never realized how much fun pouring over sports cards could be for boys. If your son is into sports at all, he is going to love these.
And thankfully, they don’t cost an arm and a leg.
Grab this card binder too. All 3 of my boys have one, in their favorite color, and love it.
2. Pokémon

Maybe Pokémon is as big of a deal at your house as it is here at mine. If so, Pokémon cards make for a great Easter basket filler.
If you want to go for a whole Pokémon themed Easter basket, include this Pokémon handbook and card binder too!
3. Books

Help your son to be a superreader by building his library every chance you get. It never fails that I include a book in all of my kids’ gifts.
Let me know in the comments below what books your son likes to read.
Here are a few fan favorites that my son can get enough of right now.
4. Joke Books

If your son is anything like mine, then I know he loves to laugh and be silly.
These joke books keep the laughter going and are cheap!
5. Mad Libs
Your son is going to go nuts over filling in these mad libs. Maybe he will even let you have a turn.
We all think doing mad libs is a hoot around here.
6. Water Bottle

A water bottle makes the perfect gift since it is something your son can use every single day.
We have had such a good experience with the Hydro Flask water bottles.
7. Sunglasses

There are so many styles when it comes to sunglasses.
As I mentioned before, I have 3 boys. 2 of them love aviators and the other can’t get enough of these sports sunglasses.
8. Hat

I am not sure why, but it seems boys can never have too many baseball-style hats.
If you think your son could use one more, pick one to match his favorite team or color.
9. T-Shirt
And I am sure your son is growing like a weed, just like all my kids too.
Grab a few character t-shirts that are a size too big so maybe he can wear them for a while.
Super Mario and Minecraft never get old around here and these shirts are holding up to a ton of wearing and washing.
10. Swim Gear
With summer right around the corner, stock up on some larger summer gear such as swim trunks, swim goggles, sandals, and maybe a new beach towel.
11. Board Games

You should ask your son to play board games with you. If he is not usually a talker, you are going to be surprised how much he will open up to you while you play.
Go with a classic like Sorry or Trouble (which is not just for young kids when you play it as an all-out battle).
You can also try something new like Ticket to Ride, which has quickly become a favorite around here.
12. Rubik's Cube

Is your son a thinker/problem solver? Then you can’t forget about a Rubik’s Cube! It is going to engage his brain way more than a video game will.
Let me know in the comments below if you have ever been able to solve the cube after it gets seriously mixed up.
I never could do it and that is so frustrating to me since I love to do puzzles.
13. Legos

Ooo yes, Legos are fantastic for all kids.
Even though there are 1,000 different Lego kits to choose from, you should go with Classic Legos for your son.
He will be able to expand his imagination because he can build anything with them.
And he will play with them way more than the Lego sets, I can guarantee that!
14. Dominos

This is something new at our house but dominos have been a hit with all 4 of my kids.
Now I am not talking about the Domino game but instead ones that your son can set up into a fabulous pattern and then knock down.
I even get in there to get creative. They are so much fun!
15. Nerf Guns

This is something new at our house but has been a hit with all 4 of my kids.
Now I am not talking about the Domino game but instead ones that your son can set up into a fabulous pattern and then knock down.
I even get in there to get creative. They are so much fun!

If you are looking for another brand of dart guns, these X-Shot ones have a bunch of spunk!
16. Laser Tag

We love this set of laser tag because the boys can use them with or without the vest. The guns have sensors on them too.
17. Sports Equipment

Another great way to get your son outside is to include some sports equipment in his Easter basket.
This could be as easy as a new football, basketball, some baseballs, or even a new baseball glove.
18. Remote Control Vehicles

A remote control vehicle is a blast and he is going to love it even more if it can go outside.
We have had great luck with this remote control car and remote control helicopter which can both go outside.
19. Fishing Gear

If fishing is something your 10 year old loves to do or is just getting into, then you have to help him start building a tackle box.
I have been fishing since I was a small kiddo and have passed on my love of it to my kids. They all can’t get enough of it. It is such great family time!
And fishing lures are small enough that they make excellent Easter basket fillers if you are looking for something small to include.
20. Binoculars

He is going to have the best time exploring more of the great outdoors with some new binoculars.
You don’t have to go with the best of the best here. My husband hunts so I know how expensive that can get.
21. Walkie Talkies

I know I just said to get some cheaper binoculars but when it comes to walkie talkies, get the good ones!
We made the mistake of getting a cheaper option to start and they stopped working right away. Such a hassle to return them just to get the good ones.
If your son is like mine, he will love using these when he plays laser tag with his buddies.
22. Flashlight

Boys always need a good flashlight, or so it seems. It is the perfect size to fit in his Easter basket as well.
23. Watch

Now that he is getting older, he may be interested in a watch.
Your son will be able to wear this one while he is running around.
It also is easy to charge and doesn’t cost that much.
This post was all about the best Easter basket ideas for 10 year old boys.
Let me know in the comments below what gifts you got for your son!
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.