Looking for fun fall activities to do with your kids? Girl, let's chat about the best fall activities to enjoy with your kids that you can do year after year!

Finding fun ways to celebrate fall with your kids is so exciting. These fantastic fall activities can be done with your kids, no matter how old they are.
As a mom of 4, I am giving you the top fall activities that my husband and I like to do with our kids every year.
You are going to learn about all of our top fall activities from decorating, going to apple orchards, having bonfires, playing with leaves, and more.
I know you are going to have so much fun building new traditions with your kids by celebrating fall!
Let's jump into the best fall activities that you can do with your kids.
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Best Fall Activities
1. Decorate for Fall
Nothing screams “Fall Is Here” more than decorating your house for it. Go grab your pumpkin spice latte and get to decorating mama!
Put out all the decorations like the scarecrows, fall leaves, pumpkins, apples, fall signs, and more!
Don’t forget all the fall scents you can get rocking in your house either like using fall scented candles. Fall, Fall, FALL, I love the fall!!!
When your kids get old enough, let them help put them up. It may not be exactly where and how you want it done but that is ok!!!
By letting your kids help, you are instilling in them a lifelong love for the fall season. My 4-year-old can’t get enough when he gets to help put up our window clings (for any season).
2. Visit an Apple Orchard
Look online for the closest apple orchard near you, pick a time, and go for a visit.
There are usually so many extra activities for kids to do at an apple orchard that you can easily spend half a day there or more.
We have multiple apple orchards near us and a little advice for your visit – go early if it is a weekend or try to find a weekday that will work for your schedule. These places can get so busy!
My husband always looks for apple donuts as a tasty treat, yummy!
3. Make an Apple Dessert
After picking all the apples you need at the apple orchard, get out your favorite apple recipe and apron and get baking! Our favorites are Grandma Johnny’s Apple Crisp and Apple Pie.
I usually try to make my pie crust from scratch but if you think it isn't for you, grab the premade pie crust from the store.
You can find it next to the refrigerator biscuits and cookie dough. I have done it too, and it turns out pretty good!
Let your kids help!
My kids love being in the kitchen with me. And with 4 of them in there at once, it is quite the slow preparing experience!
But I want them to know how to cook and bake so I try to have the most patience I can and you know what, we still get our apple dessert!
4. Apple Cider
Since you picked up so many apples and are in the kitchen making dessert, try your hand at making some warm apple cider or apple juice.
There are many recipes found on Pinterest that will help you create these yummy apple drinks.
2 of my kids like warm apple cider and the other 2 like apple juice.
5. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Visit a pumpkin patch with your kids. When my kids start seeing pumpkins everywhere they get so excited it is fall.
Let your kids pick out some big and some little pumpkins.
They make really cute decorations until you are ready to carve them come Halloween. I love having a variety of sizes to decorate my front step.
Have your camera ready for all the super cute photo opportunities I can guarantee will pop up.
Can a fall picture be any cuter than a baby or toddler with a bunch of pumpkins? Your older kids will still look festive in these pictures too!
6. Hayride
Some apple orchards and pumpkin patches will have hayrides, but some places just do hayrides to see all the fall leaf colors.
We are lucky enough to live near places that provide hayrides. With the slow pace of the ride, my kids look for all the changes of the season, not just the leaves.
7. Bonfire
Cool air, sweatshirts, and hanging with family and friends create the perfect recipe for relaxing around a bonfire. Grab some food to cook over the fire too like smores and hotdogs.
Don't forget the warm apple cider you made! If that doesn't suit you, mix up some hot chocolate for you and the kids.
We love this propane fire pit.
What a great way to spend those fall weekend evenings!
8. Fall Leaf Tour
There is a train not far from our house that offers fall leaf watching tours. It is a great way to see all the changing of the colors and to see nature at its very best.
There were places to sit and stand, food to eat, and you could explore the train. It was so much fun for our kids to enjoy fall this way.
Look around near you and you just might find fall tours to suit your fancy.
If you can’t find a train, you can just go for a scenic drive. And if you are the driver, beware of others on the road also checking out the leaves. Don’t Crash!
9. Football Game
Football screams fall!
Whether it is under the lights on a Friday night, college game days on Saturdays or the NFL come Sundays, you will have plenty of opportunities to take in a game.
Even though we don’t know anyone on our high school football team, we still try to go to one game a season. My 3 boys can’t get enough and my daughter loves hanging out with her friends there.
We skip the Saturday football, for the most part. But come Sunday, we try to catch at least one game.
I don’t want to start a debate, but Go Pack Go! My kids just love the Packers!
10. Fall Leaf Crafts
There are so many different leaf crafts you can do with your kids.
I am not that creative to come up with crafts on my own so I look on Pinterest and have found so many great ideas.
Our favorites are leaf bouquets, leaf collages, and putting leaves under a paper and rubbing a crayon over the top.
It is a great way to bring fall inside and keep my kids busy for a while.
11. Jump In a Leaf Pile
Are there a bunch of leaves down in your yard? Grab your rake and make a huge leaf pile.
We have put the pile out in the open, at the end of our slide, and out in front of our swings so the kids can jump off and land in the leaf pile.
Do you need a great fall picture idea?
Have your kids grab a huge handful of leaves from that leaf pile you just got done raking and have them throw the leaves in the air while saying “Happy Falls”. We do this picture every year and it turns out so cute!
If your kids are older than about 5, when they are done jumping in the pile of leaves grab the rake again and make leaf mazes or leaf house outlines in your yard.
You really can have hours of fun and entertainment with leaves.
12. Make a Scarecrow
When you are all done playing in the leaves, gather the materials you need to make a scarecrow.
We like to have these materials: flannel shirt, pants, rope or zip ties to secure the ends of the sleeves and pants, a pumpkin, and these stickers, found on Amazon, to put on the pumpkin to make a face.
Secure the ends of the shirt sleeves and pants with a bit of rope or zip ties. Stuff your scarecrow up with leaves.
Decorate the pumpkin with a scarecrow face the way you like. Place a small decorated pumpkin on it for the head and you should be all set.
We like to set it in a lawn chair to help keep the pumpkin in place, it is kind of top-heavy.
13. Watch a Movie
Watching It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is a great way to relax after all the fun fall activities you did during the day. Your kids are just going to love this movie!
I know this is more for Halloween but my kids can’t get enough of the Peanuts Gang.
Every September, this movie is brought out at our house, and for good reason. It Is AMAZING!!!
Get out there and make the most of the fall season with your kids. Build some great memories and hopefully traditions that will carry through year after year.
This post was all about the best fall activities you can do with your kids!
Leave a comment below about what fall activities you like to do with your kids. We are always looking to try new and fun things.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.