Hey girl, today let's chat about the best family board games.

Are you looking for ways to have more family time but feel like you are out of ideas? Try playing some family board games.
As a mom of 4 and an in-home daycare provider, we have a decent-sized collection of family board games and I have spent some time play them.
You are going to hear about a bunch of amazing family board games to play with your kids like Trouble, Sorry, Sequence, Scrabble, and more!
After hearing about all of these family board games, you will be more than ready to hang out with your kids without using any kind of screen.
Let's jump into the best family board games you kids will play for years.
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Best Family Board Games
There are family board games out there for all ages. They make amazing gifts for birthdays and Christmas.
Playing board games is an outstanding way to spend time with your kids that doesn’t involve a screen and you don’t have to leave the house to do it.
The following are board games that we have and my kids love to play over and over again.
As I was writing this, I was like wow!!! We have quite a few board games, and here is why.
My Grandma has given each of my kids a game for Christmas for the past few years and we have built up a great collection! Thank you, Grandma, for providing family time activities.
Let me know in the comments below what board games we are missing from our collection.
Family Board Games
Younger Kids
Just because these board games were made for younger kids doesn’t mean your older kiddos won’t enjoy them too!
1. Candy Land

If you have young kids, Candyland should be in your game collection. It is a fun game for them to play.
It teaches them how to take turns, count, and learn their colors. I am all about learning through play with the younger kiddos.
Your kids will not be disappointed when they get to play it.
All of my kids still gravitate to this game if my 4-year-old is playing. Just a classic!
2. Don't Break The Ice

Have a kiddo who loves demolition? Don’t Break The Ice is just the game for them.
This game can go so quickly, which is also great for kids with short attention spans.
I swear this game takes longer to put together than to play it, every time!
3. Hi Ho Cherry-O

Who can get all their fruit in the basket first? Kids love a race challenge.
Hi Ho Cherry-O will not only help your young kiddos with their counting but with fine motor skills as well.
Once my 4 year old starts playing this game, he can't get enough. It is fast and easy, just right for his attention span.
4. Memory

Kids are surprisingly amazing at Memory. Most of the time I get stomped when trying to play against my kids and daycare kids.
When my older kids want to play, we use all the cards in the box. Otherwise, we only use about half for the younger kids.
5. Hungry Hungry Hippos

Get your quick hands and earplugs ready for a fierce game of Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Your kids will want to play this fast-acting game over and over again!
Every time this game is played, I can hear giggles above the noise of the game. I love it!!!
6. Hot Potato
If you are looking for a game with a ton of energy, Hot Potato is it!
This is such an easy game right. Turn the potato on, toss it around, and don’t get stuck with it when the music turns off.
Our house is filled with giggles when we play this game.
It is all well and good until a picture frame gets broken. It may have been banned at our house for a short bit and is now only played in 1 room or outside.
Family Board Games
Middle Age Kids
7. Mouse Trap

The best STEM game out there, and the most classic – Mouse Trap.
I know your kids are going to love this game! They will be captivated by how it all works.
My kids don’t even have to play the actual game. They love setting up all the pieces and making them work.
8. Uno

Uno is such a great game to play if you have 2 players or 10. Yep, we have played it that way before.
My kids have a love-hate relationship with Uno. They love to play it but hate all the cards that go against them.
Even though this is a fun one, there are sometimes tears and usually a lot of disappointment with it.
9. Trouble

Trouble will be brought out at your house over and over again.
That Pop-O-Matic is addicting. Kids see it and they can’t help but make it pop.
We have fun playing it 2 ways. One way we call “nice” and the other way is “game on”.
"Game On" is so cutthroat and we get each other out as much as we can. You have to have tough skin for the game on way.
10. Sorry

Your kids will have a great time playing Sorry.
I had this game when I was a kid and I am glad it is still around so I can enjoy playing it with my kids.
It didn't take long for my kids to pick up on the strategy of this game.
I know your kids will have an awesome time sliding on this game and knocking you out.
11. Battleship

Battleship is not just for boys!
My boys love this game. They are really into military stuff. When they sink a ship, they bust out the sound effects like crazy.
My daughter likes to have her turn to play it too. She asks me to play when she wants some girl time with me. So far I have yet to beat her.
12. Operation

Steady as she goes. Operation will test how calm and steady your kid's hand skills are.
Mine is not that great! Maybe I should practice this more.
My boys think this game is hilarious. When the buzzer sounds, they say it toots and burst into a fit of laughter. Bodily functions will never get old for them.
13. Checkers

I knew of a few but…
You can check out this book if you want to try more games on the checker board – 24 Games You Can Play on a Checker Board.
We ended up with this giant Checkers set too.
It is a 2 in 1 game with Tic Tac Toe on the flip side.
My kids love this one over the small one.
Sometimes bigger is better.
14. Connect 4

Up and down, across, or diagonal will have you winning this game.
Connect 4 is a short enough game that your kids will want to play multiple rounds in a row.
My kids found out about Connect 4 at grandma and grandpa’s 4 years ago and have loved it ever since.
15. Mancala

Mancala is such a relaxing game to play.
If you haven’t tried it yet, you should. It is such a simple game but it draws you in so much that you will want to play multiple games in a row.
All of my kids enjoy playing this game. We usually end up lounging on the floor when we play.
16. Sequence

Cards and a huge amount of strategy all in one. Who is up for some Sequence?
I love this game since you can play it so many ways. You can play with 2 players or teams.
We like to also switch up the number of sequences you have to get depending on the age of the kids playing.
Family Board Games
Older Kids
17. Ticket to Ride

If you are looking for a way to pass some time, try Ticket To Ride.
It is all about strategy with this game.
This game is so fun but can take a while to play.
Sooooo, grab your snacks and get ready to build some railroads.
18. Yahtzee

Yahtzee really holds the interest of teenagers and up.
I have seen younger kids try to play it and they just get bored. Save it for when they are older.
Fun fact, this game was made up by wealthy people sitting around on their yacht who wanted to entertain their rich friends.
19. Scrabble

Scrabble is a great game to make your kids think.
You can use this game to teach your kids new words and how to spell.
I know you are supposed to keep score, but most of the time we don’t. We just want to see if we can use as many letter tiles as possible.
20. Monopoly

Have a couple of hours to kill? Set up Monopoly and settle in.
I can’t remember how long the longest game we ever played was but I want to say it was over 4 hours.
Still a fan favorite at family gatherings.
21. Cards

As your kids get old, you can introduce them to card games.
These are great playing cards.
If you are like me and only know a few card games, you should check out this card games book.
We have figured out how to play so many more card games together.
My kids love it since I don’t have the advantage of already knowing how to play.
This post was about all the best family board games.
Let me know in the comments below about your favorite family board games to play with your kids. I am always looking to add to our game collection.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.