Hey there, today let’s chat about the best First Communion gifts for godson to make this celebration extremely special.

Celebrating First Communion is such a big step for your godson and if you are anything like me, you want to make it memorable with a few First Communion gifts for godson.
As a mom of 4, 3 of my kiddos have received First Communion, I am here to give you the top First Communion gifts for godson.
Of course, we will go through traditional First Communion gifts for godson but there will also be some nontraditional gift ideas as well. He is still a little boy after all!
Congratulations on guiding your godson through this faith journey so far. But buckle up because your work is far from over to help him.
Let’s jump into the top First Communion gifts for godson that he will love to get from you.
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Best First Communion Gifts for Godson
Traditional First Communion Gifts
1. Rosary

There are so many wonderful rosaries to choose from and will encourage your godson to pray often.
The power of prayer is huge and so important.
I always go with a classic rosary so it can be used for many years to come.
2. Children's Bible
When I had my first communion, I was gifted a bible and I was not interested in it one bit. Do you know why? It was an adult bible with small print. What kid wants to try and read that? None of them, that’s who.
Get a children’s bible that has pictures and your godson will be more than happen to check it out.
I love this children's bible not just because it is engaging with pictures and color but because it also does a bang-up job of describing the readings.
3. Children's Prayer Book

My neighbor brought this prayer book over for my kids and they all love reading it.
The prayers are short and will help your godson connect more with his faith.
4. Seven Sacraments Book

My daughter got this book about the seven sacraments for her First Communion and while she enjoyed it, do you know who reads it more – her 3 brothers!
They love it because all of the people in the book are Lego figures.
It is a great book.
5. Compass

If your godson likes adventure then he is going to love this engraved compass. Yes, it is a real working compass.
We got this message engraved on it and it is so fitting for this moment “May your faith always guide you.”
6. First Communion Picture Frame

2 of my boys have had their First Communion now and both received this engraved picture frame.
They love it since it has their name on it and they can see a wonderful picture of themselves from that day.
I know it will be a hit with your godson as well.
7. Wooden Cross

Get him a classic wooden cross that he can hang in his bedroom. It doesn’t have to be super fancy, just classic so he can still use it when he is 37 or 87😊.
It is a good reminder for him to say his prayers.
8. Watch

Your godson will enjoy wearing this watch. He will always be able to tell you the time and how many steps he takes a day.
My boys are nuts over this watch.
I like that it is durable and waterproof which every boy needs from a watch.
9. Personalized Tie Clip
Get a man tie clip so he can use it as he gets older.
10. Pocket Token
Pocket tokens are not my favorite gift to give for First Communion if I am being honest. Kids have no idea what they are supposed to do with it so they usually get tossed in a drawer.
But, many people do give pocket tokens so I just wanted to mention it.
11. Gift of Money
If none of the ideas above seem right for your godson, you can always go with a card and toss some cash in it.
Not as exciting for him to open, but it is still something.
Nontraditional First Communion Gifts
Now that we have gotten through the traditional and more religious First Communion gifts, let's move on to the gifts your godson will probably be a bit more excited to get.
12. Books for Boys
Reading is so important for all kids, so why not try to help build his library? My kids are nuts over reading and here are a few that they continue to read over and over again.
13. Board Games

Get him a board game or 2 and get ready to play them with your godson. It is a fantastic way to hang together without a screen.
Somehow we have over 50 board games but these are the ones that get played the most.
14. Legos

Oh man, does your godson love Legos as much as my boys do?
Hook him up with classic Legos. Yes, the class ones!
These Legos will get played with more than the Lego sets and will let his creativity and imagination run wild.
15. Fishing Pole

Does your godson like to fish? Get him a fishing pole.
It is a fabulous way to get outside and relax together, unless, of course, you are reeling in a big old pig, then the excitement is through the roof.
Build those memories.
16. Tackle Box

If he already has a fishing pole, go with a tackle box, or “snackle box” as my boys like to call it.
Put a lure or 2 in it and of course snacks. Kids are all about the snacks.
17. Remote Control Car

Your godson is going to have the best time driving this remote-controlled car around.
This one is made to be driven inside and out. Just another way to help get kids outside.
18. Walkie Talkies

My sister and her husband gave my son (their godson) these man walkie-talkies and he loves using them all the time. Let me say that again – ALL THE TIME!
Just get the man walkie-talkies and don’t waste your money on the kid ones. If you buy the kid walkie talkies you might as well just throw your money out the window. Learn from my mistake, friend.
19. Laser Tag

They also gifted my son laser tag and boy that is a hit. Your godson can use this set of laser tag for years to come because they are so good.
My brother has this set too and he plays laser tag with his buddies in the dark mostly. They are 20.
20. Slime

Boys love playing with slime and I can guarantee your godson is no exception.
He can create slime with this kit and then have the best time playing with it.
I know right, a slime kit was the first gift that came to mind when you were thinking of First Communion gifts.
He is going to love you for it!
This post was all about the best First Communion gifts for godson.
Let me know in the comments below if I missed any great First Communion gifts for godson ideas and I will be sure to include them.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.