Hey girl, today let's chat about the best first day of school gift ideas for kids.

The first day of school is so exciting and bittersweet at the same time for you and your kids. If you are anything like me, you want to make it as special as possible for your kiddo.
As a mom of 4, I am giving you the top first day of school gift ideas that I have used and have in mind for my kids this school year.
All of these gifts are guaranteed to wow your kiddo, let them know you are thinking of them, and make their transition into school a little easier.
Let's get started with these epic first day of school gift ideas for kids.
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Best First Day Of School Gift
The first day of school is so hard for me.
As my kids get older, I have realized that time is a thief and each year seems to fly by faster than the last.
While I know my babies have to grow, man I wish I could hold onto the little just a little bit longer.
The first day of school is also hard for kids.
The first day of anything is emotional for anyone. But the first day of school for kids is especially tough. Kids experience nerves, anticipation, happiness, and sadness.
They may be seeing old friends and making new ones.
And they have lots of questions: what is my day going to be like, who will I sit by, what is my teacher going to be like, will I have a friend to play with today, and so much more.
I try to make the first day of school as special as possible for my kids. This includes a special breakfast, Dad staying home from work to walk them to school (all of them), and giving them a first day of school gift.
1. Fun Shirt
Kids grow like weeds, and I am sure yours grew and will need some new shirts for the school year.
Let them pick out a few back-to-school shirts. They are all on sale right before school which is a huge bonus for your wallet – save some money!!!
We have had good luck with sizing and pricing at Target.
Their Cat and Jack brand clothes are true to size and decent quality. There are so many to choose from!
2. School Logo Shirt
Most schools these days have a school store that carries clothes. There is a print shop near our school that supplies all the school logo gear.
Show some school spirit and get a shirt for your kiddo with their school logo on it.
We have a few t-shirts and my kids love wearing them, especially on school spirit days.
3. Books
Reading is so important for kids of all ages. Encourage reading with a new book or two.
When my kids get new books, they sit for hours reading and exploring them.
I try to wait for the first Scholastic Book flyers to be sent home from school and see if my kids want to pick a book from there. It helps put more books into their classroom too.
If we cannot find a good book there, we turn to Amazon. Here are a few books that have been fan favorites at our house.
Books for Preschoolers
Books for Kindergarteners
Books for 1st Graders
Books for 2nd Graders
Books for 3rd Graders
Books for 4th Graders
Books for 5th Graders
4. Board Games

A board game is an amazing first day of school gift.
It will give your kiddo something to do that will let them relax after a long day at school without putting them in front of a screen.
We love playing board games. I find that my kids are more likely to share parts of their day with me when we play a game together.
These are our favorite games right now!
5. Toys

There are so many options for you to choose from if you want to give toys as a first day of school gift. And really, it is all about what your kiddo is interested in.
6. Water Bottle

Water is so important to keeping your kiddo healthy. Let your child pick out a fun, new water bottle.
We have had really good luck with these water bottles.
My kids drink a ton more water since it has a straw.
7. Backpack

We have had good luck with this brand of backpack. So far all my kids' backpacks have lasted multiple years.
I let my kids pick out their backpacks but I have one rule. It cannot have a character on it.
Kids change their minds ALL THE TIME about their favorites.
8. Keychain
What better way to jazz up that new backpack than to add a keychain to it?
The sky is the limit on what you can find here. It will all depend on what your kiddo is into.
My kids and all their friends have at least 1 keychain on their backpack.
I have seen some backpacks with 5 – 10 keychains on them.
9. Lunch Bag
Is your kiddo going to take their own lunch to school, ever? If the answer is yes, let them pick out a fun lunch bag.
I have the same rule with the lunch bag as the backpack – no characters. This way they can use it year after year.

Don’t forget a Thermos to go with it. All my kids picked have one and they each picked out their favorite color.
After thoroughly reading the directions, they have worked without fail.
There are some great food ideas for thermoses that can be found on Pinterest.
10. Bracelets
This gift is for your little girl!
If your little girl is having a hard time going to school for the first time or going back to school, a matching mother-daughter bracelet may be helpful.
It may be just what your little girl needs to build her confidence about leaving you and jumping into the school unknown.
11. Felt Letter Board
Is your little girl turning into a tween/teen right before your very eyes? Mine is!
I am not crying, you’re crying. Okay I am, but I won’t let my daughter see.
Get her this felt letter board as a first day of school gift.
You can leave messages on it for her to find and hopefully brighten her day.
My daughter loves her felt board and changes the sayings she puts on it constantly.
12. Gift Cards
What better way to end an emotionally charged, highly anticipated, and hopefully, happy day than to eat out at your favorite restaurant?
Get your kiddo a gift card to their favorite restaurant. You will be paying for their food if you eat out anyway.
Let everyone relax and tell stories of their first day of school. Or let them save it for the end of the first week. It is a big accomplishment to get through the first day or week.
For my kids, it is as simple as Dairy Queen!
Congratulations on sending your kiddo off to start their adventure of a new school year. It is a big deal for you both!
Good Luck on having the best year yet with them. Take too many pictures and savor every minute of it.
This post is all about the best first day of school gifts for kids.
Leave a comment below and let me know how the first few days of school went in your house.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.