Hey girl, today let's chat about the best gifts for girls age 15 that she wants from you.

Trying to find the perfect gifts for girls age 15 can be so hard, you guys, but don't sweat it, this list is chock full of amazing items your girl wants.
As a mom of a girl who is going to be a teen soon (YIKES!) and an aunt to a few 15 year old girls that I just love to get gifts for, I know what is trending for these girls right now.
You are going to learn about the top gifts for girls age 15 like beauty items, accessories, bedroom décor, and so much more.
After learning about these amazing gifts for 15 year old girls, I have no doubt you will find the perfect present for her birthday, Christmas, or just to treat her! Some of these items are brilliant for stocking stuffers as well!
Let's jump into the best gifts for girls age 15 that she is going to love and use.
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Best Gifts For Girls Age 15
Gifts For Girls Age 15
1. Stanley Quencher
Take a good look around and you will see the Stanley Quencher everywhere, and for good reason. It is fabulous.
So, pick out her favorite color and add in some of these water bottle stickers (which are great for her phone and computer too) so she will be able to personalize it.
2. Bags for Girls
Even though she doesn’t have much to carry around, she still has stuff to carry around!
These are such great options and are on point for teens right now.
3. Watch
Even though most teen girls have their own phone, they like wearing a watch too.
There are classic watches, sporty watches, and of course smartwatches.
Classic ones are my favorite and there are so many beautiful ones out there.
4. Jewelry
Is your girl into jewelry? These are some popular pieces found on Amazon right now - Necklace, Bracelets, and earrings.
But you guys, you can be scrolling for hours with all the options out there.
If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that will last her a lifetime, then you should head on over to Shane Co. Their quality and selection are out of this world.
5. Baseball Hat
Every single teen girl needs a bomb baseball hat.
She is going to love this one. Her hair can be in a low, medium, or high ponytail.
There are tons of colors to choose from.
6. Scarf
She will have no trouble staying warm and being stylish while doing so with this soft classic scarf.
Wow, there are so many beautiful colors to choose from!
Gifts For Girls Age 15
7. Pajamas
Girls love comfy pajamas. Hook your girl up with these summer pajamas and winter pajamas.
8. School Gear
This is not for every girl but if she is into school spirit, get her some school gear.
That stuff can get expensive so I feel it makes a fantastic gift.
9. Bathrobe
She is going to stay cozy on those colder days with this bathrobe.
All of my kids have one and wear them constantly during the winter since we live in the cold upper Midwest.
10. Fun Socks
Your girl is still young enough to have fun with funky socks.
Also, these comfy socks are perfect for cold days. She is going to love them!
11. Slippers

One more item to help keep her warm, slippers.
Holy smokes there are so many to choose from. These have a hard bottom, which seems to last longer.
Gifts For Girls Age 15
12. Lip Balm

This lip balm is everywhere right now and for good reason – it is amazing.
You can go with the lip balm stick or the lip balm sphere because they are both oh-so-good.
13. Nail Polish

Does your girl love to wear nail polish from time to time?
This brand is amazing and stays on so much longer if you use a top coat.
Let her spice up her nails with this nail art kit. Extra, I know, but so cute.
14. Makeup

I don't know about you but in my spare time, I watch makeup reviews on YouTube. Some of them even got me to try some items.
So, if she is just getting into makeup and you don’t want to break your bank or waste your money if she changes her mind, these are some great options from the drugstore.
15. Makeup Brushes

Sometimes your end product is only as good as your tools, and that sure is the case when it comes to makeup.
These makeup brushes, which come from the drug store, are going to last her such a long time. I have them and they are so good!
16. Makeup Bag/Organizer
Help her keep all of these new makeup items organized with a makeup bag or a tabletop organizer.
17. Makeup Table
If her room has a little extra space, consider this makeup and hair table.
It will easily hold her hair tools and makeup, and maybe free up some of your space.
I have been eyeing up this makeup table and wish I had the space for it!
18. Travel Mirror
This is an item that she is going to be able to have and use for a long time – a travel mirror.
It is small enough to cart around but big enough that she will be able to do her hair.
19. Compact Mirror
How cute is this compact mirror?
I know she will think of you every time she sees it in her bag.
20. Hair Accessories

It seems a girl can never have enough hair items.
We have all of these items and my daughter loves them and so do I.
21. Hair Tools
If she loves spending some time on her hair then amazing hair tools are a wonderful gift option.
Gifts For Girls Age 15
22. Bath Bombs and Shower Steamers

Let all of her stress fade away with these bath bombs and shower steamers.
You and I both know she takes a hot minute getting clean anyway, might as well relax a bit while doing it.
23. Towels
Towels as a gift, really? YES, really!!!
I know these towels are so extra but I also know your 15 year old is going to love them.
She will easily be able to leave the bathroom in this towel wrap and not have to worry if it is going to fall.
As for this hair towel, can anyone say “who wants less frizz”? Um, yes, please!!!
24. Face Masks
You can give them all to your 15 year old or split them up if you are buying for more than one girl.
These make amazing stocking stuffers too.
Gifts For Girls Age 15
Bedroom Décor
25. Cinema Light Box
This cinema light box is so cute!
It will help her make her bedroom more “her”.
26. Felt Letter Board
Another great option for her bedroom décor is this felt letter board.
It is reversible and comes with so many letters and symbols.
Between the cinema lightbox and this felt letter board, I would pick the letter board every time. You get more for your money and she is going to use it way longer!
27. String Lights

These photo clip string lights are so good!
My daughter has them up on her wall right now along with about a bazillion pictures.
They are battery-operated so she will be able to hang them anywhere.
Grab a pack of these tiny clear command hooks, amazing for hanging these up!
28. Pictures Frames
Here is another way to display some of her favorite photos - desktop picture frames and a collage picture frame.
29. Bedroom Chair
These 2 chairs are just what she needs if she has some space in her room. A great space for her to relax.
My daughter has the saucer chair and is relaxing in it all the time.
30. Blanket
And if you need something to go with the chair, grab this comfy and soft blanket.
We have multiple of these and everyone reaches for them above the rest!
Gifts For Girls Age 15
31. Kindle

Is she a mega-reader? Then a Kindle is a must-have!
You guys, this will take her love for reading to a whole new level.
Have her check out books from your local library on it to save on buying books.
Don't forget about the cover. It will be dropped sometime!
32. Cookbooks and Apron
I am so glad if your 15 year old loves to cook and bake. It is a superb lifelong skill to have.
Get her a cookbook and a baking cookbook. They will take her interest of being in the kitchen up a notch or 2.
Toss in a fun apron and you have a complete gift.
33. Journal
There is so much going on in her life.
Help her find some calm by writing in a journal.
If you journal, let me know in the comments below. Do you write it and forget it or go back and read it sometimes?
34. Drawing Kit
Restock her drawing supplies with these materials. She can never have too many of them.
I know the gel pens aren’t really for drawing but everyone needs pops of color, don’t you think?
35. Painting Kit
Does she love to paint?
Oh, I am so jealous. I could never figure out how to blend those colors well.
But I have to say when it comes to face painting, I am fabulous!
Anyway, add to her painting supplies.
36. Lessons
Aye, aye, aye lessons can be expensive! But money towards them makes a great gift.
My daughter love to ride horses and when anyone asks what she wants as a gift she tells them money for riding.
37. Experiences
Take your teen somewhere or do something with her and she will have those memories forever.
Some fun ideas include going to a fancy restaurant, seeing a movie or a play, going bowling, taking in a professional sporting event, or going to an amusement park.
Let me know in the comments what experience you chose!
38. Gift Cards
Oh, gift cards, you are so useful and practical but so uneventful to get as a gift! For this reason, I save these as a last resort.
These are some of the best gift card options teen girls want the most.
Gifts For Girls Age 15
39. Games

A game is probably not at the top of her list of gifts to get from you but you should consider tossing one in.
Being able to play a game together is a phenomenal way to spend time together! She will relax and may even tell you more about what is going on with her.
We have or have played all of these games except “I Should Have Known That!”. It has a crazy amount of positive reviews so I just had to put it in here.
If you have it or have played it and you think I need it, let me know in the comments below.
Gifts For Girls Age 15
40. Instax Camera

If she doesn’t have this Instax Camera already, you have to hook her up! She is going to go nuts over it.
And while you are at it, buy some extra film!
My daughter has this camera, along with most of her friends, and they can't get enough!
41. Bluetooth Speaker

Teen girls love music.
She is going to want to crank it up with this portable speaker.
We have it but it always seems to end up in my daughter’s room.
42. Earbuds/Headphones
Do you need a break from her music? I know I sure do from time to time.
Snag her some earbuds or headphones. Both of these are amazing!
43. Nintendo Switch
I know video games aren’t for every teen girl, but some girls can’t get enough.
A Nintendo Switch is perfect for her. She can play it at home and on the go.
There is also a Switch Lite, which is just the handheld version.
Our favorite game is Mario Kart 8 Delux.
This post was all about the best gifts for girls age 15.
Let me know in the comments below what you picked for your teen!
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.