Hey girl, today let's chat about the best girl birthday gift ideas for 10-year-olds.

Are you on the hunt for the perfect girl birthday gift ideas? Your search is over, girl!
As a mom of a 10-year-old girl who has gone to her fair share of birthday parties, I am giving you a ton of great options for girl birthday gift ideas.
From arts and crafts for girls, games for 10-year-olds, girl books for 10-year-olds and so much more you will have plenty of options to choose from to fit the birthday girl’s style.
Let's jump into these epic girl birthday gift ideas that she will be obsessed with.
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Best Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
My 10-year-old daughter gave me her input about all of these girl birthday gift ideas. Every single one. I wanted to make sure these items would be perfect for your girl’s birthday gifts.
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Arts And Crafts for Girls
1. Coloring Books

These coloring books are so good.
The paper is thicker so the color doesn’t bleed through and they hang nicely on the wall.
We have given them as gifts and my daughter liked them so much that she asked for them for her birthday.
I have even spent time relaxing while coloring a page or 2.
2. Colors

These are the colors that your 10-year-old is going to love the most.
We can't get enough of gel pens, but all of these get plenty of use here.
3. Canvases

One of my daughter's friends loves painting on canvases. So for her birthday, we got her these canvases.
4. Paint

We go through a lot of paint around here since I have 4 kids and run an in-home daycare.
The glitter Crayola paint is to die for and I use it on so many of my own projects.
5. Fun Notebook with Pens
There have been a few parties my daughter has gotten invited to and we just didn't know what to get the birthday girl.
But I do know that 10-year-old girls love to write and doodle.
That is how we landed on a notebook with a fun cover and colorful pens.
6. Personalized Stationery
My daughter and her friends love writing letters to each other.
We were so happy with how it turned out and it was delivered fast!
Include a few stamps so she is all set to send her letters out.
7. Stickers
What can I say, girls love stickers. You know what though? I love stickers too and use them all the time.
With so many sticker options out there, I know you will have no trouble finding the perfect ones for your birthday girl.
8. DIY Kits
Gifting a DIY kit allows the birthday girl to get creative, and there are so many to choose from.
My daughter has received the following kits and loved all of them.
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Toys for 10 Year Old Girls
9. Fairy Garden Kit

A Fairy Garden Kit is such a unique and fun gift.
Your birthday girl is going to have so much fun putting it together and then rearranging it as time goes on.
10. Books for 10 Year Old Girls

Is your birthday girl into books as much as my daughter is?
No joke guys, she is a crazy reader.
These are her favorites and I know your girl is going to love them too!
12. Legos

Legos, just like Barbie, have been around forever for a reason. Everyone loves them!
When I was a kid, there were just the classic Legos and no Lego sets. Now there are sets for everything.
But the Legos all of my kids play with the most is the classic Legos!
13. Fashion Plates

Whether the birthday girl is into fashion or not, she is going to love playing with these Fashion Plates.
You can gift it by itself or add a pack of gel pens so she can feel like a real fashion designer.
My daughter got her plates over 5 years ago and she still constantly takes them out to create.
14. Spirograph

Spirographs are so much fun and kids love seeing what designs they will create. Yep, that is right, a spirograph also makes a great gift for boys as well.
It works well with gel pens and fine-tip markers. These make the designs really pop.
15. Stuffed Animal

These girls are not too old to get a stuffed animal. Find out what their favorite animal is and grab a small and snuggly version of it.
We have gifted versions of this brand many times.
Every time one comes to our house, my kids go nuts over how cute and snuggly it is. There are quite a few options to choose from.
16. LCD Writing Tablets

Have you heard of these?
LCD Writing Tablets are amazing, battery-powered paper. They are lightweight and come with a magnetic back.
My daughter got one for her birthday 2 years ago and it is used all the time. She uses it as scratch paper for homework and in the car on longer trips.
17. Microphone
Most girls I have met love to sing. There are fantastic blue tooth microphones that come in different colors.
My daughter and I have cranked up the tunes and had many great singing parties since she got her microphone.
18. Puzzles
Puzzles are the perfect activity for the birthday girl to do on a lazy afternoon.
My daughter and I started doing puzzles together and I learn so much. She just starts chatting away.
My boys love jumping in to help as well.
We are lucky enough that my husband is building us a puzzle board that can be put on our table but also slides under her bed when we need to take a break.
19. Board Games

Give the birthday girl the gift of not being in front of a screen by giving her a board game.
It is a great way to let her have more interaction with her family and friends too.
20. Magnetic Blocks

I cannot even tell you how good these are.
If your daughter likes to create and build then she needs Magnetic Blcoks.
We have 3 sets of them and they have been played with daily for 6 years.
Yes, you read that right, DAILY FOR 6 YEARS!!! No joke.
Girls and boys love them and everyone who has come to hang out with us has been drawn to them. All of our friends have ended up with a set or 2 at their own house now.
These are loved and used.
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Girl Clothes and Hair Accessories
21. Clothes
If you are stuck on what to get the birthday girl, try out a fun shirt, tights, socks with fun prints on them, or really cute pajamas.
There is so much cute stuff to choose from these days!
The store where I find the best stuff is Target. My daughter loves the Cat and Jack line.
22. Hair Accessories
Are you looking for something small to put in with the rest of the birthday gift? Look no further than something for her hair.
23. Hair Chalk

To be honest, I would not have thought of this as a gift on my own.
My daughter got hair chalk a few years ago for her birthday and it is so fun.
There are so many “crazy days” at school that she can use this. She can also do it just for fun whenever she wants to add some color to her hair.
It has lasted through so many uses and made my daughter’s hair so colorful!
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Girl Accessories
24. Lip Balm
This is such a fun pack of lip balm and your daughter is going to love them as much as mine does.
These take me back to 4th and 5th grade so fast!
25. Sunglasses

It seems girls can never have enough sunglasses.
To be honest, I love going for the cheap but cute ones here.
27. Bath Fun

She is going to love taking baths even more when she gets to use these bath bombs or bubble baths.
My kids can't get enough of these.
And it gives me a few minutes to catch my breath.
28. Earrings
Talk about tons of options here. There are earrings for everything nowadays. So, if she has her ears pierced, or even if she doesn't, consider giving her earrings.
My daughter does not have hers pierced, her preference, but she enjoys stick-on earrings for a change of pace.
She does have friends with pierced ears though and has had a blast picking out their favorite things as earrings for them.
29. Nail Polish

Another way the birthday girl can get pampered is with some nail polish. Fun for any time of the year.
The brand we love the best is Essie. Watermelon is a fun color!
Let me know what your favorite nail polish brand is in the comments below.
And if you think the birthday girl wants to spice up her nails, even more, include some nail stickers. I can't believe how long these stay on!
30. Sling Bag

With your girl getting to go more places as she gets older, she is going to want to start carrying a bag of some kind. Find out what her favorite color is and see if you can find a bag with it.
This cute bag is hanging in my daughter’s room right now.
She loves that it is easy to carry.
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Unique Gifts For Girls
31. Cookbooks
Last time I checked; kids love helping in the kitchen. I think they just like being able to taste test while something is getting ready to be baked.
My daughter gave her good friend this cookbook and baking book along with a new and bigger apron so she could make tasty treats for her family.
32. Favorite Treats
No girl I know can ever turn down her favorite treat.
I love adding a few treats to every gift I give. It makes the gift seem more personal.
33. Gift Cards
Do you know that girl, yes the one that seems like she already has everything so you are not sure what to get her? I know a few of these girls.
When this is the case, we end up gifting a gift card to their favorite restaurant or store so they can pick out what they want.
We try and save this as a last resort though!
34. Water Bottle

Grab your birthday a nice water bottle. She is going to be able to use this for a long time.
To make it more fun, add these stickers. She is going to love them and they are not just for her water bottle.
My daughter and her friends put these stickers on everything.
35. Movie Night Bucket
Not that many people need another movie these days but you can create a fun movie night bucket for the birthday girl.
I am not taking credit for this bucket at all. My sister put this together for each of my kids and they loved it! Thanks, Girl!!!
Some fun things to include in this bucket (besides the bucket itself) are popcorn, treats, and something to drink.
36. Felt Letter Board
Girls love writing notes and messages.
This felt letter board that we have gifted before has tons of letters and symbols. The board is also double-sided.
You can make a “Happy Birthday” message on it, like my daughter did, to make it extra special when it gets opened.
My daughter liked giving this as a gift so much that she asked for one for herself. I love making messages on it when she is in school.
37. Keychains
Keychains are a great add-on gift.
I know girls are nuts about these because I see them on every bag and backpack these days.
38. Lessons
Lessons for something new or that the birthday girl is into can be really fun.
My daughter loves to ride horses, but lessons can get expensive. Lately, she has asked for money or lessons instead of other gifts for her birthday and Christmas.
Girl Birthday Gift Ideas
Outside Gifts for Girls
39. Beach Towel

Someone gave a beach towel and swimming goggles to my daughter last year for her birthday and I was like, what a brilliant idea!
It is something that she can use for multiple years and grow with.
40. Skip It
Oh my gosh, please tell me you remember playing with one of these when you were younger.
When my daughter got it for her birthday she was like, what is this and what do you do with it?
After I wowed her with my Skip It abilities, she has since mastered it and used it for hours! Her friends all love to try it when they come to play.
It is a great challenge to see how many you can get in a row.
41. Jump Rope
Jump ropes are pretty cheap but so much fun.
These are pretty durable too.
42. Stomp Rocket
If you haven’t seen a stomp rocket before, you have to see it.
Every kid who has seen ours has gone nuts over it.
It is great for bringing out some competitiveness, either against someone else or just yourself to see who can make their rocket go the highest.
My husband and I even give it a go from time to time.
43. Hula Hoop

Hula Hoops bring hours of fun and they are usually inexpensive.
I have never been great at hula hooping but I sure try to beat my daughter every time. She is great at it.
Happy Birthday to your 10-year-old little lady. I hope you get to share time with her on her big day!
This post was all about the best 10 year old girl birthday gift ideas.
Let me know in the comments below what gift you ended up getting and how you plan to celebrate her big day.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.