Hey girl, today let's chat about what it is like going from 1 to 2 kids.

Are you expecting your second baby? Congratulations! I bet you are wondering what it is really like going from 1 to 2 kids.
As a mom of 4 kids, I am going to let you in on what it is really like when you are having baby number 2. For reference, all of my kids are about 2 years apart.
You will learn all about what to expect during your pregnancy, labor and delivery, what it is like adjusting to life with a newborn and a toddler, and more!
After hearing all about going from 1 to 2 kids, you are going to be extremely prepared for this major life switch that is about to happen.
Let's get into what it is like going from 1 to 2 kids.
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Going From 1 To 2 Kids
Let me just say, everyone's experience with bringing baby number 2 home is different. This will be easy for some and difficult for others.
We had a great routine going with our first child when our second came along. She was almost 2 at the time. This was so helpful.
What To Expect During Your Second Pregnancy
During your second pregnancy, you may experience many things that you did during your first pregnancy. However, you may have some new things happen also.
Every pregnancy is different! None of my 4 pregnancies were exactly the same.
The only thing that you should expect to be the same is that your baby bump and chest will get bigger and maybe some other parts of your body too. Wah-wah.
And of course, your result will be a wonderful new baby.
My first pregnancy was pretty straightforward. I had morning sickness for the first 3 months, a couple of nose bleeds, and went into labor almost a week late naturally.
In my second pregnancy, I had morning sickness for about 4.5 months and I had sciatic nerve pain off and on, my baby slowed down and eventually stopped growing in my uterus. Sooooo…
I had to be heavily monitored for this and induced 2 weeks early. He was able to grow better outside of my uterus than in. It is called In Utero Growth Restriction (IUGR). IUGR had also happened with my 3rd and 4th pregnancies.
What To Expect During Labor and Delivery
You have made it through one labor and delivery and kudos to you on that. During this labor and delivery, it may go about the same, or some new things may happen.
As I said, each pregnancy, labor, and delivery is its own experience.
You may feel calmer during your second time around since you have been through it a time before so you have a basic idea of the process.
The second time was still nerve-wracking but at least I was familiar with the process!
Your labor may start happening naturally or if you have to be induced.
I went into labor naturally with my 1st baby. Due to my IUGR problem with my other 3 babies, I was induced up to 2 weeks early.
The length of your labor may be longer or shorter than the first.
I was in labor with my first baby for about 17 hours, with my 2nd for about 6 hours, with my 3rd for about 33 hours, and with my 4th for about 16 hours.
You may deliver vaginally or have to have a C-Section.
I had all of my babies vaginally but with baby 4 having a C-Section was a close possibility. There was a surgeon called in!
You may want to have medication or be tough without it. This is amazing for you if you want to skip it! Wow, you are a Rockstar!!!
I just couldn’t bring myself to not have the medications so I had an epidural with all 4 kids.
What It Is Like To Bring Home Baby Number 2
The first couple of days after bringing home your second baby will not be very difficult. It is the weeks and months that follow that are a bit trying at times - the trenches of motherhood.
You are a mom of 2 now and they both need you. So, you will need to figure out how to divide your time between them.
However, you can include your older child more often than you think. And you know what, that older kiddo wants to help you out - so let it happen.
For example, while you are feeding the baby you can read books to your older child. Have your older one pick the books out. Snuggles all around.
You are going to be tired! If you are a working mom, take those 12 weeks off from work. You will not regret it!
Grab some coffee girl! This Starbucks coffee is my favorite.
If you are a stay-at-home mom, try to rest as much as possible. And still, grab that coffee!
How May Your First Child React
No matter how old your first child is when your second is born, they are going to be jealous. They are not the center of your attention anymore and it will take some time to get used to sharing you.
Make sure to show them some extra love.
Ask your hubs to take care of the baby for short bits so you can give your older child some undivided attention. This could be as easy as going for a walk with them, watching a show together, or playing a game.
You can also make them feel extra special by getting them a “big sibling gift”. Give it to them while they visit you in the hospital. A small toy, t-shirt, or movie can help so much!
I had a girl first so she was all about being a mother hen when all of her brothers came along.
Since I am also an in-home daycare provider and have seen the reactions of new siblings coming home for those kids. Oh man, some kids can get really naughty!!! Be on the lookout for that.
Patience, this is an adjustment for everyone.
The Relationship Between Your Husband and 1st child Will Change
Your husband and 1st kiddo will become closer. This is especially true if you are nursing.
You are not able to be a helper as much so your kiddo will naturally go seek help where they can get it.
Don’t worry, once the newness of everything wears off, things will balance back out to where both of your kids will want you and your husband.
My daughter became more of a daddy’s girl when she realized that she had to share me. This also happened with my boys as I had babies 3 and 4.
You may feel a bit of jealously yourself, this is normal!
There were so many times that my husband took some of the kids somewhere so I could take a nap or help the baby. It was such a nice thing for him to do but it did leave me feeling left out.
As your baby gets older, this won’t even be a thing. Now when he takes the kids and I stay home I am like, ah yes, a little time to myself.
Tips To Help Make Going From 1 To 2 Kids Easier For You
Let people help you!!!
If you were sending your first child to daycare before you had your second baby, keep sending them to daycare after your baby arrives.
Their world at home is getting rocked. Let them hang on to their normal daily schedule.
Take some one-on-one time to snuggle up and get to know your new baby. And maybe sneak a nap or 2.
Talk to your husband and ask/tell him how he can help.
I am sure he will help you with what you need but he is not a mind reader.
Take some time for yourself.
Take a walk, a bath, or just read a book. You have to make yourself good so you can be great for your kids!
This is a great bubble bath you can get for yourself so you can relax a bit.
It also makes a wonderful gift for any of your mama to be friends.
Get dressed, every day!
Leave your pajamas for sleeping. This will help your mood!
Congratulations on being pregnant and being able to welcome baby number 2 into your home. I am so proud of you.
You will be tired but you can do this, you Rockstar Mama!
When you are older, you will look back on this time and probably wonder how the heck you ever made it through. I do it all the time.
Being a mom is the hardest job you will ever have but also the most rewarding. Soak it up!
This post was all about what you can expect going from 1 to 2 kids.
Leave me a comment below if you have any other questions about having your second baby.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by!