Hey girl, today let's chat about the best July themes for preschool your kids will love learning about.

Trying to come up with July themes for preschool that you know your kids will be interested in can be a trick and if you are anything like me, you are trying to find preschool themes that are not just educational but a blast as well.
As a previous home daycare provider for 9 years and a mom of 4, I am here to tell you the July themes for preschool that are solid gold for your kids.
My main goal with every theme we do is for the kids to learn but not even realize they are because they are having so much fun.
You are going to see what you need to include in every single July theme idea from which books to include, songs to match the theme, activities to keep your kids busy, and so much more.
Everything you need to make these July themes for preschool successful is all right here.
Let's jump into the top July themes for preschool that your kids are going to go nuts for.
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Best July Themes For Preschool
Activities to Include in Every July Themes For Preschool
Hey pretty lady, I see you and I am so proud of all your hard work. Keep it going!
Books, books, and more books!
We both know how important reading is for preschool-age kiddos so go right ahead and fill your classroom up with them.
Pick a variety of books because what one kiddo loves the next may not.
I love having several comfy spots for kids to read. You can easily create a few areas in your classroom too. Make a reading corner with pillows and stuffed animals or a different area with small chairs.
Put in the effort to read at least 1 book every day to your kids. Make it interesting by adding voices and tons of expression. By doing this, you are showing your kids that it is important to make time to read and that it can be fun.
Singing songs with your kids is a fantastic way to work on speech development, counting, letters, and so much more.
Preschoolers have so much fun with music that they don’t even know they are learning at the same time.
And I love watching kids find the beat and get moving to it. They are not self-conscience about their dance moves and go for it.

If you have yet to pick up a Bluetooth speaker, then you have to check this one out.
I have an older version and it is phenomenal! The music sounds way better than when you play it on your phone.
These are our favorite YouTube channels for kids. I am not sponsored for mentioning them, I just love them so much!
When kids color, they are working on building so many skills. Let’s run through them quickly.
Builds Pencil Grip
Fine Motor Skills
Builds Creativity
Better Hand Strength
Focus and Patience
There are so many amazing coloring pages on Google Images and Pinterest that match the July themes.
Do you have any favorites when it comes to coloring supplies? Since I have been in the game for over 10 years (including my own kids), I have come to love Crayola.
Simply put, they are the BEST!

Don’t forget about the paint.
Oh, I can hear your eyes rolling. Believe me, I know about the mess but you are working with kids after all and they should be allowed to get messy!

When it comes to artwork and coming up with great ideas on my own, I am in the back of the class. But you know what I am great at – following directions.
I let those fantastic artwork creators on Pinterest do the work and I just pick out some ideas.
Pick projects that work all kinds of skills your preschoolers need including using scissors and glue.
The projects that had the most interest from my kiddos are when they got to make some kind of headband or mask.
We made these masks for my husband's 40th birthday party - African Photo Safari themed. It was a blast to put together.

Outside Fun
Kids are meant to be outside, especially during summer. Take your learning outside.
Have your kids use sidewalk chalk to work on writing. Go for walks and try to find colors, numbers, shapes, and more.
I feel like kids are way more observant than we are and they will probably point out some amazing things to you.
July Themes for Preschool
Are you sleeping monster alphabets?
(Zoozoo Song)
(Jack Hartmann – He has a song for every letter)
(English Tree TV)
(Rock N Learn)
(Have Fun Teaching)
If you can, print huge bubble letters from Google Images.
These dot markers are so much fun for preschoolers to use to fill in the letters.
Handprint ABC projects are a hit with kids. I find most of my ideas for this on Pinterest.
Another fun idea is turning individual letters into matching animals. For example – make the bubble letter B into a bumble bee, and M into a monkey.
Catch my drift?

Bust out the sidewalk chalk and ask your kiddos to practice some letters or their name.
I do have a favorite sidewalk chalk because the color payoff is so great but it also washes out of clothes well.
Independence Day
(The Kiboomers)
(Jack Hartmann)
(The Kiboomers)
(The Laurie Berkner Band)
(The Kiboomers)
There are tons of coloring pages on Google Images for the 4th of July. My favorites are the ones with fireworks😊.
The art projects I have tried with my kids are “Patriotic Shooting Stars”, pinwheels, and making paint fireworks with forks.
My kids had a blast with these.
After making the pinwheels, we took them outside to see if the wind would spin them.
Some of my kids got impatient though and made them spin by running and blowing on them.
12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
(Little Baby Bum!)
5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
(Super Simple Songs)
(The Learning Station)
(Super Simple Songs)
(Super Simple Songs)
Print large bubble numbers from Google Images and have your kiddos trace them with paint.
Use pipe cleaners to create numbers.
If you want to make them extra fancy (and have your kiddos work on their fine motor skills) add some beads to them.

Take your kids on a scavenger hunt. Ask them to look for 1 pinecone, 2 birds, 3 clouds, and so on.
You can also have them look for numbers in their environment – mailboxes, house numbers, and license plates to name a few.
Freshwater Habitat
(Super Simple Songs)
(Sesame Street)
(The KIboomers)
(Super Simple Songs)
Print coloring pages of otters, freshwater fish, beavers, frogs, and turtles.
There are also freshwater habitat coloring pages if you think your kids need more detail.
Create otter masks for your kids to wear. They are all going to look so cute.

Set out a water table and add these magnetic toys. Let your kids go fishing for them.
Now you guys, I realize these are not freshwater animals but your kids won’t care. They just want to play in the water on a hot day.
Don’t worry if their clothes get wet, with the hot July weather they will dry in no time.
(The Singing Walrus)
(The Learning Station)
(Jack Hartmann)
(Super Simple Songs)
(Jack Hartmann)
There are tons of summer color sheets to choose from on Google Images.
Encourage your kids to use as many different colors as possible to make the picture come to life.
I love picking art projects that have so make colors to them.
Your kids can make flower gardens, beach balls, and rainbows.
There is nothing like July colors. They are bold and vibrant and always make me want to hit up the beach.
Anyway, see how many colors your kiddos can find outside by playing a game of Eye Spy with them.
(Super Simple Songs)
(Super Simple Song)
(The Singing Walrus)
(The Learning Station)
Print off coloring pages of cars, trucks, planes, trains, rockets, and boats.
Cut out a bunch of shapes from construction paper. Ask your kiddos to create a vehicle out of those shapes and glue them to a blank paper.
Help count how many vehicles go by in a short time.
Our street is pretty slow so we tried 5 minutes. When nothing passed by, I had my kids count how many vehicles they could see when we all stood in my driveway.
(Jack Hartmann)
(The Kiboomers)
(Kids TV)

Kids love paint projects.
I used the shapes from this shape bucket as stamps before and the kids went nuts over it.
The paint washes off easily with warm soapy water.
Your kids are going to have so much fun making shape creations like buildings, animals, and friendly monsters.
Have a bunch of shapes cut out ahead of time for this project for it to move along.
Grab that sidewalk chalk again and let your kids draw all the shapes they can think of.
United States
(The Learning Station)
(The Kiboomers)
(Jack Hartmann)
(The Kiboomers)
(The Hit Crew Kids)
Print off maps of the United States. Talk about where you live and ask your kids if they have visited any other states. You can point those out too.
Then your kids can color it in.
Your kids will have so much fun making Statue of Liberty crowns that they can wear.
You only need some paint and 1 paper plate. I found the directions for this on Pinterest.
Stomp Rockets are so much fun but do this at your own risk because the box says 5 and up.
However, all of my preschool-age kids have done it and loved it.
(The Kiboomers)
(Have Fun Teaching)
(The Singing Walrus)
(The Learning Station)
Your kids can practice drawing shapes by making a big and bright summer sun. Encourage them to add details like a smile and sunglasses.
On Pinterest, you can find flip-flop art for preschoolers.
My kids loved this one since they got to put their feet in the paint. This project works great inside and outside😊.
When you take your kids outside, point out some things that they can enjoy during summer that they can’t during other times of the year.
We love bubbles the most during summer.
This post was all about the best July themes for preschool.
Let me know in the comments below what was one of the funniest things a preschooler has told you.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.