Hey girl, today let's chat about how to make an amazing kid's Easter basket.
Happy, hoppy Easter everyone!!!

Having the Easter bunny come to your house is so exciting for kiddos and if you are anything like me, you want to make it the best it can possibly be.
As a mom of 4 kids myself, my oldest is 10, I am giving you my top ways to make a kid's Easter basket that they won’t forget any time soon.
You are going to learn about all the kid's Easter basket essentials from personalized Easter baskets, kid's Easter gifts, Easter basket stuffers, and more.
After learning about all of these kid's Easter basket ideas, you are going to rock this kid's Easter basket assembly and your little one is going to love it!
Let's hop into the best kid's Easter basket ideas.
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Best Kids Easter Basket
Happy Easter!
I hope you love watching your kiddo run around on Easter morning with the pure excitement that only a child can have. It is one of my favorite things to see.
Cherish the moment and have a great time!
Kids Easter Basket
Personalized Easter Basket
There are so many places you can look to find the right Easter basket for your kiddo, Pottery Barn, Amazon, Target, and Walmart just to name a few.
Right away, I was like Pottery Barn yes, I want to shop there. I love their products, great quality!!!
The baskets they have are so cute. But then I got a sticker shock and stopped myself. I came to realize that it didn't make sense to spend that much on a basket that we are only going to use once a year.
So, bring on Amazon.

This is a great basket, not too big and not too small.
I like this basket since the handles fold down, which makes it easier to store.
It is big enough to go on an Easter egg hunt and hold all your kiddo’s Easter treasures.
If you want to go the extra mile, consider a personalized Easter basket.
There are many patterns and basket sizes to choose from. So cute!
Kids Easter Basket
Easter Morning Egg Hunt
When we thought about having kids, we started talking about holiday traditions and what we each wanted to do with our kids. Well, our answers we not exactly the same.

So, we came up with a mix and match of our childhood traditions and added in a few new things.
For Easter, we decided to do this.
The night before, our kids set out their Easter baskets filled with empty plastic Easter eggs. We have some fun plastic Easter eggs also.
After they are asleep, and we are pretty sure they won’t wake up, my husband and I fill all the eggs with Easter Candy.
I make sure to get what we like so we can share with them, haha.
Next, we hide their baskets which have an Easter gift or 2 inside. Scroll down just a bit and you will find a bunch of great gift ideas!
Then we hide all of the candy-filled Easter eggs. All 110 of them!
Sometimes it is inside, sometimes it is outside. It all depends on the weather.
In the morning, our kids all have to find their baskets first before they can start collecting eggs.
It is a blast to watch them run around like crazy. I love how excited they get.
Kids Easter Basket
Easter Kids Easter Gifts
1. Snack Box
Looking to fill your kid’s basket with snacks and treats that aren’t regular “Easter candy”?
This snack box is perfect for you then.
There are 45 items in here and has a variety of salty and sweet snacks and treats.
2. Legos
I have never met a kiddo who doesn’t play with Legos.
These 2 let kits are popular right now – Mighty Dinosaurs and Doggy Day Care. They are small enough to fit in an Easter basket.

If you are looking for something more, I love gifting the Classic Legos.
Kids get incredibly creative with these.
4. Dino Egg Dig Kit
Let your child crack open these eggs to find a dinosaur. It comes with information cards about each dino they find.
I gave this to my kids last year as something different to do on a hot summer day.
They were able to work together and had a great time finding everything.
5. A Watch

I wasn’t sure if this would be a hit or not but I went for it anyway.
They all wear them but my youngest can’t get enough of it. He loves knowing and telling me what time it is.
6. Sunglasses

The sun is shining more these days. Save your kids from the squint and get some sunglasses.
My daughter is definitely growing, so I have to get her women-sized sunglasses this year, tear! But at least I can wear hers if I want now.
7. Bath Bombs

All kids love Bath bombs! These are so cute since there is a surprise toy inside.
I got the 12 pack, and put 3 in each of my kids’ baskets. They love taking baths.
And I love when they do because I make sure it is a relaxing time for me too. I read a book or catch up on some good YouTube videos.
8. Hair Chalk

My daughter loves to add color to her hair and yours will too.
This hair chalk has been a blast to use, my daughter gets so excited about it.
9. Binoculars

A few years ago, we put binoculars in a few baskets, and boy oh boy do these get used!
We like to hike and they are always on the trip with us.
They are great for watching animals in your back yard too.
10. Bubbles

All of my kids still love bubbles, me too!
You will have so much fun watching your child run around and try to pop them all.
These bubble guns make tons of bubbles.
Just make sure you are cleaning them out so they don’t gunk up and stop working.
11. Sidewalk Chalk

Just like bubbles, your child will love using sidewalk chalk.
I have had the best luck with this kind. It is colorful and washes out of clothes well.
My oldest makes chalk obstacle courses on our driveway with her friends all the time. Then she “lets” her brothers play on it. At least they aren’t fighting!
12. Sandbox Toys

Whether you have a small or large sandbox, fill it up with these sandbox toys.
My husband built a giant sandbox for our kids, and I mean huge. Our kids are in it all the time.
I have seen 8 kids in there before and they still had room to spare.
13. Brain Teaser Memory Game
My oldest son loves games like this, so he got it last year for Christmas. It is another great item that you can take on car trips.
Sometimes after he goes to bed, my husband and I have been known to try our hand at it. So far, we are about even with winning.
My favorite part is that you can turn the sound off!
14. Guess in 10
I have seen this Guess in 10 game everywhere lately and we don’t have it.
So, I did pick it up to put in one of my boy’s baskets this year.
Both sets of grandparents live about 2 hours away and I think this would make a great time passer.
Let me know in the comments below if you have it!
15. LCD Writing Tablet

This has to be one of my favorite gifts my daughter has ever got, an LCD writing tablet.
It is an electronic board, with magnets on the back.
We all use it for everything: drawing, homework, notes to kids, and so much more.
It was such a hot gift that we got our boys their own.
16. Coloring Book

Include a cheap activity in your kids’ Easter basket – a coloring book.
There are so many to choose from that it will be easy to match what your child is into.
17. Decorate Your Own Water Bottle
This “decorate your own water bottle kit” will keep your daughter busy for a while, or at least until lunch.
It is something fun, and she can let her personality shine through.
18. Flower Growing Kit
When I think of Easter and Spring, I think of planting flowers and color coming back to our outdoors.
This Flower Growing Kit is perfect for an Easter gift. Your kiddo will have so much fun putting it together and watching it come to life.
We keep ours as a centerpiece on our deck table. My kids are very diligent to check on it and have loved that they made flowers grow.
19. Stepping Stones
This is a fun craft for your child, paint your own stepping stone. We have put them in our flower garden.
BUT, let me tell you – they are only for decoration. DO NOT STEP ON THEM!!! They will break.
Maybe it would be better to name them decorative animal stones.
Also, if you are going to put them outside, you will need to spray them down with this outdoor varnish, otherwise, the paint will wash off over time.
20. Rainbow Scratch Paper
I don’t know about you, but I am drawn to rainbow scratch paper like a moth to a flame. And my kids are no different!
This is perfect to put in your kid’s Easter basket and I know they will love it as much as we do.
I know you are going to get right in there with them.
21. Easter Books
If you still aren't sure about what to put in your kid's Easter basket, why not consider a book or 2.
I give books as gifts all the time, there are so many great ones to choose from!
These are some top Easter books, but don’t be afraid to go with the books your child is into right now.
This post was all about the best kids Easter basket.
Let me know in the comments below how your kid's Easter basket turns out.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.