Hey girl, today let's chat about how you can put together the best new mom survival kit ever.

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I was so busy preparing for her arrival that I didn’t realize all the postpartum items that I would need for myself after she arrived.
Thankfully my sister let me in on a few new mom survival kit details otherwise I would have been totally unprepared. And believe me, panic would have set it and it would have felt like a disaster to me.
After having 4 babies, I am confident that these are the must-have items that every new mom survival kit should have.
Your Mama friend, or maybe this is for you, is going to love having all these postpartum gifts on hand and will be thanking her lucky stars that she has such a thoughtful friend.
Let’s jump get this new mom survival kit party started.
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Best New Mom Survival Kit
1. Nursing Pads

Whether your mama friend is going to nurse or not, she needs nursing pads.
I tried multiple kinds of nursing pads and these are the best. They are absorbent, stay in place, and are soft which makes them incredibly comfy.
I had planned to nurse so I know that I needed these but I never put 2 and 2 together - your milk still comes in even if you aren’t going to breastfeed. One of my non-nursing mama friends filled me in on that one, and bless her heart – she didn’t even make fun of me for it.
2. Lanolin Nipple Cream
If you don’t know what Lanolin Nipple Cream is, it is the most amazing nipple cream on the planet for nursing mamas. A little bit goes a very long way.
This was one product that I didn’t know I needed right from the start.
It saved my nipples from becoming cracked and it is completely safe for the baby.
3. Aveeno Lotion

Holy smokes, new moms need lotion. Their body goes through every kind of hormonal change imaginable and then repeats, throwing off their skin.
I ended up getting dry spots in the craziest places like my neck and the tops of my toes.
This Aveeno fragrance free lotion has been in my closet for 13 years now. It is so hydrating and fragrant-free.
4. Feminine Pads

If you are close to this new mama, then you have to include a package of feminine pads (or a few different sizes).
Little did I know what was about to happen to me for 4 to 6 weeks after I had my baby.
Without getting too detailed (in case you don’t know) – you basically have a postpartum period for that amount of time and can’t use tampons (nor would you want to).
It is heavy at first and then gradually gets less and less so different size pads with different absorbencies are helpful.
Heavy Flow Pads (start with these)
Light Flow Pads (end with these around the 4 to 6 week part)
5. Shower Steamers
Help this new mama pamper herself with what little time she has.
These shower steamers will take her on a quick vacation right in her bathroom. They will also help her relax.
Skip giving her anything for a bath. Her bottom area needs time to heal and is sensitive.
6. Bath Robe

This bathrobe is so cozy and so needed as a new mom. She can use it when she gets out of the shower and for those nighttime trips to visit her new baby.
I was not much of a bathrobe wearer before having kids but when you constantly are getting up in the middle of the night and early in the morning, that changed my tune.
7. Hair Towels

I have curly hair and these towels cut down on the level of frizz.
8. Cozy Socks

We have gifted these cozy socks so many times because they are amazing. They are so soft and warm and they have no-slip grippers on the bottoms.
Mama is going to love wearing them no matter what time of day it is and all year long.
9. Hair Ties

This new mama of yours will be tossing her hair up a bit more after she has her baby.
For whatever reason, it seemed I couldn’t keep track of my hairbands the first few months after I had my babies, so having extras was helpful.
There are a few different kinds you can go with here. I like the Gimme Beauty Any Fit No Damage and the Mulberry Silk Hair Ties the best.
10. Dry Shampoo
Mama isn’t going to be able to take a shower as often as she likes anymore, at least for a while. Help her hair last longer with dry shampoo.
Living Proof Dry Shampoo is what you need to toss in this new mama gift. There is a small bottle if you don’t want to splurge on the big one.
I love that it is color-free so it doesn’t leave any white in your hair.
11. Candle

I feel like candles are the perfect gift for any occasion for a woman and this is quite the occasion! They are calming and relaxing.
This candle is everything, found at Walmart.
The vanilla, coconut, and pear smell is delicious and light and spreads throughout the home nicely. You might as well add 2 to your cart because after you smell it you are going to want one for yourself.
12. Soft Blanket

Mama is going to be able to snuggle her little bambino with this Sherpa fleece blanket.
It is so soft and warm.
We have a few of them and everyone always wants to use them the most. I like the full-size and queen-size ones the best.
13. Water Bottle

Ooh baby, that new mama is going to need to hydrate like no other!
Hook her up with an amazing water bottle. I love Hydro Flask water bottles and the 22 oz size fits in cup holders.
However, the Stanley Quencher is so great as well and comes in so many beautiful colors!
14. Yeti Tumbler

Skip the coffee cup and go straight for a tumbler – a Yeti Tumbler. Love them or hate them, you know they are a rock-solid cup.
I use one every time I have coffee (at least daily) and it always stays hot until the last drop.
15. Coffee

I was not a coffee drinker before I had kids but have since come around to it. Those endless short nights are something else.
It took me a while to land on a kind that I like since I am not a fan of that strong coffee flavor.
I have been stuck on Starbucks Espresso Dark Roast for a long time now.
16. Chocolates

Hook your girl up with some delicious chocolates.
She just went through a crazy marathon for which she had no real training. I am talking about giving birth and no one can truly train for it.
They will give her a little bit of energy here and there and lift her mood. Honest, who can be down when eating chocolates?
I love these chocolates so much that I have them always stashed in my house.
17. Lip Balm

This is the lip balm that everyone needs and Mama is going to love you for it. You may as well add one in the cart for you too. Trust me, you won’t be sorry.
I know it says lip sleeping mask but I use it as a lip balm during the day too.
My lips were so dry after having my babies that I was constantly putting on lip balm but it would all wear off so easily for how much water I was drinking.
But you guys, this lip balm is fantastic and is the only kind I use now.
If you would rather, you can also get this lip balm at Kohl's.
18. Reading Material
She is going to have some time on her hands to catch up on all her shows. But when she gets bored with that, she is going to need something to read.
Get her a few magazines or a new good book.
If you have a good book suggestion, let me know in the comments below!

If you want to give her a bigger gift, get her a Kindle. She can use it with one hand and the light feature is everything when she is sitting with her baby at night.
I didn’t get one until my 3rd baby and then I was like why did I wait so long? The best part is that you can check books out from your public library to save money.
19. Nail Polish

As my body was trying to change back to prebaby everything I just wanted something to be confident about on my body. I know your Mama friend is going to feel the same way.
Get her some nail polish. I have had the best luck with the Essie brand.
My nails looked amazing after I had my 4 kids, you guys.
Some great colors I have tried are Mod Square, Watermelon, and Forever Yummy.
This post was all about the best new mom survival kit.
Let me know in the comments below if there was something I missed on this new mom survival kit list.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.