Are you looking for fun outdoor winter activities that you can do with your kids? Girl, these are the best outdoor winter activities that your kids will want to do again and again.

Being stuck inside with your kids all winter long can make you want to lose your mind but if you are anything like me, you are looking for great ways to get your kids outdoors!
As a mom of 4 myself, and a daycare provider, I am giving you the top outdoor winter activities that my kids have had the most fun with.
You are going to learn about all the outdoor winter activities from playing in the snow, exploring new places, ways to hang with your family and friends, and more.
After learning about all of these outdoor winter activities, you are going to want to go outside with your kids and try them all.
Let's jump into the best outdoor winter activities that everyone should try.
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Best Outdoor Winter Activities
Most of the following outdoor winter activities are for regions where it is cold and gets snow. However, there are a few on this list that you can do wherever you live.
If there are some fun outdoor winter activities I have missed, let me know in the comments below. My kids love trying out new things to do for fun.
And just so we are clear, winter is not my favorite time of the year. I am the type of person that gets cold so easily.
If we didn’t try to go outside every day, my kids would get so squirrely and then start driving me crazy. I am sure you are familiar with the feeling!
It is a great way for them to burn off their energy.
I would rather get outdoors every day even if it is cold. So good for you. You just have to dress for the weather.
Best Cold-Weather Gear
To be able to go outdoors and stay out in the cold for any amount of time, you and your kids need to have the right gear. Otherwise, your time outside is going to be very short-lived.
No one likes being cold!
The following gear is the best, so great that I keep going back to it year after year because it works! I am a person who gets cold often, so I have searched hard for this stuff.
We live in an area where it is not uncommon for negative-degree weather for over half of the winter.
Let’s get into some fun activities! Don’t let your kids have all the fun either.
Get outdoors yourself and join in. It is a great way to beat those winter blues.
Best Outdoor Winter Activities
1. Build a Snowman
Get rolling those balls! Snow Balls!!!
Your kids are going to love building a snowman and then some family members to go with it.
When you get your snowman all stacked up, you can use this snowman kit to make the look complete.
We build multiple snowmen every year and my kids can’t get enough of them.
If the snow is too wet and heavy try using shovels to push the snow to your snowman spot. It takes a little long but the result is still the same.
2. Build a Snow Fort
If your kids are willing, build an epic snow fort. And I mean huge! The bigger the better!
They will have so much fun building it and playing in it when it is done.
Last year we ended up with a massive snow fort, that my kids and their friends spent hours in.
They have been talking about it since the snow melted. Another is coming this winter, bigger and better they say.
The best way to get the wall made is by using the snow brick builder and scoop shovels, found at Menards.
3. Have a Snowball Fight
Your kids will have so much fun having a snowball fight with you. It is not every day that they get to do that!
Your kids can get into their new snow fort for cover, while you may be out of luck. A snow tube makes a great shield.
You can also have a snowball throwing competition to see who can throw it the farthest or hit it best on a certain spot.
4. Paint the Snow
Your kids will ask to do this every time they go outdoors! This is so much fun.
They can make designs, write their names, or just have a blast turning the snow all sorts of colors.
If your kids get some snow paint on their winter gear no worries, it comes off so easily. Grab some snow and rub it on the paint spot, ta-da all clean.
We have been doing this for years, with kiddos as young as 2, and none of their snow gear has been stained.
My daughter especially loves doing this. She thinks snow is so boring since it is just white, even if it does sparkle in the sunshine. Has to have some color!
You need a few items to make this happen.

Warm Water – warm water works better than cold water for dissolving the paint.
Put some washable paint on each of the squirt bottles – a couple of teaspoons will do. Don't feel like you need to measure though.
Add warm water until the bottle is almost full. Put the cover on and shake until there are no clumps of paint left.
Take it outside and paint the snow.
5. Sledding

Kids love sledding, no matter how big or small the snow hill is.
Get some sleds or snow tubes and get your sled party started!
Let your kids walk back up the hill too, wear them out for some good sleep later!

These snow tubes have lasted a long time.
They both make great Christmas presents too!
My kids love big hills and I can hear them giggling all the way down. But they will play on any size snow hill they can.
When my husband shovels our driveway, he will push all the snow to one side and build up a decent size mound for our kids to sled down.
They spend hours on it.
6. Go Snow Shoeing

Take your kids on a snowshoe adventure. It is fun and challenging.
Word of advice for beginners though, don’t go far on your first few outings.
They take a bit to get used to and give your muscles a decent workout. Your kids may end up tired fast.
It becomes zero fun if your kids are complaining!
We let our kids snowshoe around our yard to build up their muscles. They have a great time with them.
There are snowshoes for all ages. The following are pretty middle-of-the-road decent.
7. Go Skiing

Just like snowshoeing, skiing with your kids can be fun and challenging. Young kids can pick up on skiing faster than you think.
You can pick which kind would be best for you, downhill or cross country.
If you go downhill skiing you will be able to rent skis from the resort. Trying cross country, you may have to buy them.
I have done both and prefer cross country. I feel more in control and steady, and I have a bad knee.
Going out on a clear night when the moon is full is my favorite! The stars really pop!
We have these cross-country skis for the kids to use just in our yard.
Their boots fit in them and we didn't have to buy poles to go with them. Great for beginners.
8. Ice Skating

Ice skating can be a great outing with your kids. It is great exercise too.
Many skating rinks will rent out skates too. If not, these are nice ice skates that won’t break your bank.
After you are done, go home and grab some hot cocoa to warm up.
Maybe play a board game or have a movie night.
The first time my kids went, they were falling all over the place. They can skate backward now. I still haven't figured that one out.
9. Ice Fishing

Do you love to fish? Don’t stop just because the water froze over. Take your kids ice fishing.
There is so much gear out there for this, but I am not experienced enough to tell you what is the best. So, I am not going to.
Now I have to be honest, I love fishing and can’t get enough of it during the nice weather months. But ice fishing…I have never tried it. I am so nervous about not trusting the ice that I can’t bring myself to get out there.
Lots of people in my family go and take their kids along. The kids have a great time and can't wait until when they can go again.
10. Have a Bonfire
What better way to warm up outdoors when it is cold (besides going inside) than with a bonfire!
Be sure to keep an eye on your kids. They aren’t aware of where their bodies are when they are all bundled up in snow gear.
We have this fire pit table and love it. I love bonfires in the winter. Did I mention I am always cold!
11. Host a Hot Chocolate Party

While you are out having your bonfire, call a few friends, neighbors, or family members over and have an outdoor hot chocolate party.
Saves on the mess in your house! And I am all for that.
Ask everyone to bring their favorite insulated cup, mine is this cup.
I may or may not have 3 of them.
You can whip up a huge dispenser of hot chocolate.
Set out a couple cans of whipped cream to be extra fancy and boom – Hot Chocolate Party.
We went to one last winter and my kids had a blast.
They stayed warm with all their snow gear on, next to the bonfire, drinking up their cocoa!
12. Take a Walk
Get your kids bundled up in their winter gear so they stay nice and cozy and go for a walk. If there is snow on the ground and your kids are small enough, pull them along in a sled.
Don’t expect to break any speed records on this walk, it can be tough for your kids to be quick with all their extra gear on.
I love going for walks in the winter, especially after it has just snowed. There is so much to see if you pay attention.
And this is FREE!!!
13. Visit a State Park
Do you want to take a walk but are bored of the same route? Try visiting a state park.
I am sure there is one within driving distance of you. They are everywhere!
Your kids will have fun exploring a new place and will get exercise too.
We visit state parks multiple times during the winter.
My husband and boys are more adventurous than my daughter and me. They always lead us off the path, but in doing so we have found some amazing things to see.
14. Play Football

Get in some exercise with your kids and play football in the snow. Tackle football!!!
This is so much fun and I know your kids are going to love it.
Besides all of the traditional outdoor winter activities, this is a fan favorite at our house. Having 3 boys, it is no surprise to me. Even my daughter joins in, can’t be left out.
This is a great option for a football. You never have to pump it.
15. Go on a Scavenger Hunt
If your kids are digging in their heels about not going outside, suggest going on a scavenger hunt.
I have done this so many times. My kids get all excited and want to find everything on the list. They love the challenge and your kids will too.
Some great winter items you can put on your list may include:
- A Cardinal
- Snow Shovel
- Snow Sculpture
- Christmas Decorations
- Grass peaking through the snow, if it is close to spring
I hope you enjoyed this list.
Have fun trying all of these great outdoor winter activities this year. Get out there, play with your kids, and build those memories with them.
This post was all about the best outdoor winter activities to do with your kids.
Leave me a comment below about what outdoor winter activities you like doing with your kids. We are on the hunt for some new great ideas.
I look forward to hearing from you.