Want to know which outside toys for 3 year old boys and girls are the best? These are the outside toys that will get played with.

Picking outdoor toys for toddlers can be tricky and if you are anything like me, you want to buy something that they are for sure going to play with.
As a mom of 4 and a home daycare provider, I am giving you the top outside toys for 3 year old boys and girls that will get used.
You are going to learn about all of the outside toys for 3 year old boys and girls from ride-on toys, sandbox toys, sports toys, and more.
After learning about all of these amazing outdoor toys for kids, you are going to be able to pick the best gift for your little one.
Let's jump into the best outside toys for 3 year old boys and girls.
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Best Outside Toys For 3 Year Old
1. Bike

Whether you think a bike with training wheels or a balance bike is the one for your 3 year old, you can’t go wrong.
We only have experience with a training wheels bike but my neighbor’s son has had great success with his balance bike.
2. Trike

This Radio Flyer Trike is dynamite and durable.
Our trike has had 11 kids riding it and is still amazing.
3. Scooter
She is going to have fun riding this scooter while working on getting better at her balance.
I love that it is adjustable as well.
4. Powered Ride On Toy
You know any powered ride on toy is going to be a hit for your 3 year old.
We have to charge ours almost every day!
5. Playset

You will not believe how many hours your kiddo is going to spend on this play set.
Get one that fits your budget but also one that he can grow into a bit. He will be able to use it for longer.
6. Swing Set
If you are looking for something a bit smaller than a playset, I would for sure go with this swing set.
But if you have a handyman, as I do thankfully, have him build you one that is tall! It will add years of use to its lifetime.
Let me know in the comments below if you want more info on building the best big swing set.
7. Play House

Your kiddo will have the best time using her imagination in this playhouse.
I love that we can move this thing around the yard, you know, to spice things up a bit.
8. Picnic Table
This picnic table is going to be an instant hit. He can eat at it, play at it, and even take a break at it.
We have had ours for so many years and it is still going strong.
9. Bubbles

Toddlers can never have enough bubbles. Well, all kids really!
Take a turn making them so he can chase after and pop them.
10. Bubble Blower
If you are looking for a more fun way to make the bubbles, try a bubble blower.
Just make sure to clean it out well!
11. Sidewalk Chalk

Your kiddo is going to have a blast making pictures outside with this sidewalk chalk.
The possibilities are endless on what can be made – writing names, drawing pictures, tracing people, obstacle courses, and more.
Since I have a home daycare, my husband put up an outdoor chalkboard and it gets used!
Let me know in the comments if you have one in your yard.
12. Stomp Rocket
She is going to go bananas with this stomp rocket.
It does say 5 and up, so this one is at your own risk. If you don’t get it right now, you should for the 5th birthday.
I even get to use it.
13. Sandbox
Go big or go home here, guys.
Build the biggest sandbox that you can and it will get years and years of use.
If you just don’t have the space for a big sandbox, this one will work fantastically.
14. Sandbox Toys
What fun would a sandbox be without a few toys in it? Um, that would be zero fun.
These get so much use at my house.
15. Balls

Young kiddos love any kind of ball that they can kick and throw around.
These balls get taken out at my house almost every day and have stood the test of time. Worth your money!
16. T-Ball Set
I love this t-ball set as much as my kids do, I am a terrible pitcher.
The perfect size for any 3 year old and older.
My 11-year-old daughter is still able to easily hit balls from this tee.
17. Basketball Hoop

This adjustable basketball hoop is such a confidence builder for 3 year olds.
We love it so much that we have 2, only because I do daycare though.
18. Gardening Set
He is going to be able to help you when you are working in your garden with this gardening set.
My kids get the most use out of the watering can.
19. Toss and Catch Ball Game
An easy way for your kiddo to start playing catch. The ball sticks right to the paddles.
She is going to want to play this game with you over and over since she can catch the ball easier than the traditional ball and glove.
20. Beanbags
Your kiddo wants to be just like you, including playing beanbags.
I love this version because it can be a bean bag toss but can also be a dart board.
21. Golf

The bag comes in blue or pink, making it perfect for any child.
22. Hopper Ball
When my brother-in-law first gave these to my kids, I was like – um, thanks, I think.
Turns out, the hopper ball is a blast and my kids are on them all the time.
23. Foam Airplanes
These airplanes are easy to assemble and easy to throw.
We take turns seeing who can get their plane to go the farthest.
Always seems to be a contest around here.
24. Water Fun

I don’t know about you, but around here kids can spend hours upon hours playing in and with water.
These are some of our favorite ways to cool off on those hot summer days.
25. Water Table

Wow, oh wow, this water table will get a workout. And your kiddo is going to love it too!
Add in these magnetic fish and your kiddo will be so entertained that you may be able to catch up on some reading.
26. Exploration Bag
Help take exploring the world around him to a whole new level with this exploration kit.
It comes with tools to catch and take a close look at bugs, not my favorite but I try to put on a good face.
There are binoculars in this kit as well.
27. Foam Pogo Jumper
There isn’t much more I can say except kids love bouncing on this jumper.
Since the stick part is stretchy, your kiddo will be able to use it for a long time.
It can be used inside and outside but I always have daycare babies on the floor inside so it is only used outside here.
28. Sled and Snow Tube
If you live in an area that gets snow, you have to consider these next few items for your 3 year old.
Sled and snow tubes are so much fun for kids. You will hear so many giggles as your kiddo goes down the hill.
It doesn’t even need to be a big hill for them to have fun either.
My husband shovels our driveway all to one side and builds the kids a small snow hill right in our front yard. They love it.
29. Snow Brick Maker
This snow brick maker will help your kiddo make an amazing snow fort. And what kiddo doesn’t love a fort, of any kind?
My kids build one every year, with our help. But they are getting better at it.
30. Snowman Kit
If you are into helping your kiddo build a snowman, then you need this snowman kit to complete the look.
The pieces come with long wooden dowels to help them better stay on your snowman.
This is a unique gift that your kiddo can use year after year.
31. Snow Paint
I did not know snow paint was a thing until a few years ago but now my kids and daycare kids can’t get enough.
When you run out of the paint mix that comes with this kit, get this washable paint. I love it because the snow or your washer will get the paint off your child’s snow gear in a snap.
Put about a teaspoon-ish amount of paint into the bottle, add warm water and shake it up. Tada – more snow paint.
Your yard is going to be so colorful.
32. Snow Shovel
You know your kiddo wants to be just like you. Watch how she mimics you. Well, why not have her help you shovel the driveway?
We got one of these snow shovels from a neighbor and soon all of the kids couldn’t wait for a turn. Since they are cheap, they all have one now.
I know she isn’t going to do the best job but keep encouraging her to help you. Pretty soon, you will have to beg her for help!
This post was all about the best outside toys for 3 year old boys and girls.
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Let me know in the comments below what toys you got for your 3 year old.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by!