Puberty is the hardest part of parenting so far but some of the puberty stories that have happened are hilarious!

With every stage that has come before puberty, I thought it was the toughest one and I had no idea how I was going to make it through.
Turns out, those were the easy stages and puberty is tough on everyone involved! But some funny puberty stories that are happening around here are helping.
My daughter is in the thick of it, she is 12. And my oldest son is just getting started, he is 10, and my other two boys are 8 and 6.
But even though puberty is hard, you can make it easier on your kiddo by being there. Be there to answer their questions, dry their tears, and join in those laughable moments as well.
This post is going to be different from my other posts because I am going to continue to add puberty stories throughout this experience.
So, I invite you to keep checking back because I have some funny puberty stories in store for you along with tips and tricks to help you navigate puberty with your kiddo.
We can get through this puberty stage together and I know we need each other.
Best Puberty Stories
First of all, I always encourage my kids to ask any question they want and I will give them an honest answer. They also know that their friends are going to be wrong about almost everything they tell them.
Pubic Hair
Yesterday, my daughter was devasted that she had to start a month-long puberty unit in health. She is in the 6th grade and this health class is boys and girls together.
So embarrassing Mom!
We already talked about menstruation and the changes that she is going to be going through, so at least she is in the know about that.
She was worried about all the other stuff that was going to come up.
So, this is how our talk started. "Mom, do you know that there is penis hair" I was like what. Yeah, what she meant was pubic hair. She went on to ask if there is hair on a penis and I was like, no.
We eventually got around to the question "Have you seen Dad naked". Here I am trying to be as straight-faced as possible and only answer with a yes.
Her gasp was so harsh that I thought I was going to have to remove the curtains from her mouth.
I have never heard her change the subject so fast!
The Skeletal System
In my daughter's health class, they are studying the skeletal system.
As one of her assignments to do in class was to glue together a paper skeleton on another piece of paper.
She was like mom, one girl glue the sternum where a penis is supposed to be because she thought there was a penis bone. With a smirk on my face, I asked if it was her. No, she shrieked.
She then went on to say that she tried to turn it in and the teacher had to explain to her that there wasn't a penis bone and she had to make the proper adjustments on her paper.
Later that night when my husband got home, she was telling him the story. Except there was more to the story, guys!
She said someone else put the kneecap bones (patella) where the boobs should be. I thought my husband was going to laugh so hard that he would fall out of the chair. She was laughing too!
It was so great to show her that these funny moments can be laughed at.
Bless you, teachers for what you must see and hear!
Last year, my son asked if he could talk to me in private. He was 9 at the time.
The question of the day is "Why is my penis sturdy sometimes in the morning".
I did not think for one minute that this is what he wanted to talk to me about, but this was the most comical way I have ever heard that described.
To be honest, I had no clue what the answer was. So, I told him straight out that I didn't know but I would find out for him and we could get his question answered when he got home from school.
I called my husband to get some help. At first, I could tell that he was a bit disappointed that our son didn't ask him but I let him know he could gladly handle all the other tough questions that would be asked in the future.
He did say the best thing though. "Tell him it is normal and happens to every single guy"!
So that is what I started with and then went on to tell him about it.
You guys, just answer the question they ask. You don't have to go into great detail because they probably are quite ready for that anyway.
Growing Up Groups
My oldest son is in 5th grade and he will be going through these "Growing up groups" with the boys in his grade.
The teachers sent home the slide show and a short video that they would be presenting to the boys.
My son loves being prepared so of course he wanted to go through this stuff together before he did them in class. I thought - perfect, then he can ask any questions without feeling embarrassed.
Well, his 2 younger brothers (8 and 6) didn't want to be left out so they were watching too.
When the video started talking about erections, my oldest son said just matter of fact like "I have had one of those." Then my 6 year old chimed in "I have had those too." And not to be left out, the 8 year old says "Me too, mostly in the morning."
I thought my husband was going to fall right out of his chair but somehow managed to compose himself.
Later, I told my husband, well that was a good bonding moment for them. To which he replied, oh gosh, I can't see what topic they will bond over next.
This post is all about the best of the best puberty stories from my kids.
Please share your hilarious puberty stories with me in the comments below. We are in this crazy stage together and we can make it through together.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.