Hey girl, today let’s chat about all the best stocking stuffers for 11-year-old boy ideas that he will surely use!

Even though the Santa may be out of the bag, I can guarantee your son still wants to get stocking stuffers this year! And you know what, I have no problem keeping this Christmas tradition alive! Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday, after all.
This year I am a mom on the hunt for the best of the best when it comes to stocking stuffers for 11-year-old boy and Ooo girl, you are going to love them.
I have found stocking stuffers ideas that will surely wow your son and I know they won’t just end up in a corner.
Let's get into all the best stocking stuffers for an 11-year-old boy that he wants to get from you!
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Best Stocking Stuffers For 11 Year Old Boy
1. T-Shirt
I love gifts that are fun and useful too and that is very true when it comes to a T-shirt.
Do not think for 1 minute that an 11-year-old boy can’t get excited about getting a t-shirt because that just isn’t true.
My son goes nuts when he gets a Super Mario shirt or Green Bay Packer shirt and I am just glad that I have my camera ready for his reaction.
3. Boys Hats
Add in a hat from his favorite sports team, that could include from his own school. That school gear can get expensive, which is why I like to give it as a gift if my kids want it.
Like I said before my son is all about the Green Bay Packers around here so this is what I would get him.
4. Winter Gloves
We live where there can be snow on the ground from about November through March (at least), so my kids need snow gloves.
These have been a Rockstar and I have bought them many times. My kids love that there are so many colors to choose from.
5. Sunglasses

Does your son love to wear sunglasses as much as mine does? He has these sport sunglasses and wears them all the time.
Another son of mine has a little different style and loves his aviators.
6. Joke Books
I am sure your son has a sense of humor like mine does and that is why a joke book is so great for him.
We have these 2 joke books and all my kids are nuts over them. I even laugh at most of them too.
7. Books for Boys

Every chance I get, I encourage all of my kids to read. And books are the perfect size to slide into a Christmas stocking.
Right now my son is crazy for Diary of a Wimpy Kid books so I will be adding to his collection and he loves Garfield.
Do you have any book recommendations for my son? Let me know in the comments below.
8. Playing Cards

Does your family play cards? I do with my kids but my husband isn’t a fan.
Anyway, get him a deck of cards and a book of card games.
Maybe you can learn some new games to play together.
9. Games
Here are a few smaller games that fit in stockings.
We have Guess in 10 Animal Planet and it is great for on-the-go. I have learned so many fun facts about animals from playing this game.
We also have the original Kanoodle and my son loves it so much but he has figured out all of the puzzles on it. He is going to get Kanoodle Extreme in his Christmas stocking this year!
10. Walkie Talkies

Oh man, who doesn’t love playing with walkie talkies? My boys are crazy over these especially when they are playing nerf war.
But listen girl, don’t even think about going for cheap kids’ ones. You might as well toss your money out the window (I am speaking from experience here).
Just get the man walkie talkies from the start!
11. Binoculars

If he is at all outdoorsy, hook him up with some binoculars. You don’t have to go crazy on these for him to enjoy them.
I mean, unless you want to. Then, by all means, get these Vortex binoculars.
My husband has them and he takes them to hunt in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.
12. Sports Cards

My son and his buddies sit and talk, check out, and trade sports cards all the time and these are the ones to get.
Football is the main sport here with a few basketball ones sprinkled in.
New ones come out all the time too, lucky for us😉.
At first, I got him this little binder to hold them all and he still has it but he also has this bigger binder as well.

13. Football

There are so many fun footballs out there.
And with 3 boys, and lots of their friends around all the time, there are the ones that get used the most!
14. Slinky

I feel like the Slinky may have been the original fidget toy.
This is on my son’s Christmas list this year, which surprised me!
Did you know that the Slinky was invented by accident and has been around since 1943?
There, we both learned something new, since I had to look this up!
15. Shape Shifting Box
This shape shifting box is pretty spectacular, my friend!
It can change into over 70 different shapes.
And what is really cool is if you have more than one, you can connect them (they are magnetic) and make even more shapes.
16. Rubik's Cube

Girl, tell me in the comments below, have you ever been able to solve a Rubik’s Cube? Once it gets all mixed up, I have never been able to solve it. Ugh, that is so frustrating!
But maybe your son can figure it out.
Now if we are playing Rubik’s Race, I am all in!
17. Legos

I am a huge Lego fan, just like my son, and usually, I go for the Classic Legos as a gift since anything can be built with them but how fun are these cars for your son?
They will keep him busy all Christmas day!
18. Watch

This is another gift going into my son’s Christmas stocking this year.
He wants a watch and I know from experience over this past year that this one is a solid option.
19. Fishing Tackle

My son is bananas about fishing. We mostly fish for Northern Pike, Bass, and pan fish.
Girl, fishing tackle is NOT cheap! That is why we like to add to his collection at Christmas and on his birthday.
Here are some fantastic options that have worked well for us.
If you are looking for a tackle bag or tackle box, I would run with one of these 2 options. 2 of my kids have the bag and the other 2 have the box.

Hooking him up with a fishing pole also makes a great Christmas gift.
I like to go to Cabela’s for that and yes, I have had a fishing pole shipped to my house before. It worked out with no problems.
Other Christmas Gifts
Here are a few options when it comes to Christmas gifts for your son that won’t fit in his stocking but are fantastic just the same. Trust me, he is going to love these.
20. Laser Tag

My son got this Laser Tag set for Christmas last year and man, has it gotten a workout.
I love that my boys and their friends will still be able to run around and play laser tag even when they are in high school😊.
21. Remote Control Vehicle

This remote control car is epic and he is going to love it!
But whew, be prepared, you are going to pay for it.
22. Ticket to Ride

If you have never had the pleasure of playing Ticket to Ride, you are in for a treat.
It is my son’s favorite board game and will suck you in too.
This post was all about the best stocking stuffers for 11-year-old boy.
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