Want to know the best summer activities for kids for keeping busy and having fun? These are tested, approved, and will keep your kids occupied all summer long.
As summer approaches, you may find yourself wondering how you are going to keep from hearing “I’m bored” from your kids? I bet you are looking into summer activities for kids.
As a mom of 4 kids and a daycare provider, I am going to share the top summer activities for kids that we have done for multiple years to make summer as fun as possible.
You are going to learn about the best summer activities for kids to keep them hopping like going to a beach, water fights, nature walks, and more.
After checking out all of these activities your kids can do to keep busy, your kids’ summer will probably fly by.
Let's jump into the best summer activities for kids to keep them entertained and having fun.
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Best Summer Activities For Kids
Some activities on this list will seem like they are just for inside but surprise your kids and take it outside.
We are lucky enough to have an outdoor table. But if you don’t have one, grab a blanket to spread in the grass.
On this list, you will NOT find any screen time. I know, I KNOW it is just so easy to let your kids have it.
But let their brains have a break from it and explore the world around them. Let their imaginations run wild.
I am not saying kids shouldn’t have it at all, my kids have it from time to time during the summer. They should just have a limited amount of it.
1. Bubbles

This large non-spill bubble bucket rocks!
We have been gifted battery-powered bubble blowers. They work well for a while.
Even though we took care to clean them properly, they always gunk up and stop working.
We stick to the ones the kids have to blow through.
2. Fly Kites

Thankfully we live near a park and can spend hours flying kites.
There is something very challenging yet soothing about this activity.
And kites are inexpensive – win!
3. Ride Bikes

My kids have spent hours riding their bikes either on our driveway or up and down our street.
It is a great way for them to burn off energy.
Bikes can be expensive and kids grow out of them quickly.
Almost all of our bikes are used. We looked for them from friends, garage sales, and used bike shops.
One bike I can recommend is this bike.
4. Go on a Nature Walk
It is amazing what kids will notice in nature. My kids have pointed out so many things to me that I would have missed.
Also, if they stop to look at something, let them look. You are on a nature walk, so you shouldn’t be in a hurry.
Let their curiosity run wild.
5. Go to a Playground
Playgrounds are so much fun, and someplace different.
I have to set a timer when we are at a playground.
The kids want to stay as long as possible.
6. Run through a Sprinkler

What a great way to cool off on hot summer days.
The kids will go nuts over this sprinkler.
I prefer a sprinkler over a pool. You do not have to spend time filling it, waiting for the water to warm up, and then empty the thing.
7. Pool Time
My sister-in-law gave all 4 of my kids this blow-up pool as a birthday present.
It is amazing and my husband and I can fit right in there with all of our kids if we want to cool off too.
8. Water Fight
These water squirters are amazing!
We own 8 of them!
Amazing until your kids come after you with them. Yep, they got me.
Good thing I was close to the hose and was able to get them back.
They called foul, but hey I’m the mom.
9. Go to the Beach
We live right near a beach and try to make it there a couple of times a summer.
Between building sandcastles and swimming, it makes for a fun-filled couple of hours.
10. Play in a Sandbox

Make sure to stock up on some sand toys like these.
If you have a yard and it has room for a decent size sandbox, put one in.
I asked my husband to build a “normal” size sandbox. What he built me was an abnormally large sandbox.
Trust me he says. He was not wrong!
All my kids and daycare kids fit in it with room to spare and it gets used!
11. Have a Picnic
I know what you are thinking, oh the hassle! And I have been there too!
Instead, try to think “we are building memories here”.
My kids want a picnic every chance they can during the summer. Picnic for breakfast, lunch, snack, or supper, it does not matter. It is just fun!
12. Read Outside
Grab a blanket, build a fort, or sit on a swing to read. It is a great way to have some relaxing time during the day.
13. Summer Reading Challenge
Keep your kids interested in reading throughout the summer.
Most kids like a good challenge.
14. Play Frisbee

You will have a great time with this sturdy frisbee.
We had other, cheaper ones. My kids were a disappointment since they cracked so easily.
15. Play Hide and Seek
Keep your kids interested in reading throughout the summer.
Most kids like a good challenge.
16. Visit the Public Library
I don’t know about you but we love our public library.
Every summer my kids are signed up for their summer reading program.
17. Write a Story
Let your kid’s creativity come to life and have them write a story. Don’t forget the illustrations.
We have done this a few summers in a row now. I buy each of them a new notebook that has a fun front cover.
Every weekday I set a timer for 20 minutes right after breakfast and have the kids write. It is so fun to see what they come up with.
18. Build Forts
Have you ever met someone who did not want to build or go in a fort?
You can take this one outside or save it for inside on a rainy day.
If I let them, my kids would leave forts up as long as possible.
19. Sidewalk Chalk

This sidewalk chalk is wonderful for kids of all ages.
It helps little kids with their writing/drawing skills.
Older kids can get really creative.
Just the other day there was an obstacle course covering our entire driveway.
20. Sidewalk Chalk Walk
Take your kids on a walk and bring along some sidewalk chalk. When you walk by a friend's house write a nice little message on their driveway.
We came home one day and there was a “Hi – signed with friend’s name” written on our driveway.
My kids were so excited and wanted to spread the same cheer to the rest of their friends in our neighborhood.
Great way to unexpectedly brighten someone’s day.
21. Go on a Puddle Hunt after it rains

Have you ever met a kid that is NOT drawn to playing in the water? I have not.
This activity is a go-to after it rains.
We have been using Western Chief brand rain boots for years and will continue to buy them.
Never had them break or leak.
22. Science Experiments
Time to make some fun happen, and learning without your kids knowing it.
This book is filled with experiments to try.
For the past 4 summers, we have been doing a science experiment once a week.
Some have become favorites and repeats, like Elephant Toothpaste.
23. Play Tag
Regular tag, freeze tag, or tunnel tag, it does not matter as any tag will do. Kids just love playing tag.
Our go-to is freeze tag.
24. Play Ball
Boys and girls love playing ball. I have seen it with the number of kids that frequent my house.
We have a variety of balls: baseballs, soccer balls, footballs, and kick balls.
Every time we are outside a ball of some kind gets taken out.
25. Research something New
There is so much to explore in the world around you and your kids! Learn about something new.
We have found out how rubber ducks were made, who came up with the first milkshake, and what it would be like to visit Mount Rushmore.
26. Legos

There are so many possibilities with Legos.
Kids can get lost in them for hours.
If your kids are stuck for building ideas try this book.
27. Lego Challenge
Pick a topic and try to create something within a certain time limit.
If your kiddo likes Legos, they will love this game.
28. Bingo
Bingo is so much fun. All my kids and daycare kids love when we get to play.
I recommend this Bingo game.
You can have small prizes like candy, stickers, or coins for the winners.
Having prizes helps keep your kids engaged in the game longer!
29. Play Cards

Teach your kids a new card game or 2 using these playing cards.
Some of our favorite card games are Go Fish, Slap Jack, and High Card/Low Card.
When you run out of card games that you know, try this card game book.
Everyone will learn something new.
31. Color

If you are looking for a relaxing way to spend an afternoon, grab your coloring supplies and head outdoors.
Our go-to coloring supplies are coloring books, crayons and gel pens.
My daughter has a ton of gel pens and is gracious enough to let her brothers use them.
We are lucky enough to have a table on our deck but you could just as easily spread out a blanket.
32. Write a Letter
Have your kids write letters to their loved ones.
My kids write letters to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.
They absolutely love it when they get letters back.
It inspires them to write more.
33. Backyard Dance Party

Dancing will burn off their energy and put them in a good mood.
Get out there with them and show 'em how it's done!
We have this portable Bluetooth speaker that we bring out and crank up.
My kids love dancing outside.
34. Swing
Your kids will loose track of time when they get swinging and forget all about being bored.
I cannot begin to count the number of hours we have spent on our swings.
We have this one for the little tikes, this one for fun, and this one for the older kids.
All of these swings have been through the ringer with my kids, their friends, and daycare kids always on them - year round!
35. Scavenger Hunt
Create and go on a scavenger hunt. This can be for your own house and yard or it can be for a walk. Have your kids help or surprise them.
My kids go crazy over scavenger hunts.
36. Make Animal Masks
Kids both young and old love creating and wearing masks.
We just made a bunch of African animal masks, so fun.
Let me know in the comments below if you want to see pictures because they turned out awesome!
Now, I am not the best at coming up with my own ideas for masks so I go to Pinterest for examples.
37. Try a New Craft
When you have nothing but time during the summer, use some of it to try something new.
These stepping stones are what we want to try next. There are many different shapes to choose from.
Some examples of crafts we have tried include stick picture frames, friendship bracelets, and rock painting.
38. Do a Puzzle
Many kids, young and old, like the challenge of puzzles especially when you do it with them.
Right now my daughter and I are working on this puzzle.
My Rockstar husband built us a wooden puzzle tray with the help of my daughter. So handy!
Let me know in the comments below if you want to see that puzzle tray.
39. Go out for Ice Cream
During the summer everyone can get on board with going out for ice cream.
It is a tasty treat and a nice way to cool off.
40. Hula Hoop
One Christmas my sister gave each of my 4 kids a hula hoop.
First of all, what a great and inexpensive idea.
Secondly, this has kept my kids entertained for hours. They practice and practice and then have hula hoop contests.
41. Stomp Rocket
If you have a yard and do not have this stomp rocket you should look into it.
We gave it to my son for his birthday 3 years ago and it is still played with often.
It also makes a great birthday gift for nieces and nephews.
42. Create or Try New Recipes
Look on Pinterest for some yummy new summer desserts to try. Your kids will love it.
You may even find a new family favorite.
We found a Berry Salad recipe on Pinterest and my kids can't get enough of it.
It has been modified a bit to make it our own. I have given out our version many times now.
43. Camp
The amount of time it takes to set up a tent, load it up, and then take it down the next day will keep your kids hopping.
Even though it can be frustrating for you, let them help!
We try to camp either in our backyard or at a campground multiple times a summer.
It is something different and exciting.

Our tent is similar to this one, made for 10 people.
We sleep 6 people in it and there is room to spare. I love that my husband and I can stand up anywhere without having to duck.
Get outside and try to check off everything on this list. If you complete it, pick out your favorites and try them again.
Make this summer the best yet and have a blast with your kids!
This post was all about the best summer activities for kids.
Leave a comment below on what is your favorite summer activity with your kids.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.