Hey girl, today let's chat about the best summer gift basket ideas for boys 6 – 10.

Summer is right around the corner and if you are anything like me, you need summer gift basket ideas for your boys.
As a mom of a 6, 8, and 10-year-old boy, I am here to give you my top summer gift basket ideas to prepare your boys for summer. I also have a 12-year-old daughter and she will be getting summer gifts of her own.
You are going to find out about everything you should include in this summer gift basket like sunscreen, beach essentials, camping essentials, sports equipment, and so much more.
After checking out all these summer gifts, you will be more than ready to put together a unique gift basket that is tailor-made for your son.
Let's jump into the top summer gift basket ideas your boys are going to go bananas over.
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Best Summer Gift Basket Ideas
1. Snacks
Boys are HUNGRY, and I mean all the time, during the summer.
So, no matter what else you choose to add to this summer gift basket, add snacks!
We live in a great neighborhood with kids running all over the place and I can never keep up with the snacks they go through.
2. S'mores

Nothing screams summer more than s’mores.
If you know your kiddo will love to make and eat them, then of course, you have to include them in his basket.
We are half and half here.
3. Sunscreen

If you kick your boys outside as much as possible during the summer as I do, then you have to add some sunscreen.
Now guys, what is your opinion when it comes to sunscreen – are you a spray or lotion girl?
I love sunscreen spray and this one has never let me or my kids down.
4. Swim Gear

Are your boys like mine and grew right out of their swim gear from last year? Ugh!
Hook him up with some new swim shorts, a swim shirt, and a beach towel.

If you feel like going the extra mile on swim gear, toss in a pair of swim shoes.
It is rocky where we swim so I have my eye on these shoes for my boys this year.
5. Sunglasses

And since we are talking about how much our boys have grown, I am sure for some of you, your kiddo grew right out of his sunglasses too.
My boys have very different styles and that goes for sunglasses too.
6. Hat

A hat is a great way to keep the sun off your kiddo’s face.
I find that the mesh back hats work the best for those hot summer days.
7. Sandals
What kind of sandals do you like your boys to wear? Let me know in the comments below.
These 2 styles have been a hit year after year around here.
8. Water Bottle

With all that hot weather and hopefully exercise, your son is going to need to stay hydrated.
These Hydro Flask water bottles are so durable that I won't use any other kind for my kids (and you know they are going to get dropped).
9. Cinch Sack

I hope that you will all be on the go this summer and your kiddo is going to need to carry some gear from time to time.
They are lightweight and you aren’t going to care one bit if it gets dirty or not.
10. Sand Toys
I am only adding sand toys for the younger boys in your crew.
But that doesn’t mean that the older ones won’t play with them. They just don’t want to get sand toys as a gift.
11. Water Squirters
These water squirts are the perfect way for your boys to keep cool this summer.
I got a bunch of them for when the neighbor kids come over.
12. Sidewalk Chalk

A great gift for your 6 or 7-year-old, is sidewalk chalk.
Don't be afraid to get out there too and show him your art skills.
13. Bug Catcher
Most boys are curious about bugs and frogs and the like.
With this bug catcher set, he will be able to get a really good look at them.
14. Sleeping Bag

Do you plan to go camping this summer? We are a tent camping family and 2 of my boys have grown right out of their little kid sleeping bags.
So, we decided to get them nice full-size sleeping bags that they will be able to use for a long time. Our daughter has one as well.
15. Sports Balls

Help keep your boys on the move this summer with some sports balls.
As I said, I have kids over at our house all summer long playing. Having a great stock of sports balls gives all those kids something to do without playing inside my house!
16. Baseball

Guys, I know baseball is a sport too but there is so much stuff for baseball that I had to talk about it separately.
Here is some solid baseball equipment for some backyard baseball.
17. Frisbee

Last year my daughter and oldest son took a Frisbee golf class and had a blast. They taught us all how to play and we just used regular frisbees.
18. Bike

I know a new bike can not fit in a gift basket but I had to include it as an end-of-school gift because it is a fantastic way for your kiddo to get exercise during the summer.
This bike brand has been amazing for my boys.
19. Kite

Your kiddo is going to have so much fun flying kites with you.
Thankfully, we live close to our school and there is a bunch of open space to fly kites there.
20. Fishing Pole

What better way to spend some lazy summer time than to go fishing?
We are a fishing family, and I have loved it since I was a little girl.
This fishing pole is perfect for your little guy and he can use it as he grows.
21. Tackle Box

Is it a tackle box or a "Snackle Box"? A little of both. A tackle box makes a dynamite gift.
Add some snacks to it (because you know your son is always hungry) and some tackle and he is ready for lots of fishing adventures.
22. Fishing Tackle

I am not sure what kind of fish are in your area but around here we fish for Northern Pike, Bass, and Pan Fish.
If you know anything about Walleye fishing and great tackle for it (along with any pointers), let me know in the comments below. We are looking to give that a try this summer.
23. Laser Tag

Have you ever played laser tag, especially in the dark? It is a blast and boys think so too.
This is the laser tag my 8-year-old has and it is fantastic.
Even though there are vests the players wear, the laser guns have sensors on them too. Makes it so much harder to hide!
24. Nerf Guns

Oh, Nerf Guns – I love you but those darts all over the place drive me crazy. Maybe my kids just need to do a better job of finding them all.
Regardless, your son is going to go bananas over these guns.
And you might as well get one for your husband too because he will be playing against them just as much.
25. Walkie Talkies

Don't even try to skimp out on cheap walkie-talkies – you will be throwing your money out the window. Sadly, I have been there.
These are THE walkie-talkies to get and they will keep your son and his friends entertained all summer long.
26. Remote Control Car

This remote control car can be driven inside and outside. It does tricks and flips and boys love it.
Take your son on a walk, if your street isn’t too busy, and let him drive this car the whole way. It will be one of the best times he has ever had on a walk.
All 3 of my boys have this car, each in their favorite color.
27. Sports Cards and Pokémon Cards

So, can you tell me what it is about sports cards and Pokémon cards that have boys going crazy over them because I can't figure it out?
But they do make great gifts!
We got these binders to hold all their cards and they are holding up strong.
28. Books
Just because it is summer doesn’t mean your kiddo should stop reading. Books are fabulous for the summer and will entertain your boys when you have to get a few things done.
We are huge readers. Some fan favorites around here include the following.
29. Board Games

I love a good board game and they are one of the best ways to spend time with your son.
If you have a lazy summer afternoon and a table outside, take the game to the great outdoors.
This post was all about the best summer gift basket ideas for boys ages 6-10.
Do you have a summer bucket list or any fun adventures for the summer planned? We are going to try to jam as much boating, camping, fishing, swimming, and relaxing as we can.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.