Hey girl, today let’s chat about the essential things new moms need for themselves after birth.

I am pretty sure you have been incredibly busy getting ready for your new baby to arrive but have you thought of things new moms need for themselves after birth? I am talking about you, girl, and what you will need.
As a mom of 4, I am here to share the must-have things new moms need for themselves after birth, and having these items ahead of your delivery is best.
I did have 4 vaginal births so these things new moms need for themselves after birth are reflected of that. If you are having a C-Section birth, I am sorry but I am not sure of which specific items you would need to help with that. You will still need the items below though.
Let’s jump into all the things new moms need for themselves after birth, you will be glad you have these!
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Best Things New Moms Need For Themselves After Birth
1. Nursing Pads

It does not matter if you plan to nurse or not, your milk will come in so you need nursing pads.
I ended up trying a variety of nursing pads and these are the best. They are absorbent, stay in place, and soft, making them so comfy.
2. Comfy Bras
Your boobs are going to be sore when your milk comes in so try to make them supported yet comfy.
They are so comfortable that you will be wearing them around the clock for about the 1st 2 weeks and that is just fine!
Side Note for a Minute
It is time to get a little personal.
I was not aware of what it was like when your milk does come in and it is not the same for every pregnancy.
When my milk came in for my first 3 babies, my boobs just felt full – slightly uncomfortable.
However, when my milk came in for baby 4, my boobs were so swollen and no kidding, hard as rocks. I had to take a warm shower and try to express enough milk so my baby could even latch on. It did not work though.
Thankfully, I had a breast pump and had to use that to release most of the milk. I am not going to lie, it was painful.
3. Nipple Cream
If you are planning to nurse, you need nipple cream and Lanolin Nipple Cream is the best. A little bit goes a very long way.
This was one item I didn’t know I needed but girl, you need it! It prevents your nipples from becoming cracked and it is completely safe for your baby.
4. Breast Pump

If you plan to nurse, get a breast pump, especially if you go back to work.
There are so many different ones out there with different features and you need to pick the one that is right for you.
This is a newer model of the one that I used. I loved it.
5. Comfy Underwear
Your bottom will be sore along with your lower abdomen so comfy underwear is a must. The best kind is maternity underwear, the kind that sits under the bump.
You may have to buy them in a size smaller than you were wearing during your pregnancy but they are the best!
6. Feminine Pads
You will need a few different absorbency levels of feminine pads, with wings. The wings are so important!
In case you don’t know, after you have your baby, you will have a postpartum period of about 4 to 6 weeks and you can’t use tampons. Girl, you don’t even want to use tampons!
It is heavy at first and then gradually becomes less and less until it stops.
7. Vitamins
Just because you are done being pregnant doesn’t mean you should stop taking vitamins. Please consult your doctor on which vitamins are best for you.
Since I was nursing, my doctor recommended me to continue taking my prenatal vitamins.
8. Heating Pad and Ice Packs
You are going to be sore in places – mostly your bottom, abdomen, and your chest.
A heating pad and flexible ice packs can help with this.
9. Pain Medication
Your doctor may recommend taking over-the-counter pain medication, and they are right.
I only used Tylenol and it did wonders for me.
10. Take a Walk
Girl, get up and get moving!
It does not have to be fast or far but get on the move (outside if you can). This is something you should try and do every single day.
11. Water Bottle

I know the hospital gives you a water cup to take home but that one does not fit in cup holders.
Get yourself a fantastic water bottle. You will need it to stay hydrated.
Dehydration after giving birth is real and it is not pleasant.
12. Yeti Tumbler

Along with that water bottle, get yourself a new Yeti Tumbler.
They are so great and your coffee, tea, or any other hot drink will stay hot until the last drop.
13. Coffee
You can finally have coffee again, so stock up on it! You will have tired moments!
14. Support
Have someone you trust that you can ask questions and be there for you.
I am sure the hospital gave you a few numbers to call with questions. Don’t be shy, it is okay to use them. That is what they are there for.
As for the day-in and day-out support, let people help you! My husband did not know a single thing about babies but he was in the thick of it with me and his support was rock-solid.
15. Lotion

With all the hormonal changes your body is going to go through after your delivery, your skin can go wacky.
You can end up with dry spots in the strangest places. For me, it was on my neck and the tops of my toes.
16. Shower Steamers
These shower steamers will help you relax. They smell oh so good too.
It is a great way to get a little pamper time in!
17. Bath Robe

Girl, if you don’t have a bathrobe yet then you need to get this one.
It is perfect not only right out of the shower but also when you have to help your baby during the night.
18. Cozy Socks

These cozy socks are so soft and warm. They also have no-slip grippers on the bottom.
Even if your baby is born during the summer, these will be perfect for when it starts cooling off in the fall.
19. Hair Accessories

You will not be able to shower as much as you like so you need a few things to help you out.
20. Soft Blanket

For all the snuggling you will be doing with your new baby, you will want a soft blanket.
This Sherpa Fleece blanket is the bee’s knees! Yep, I said it.
21. Chocolates

Girl, you just went through a crazy marathon that I am pretty sure you didn’t train for. I am talking about labor and delivery. Get yourself a small stash of chocolates – you deserve it.
Lindor Chocolate Truffles and Ghirardelli Chocolates are delicious.
22. Lip Balm

This Laneige lip balm is going to be a lifesaver for your lips. Trust me, you will instantly fall in love with this stuff and use it day and night.
It will even stay on with all that water you need to drink.
23. Kindle

Whether you will be nursing your baby or bottle feeding, you are going to have some time on your hands. And believe it or not, you will get bored of binge-watching all the shows you want to catch up on.
Get yourself a Kindle. You can use it day and night and best of all, with only one hand.
Girl, you can even check out eBooks from your public library so you don’t have to buy all the books😊.
24. Nail Polish

Girl, your body will be going through more major changes trying to get back to your “normal self” and you might not feel that confident. Get yourself some nail polish.
I love the Essie brand and that there are like 1000 colors to choose from.
Taking time for yourself by doing your nails will boost your spirits, I promise!
I love a classic red, what about you?
25. Grace
This is the most important thing - Give yourself grace, mama.
You are in a new chapter with your little bundle of joy and you will be learning together.
Give yourself grace because it won't go exactly as you plan and that is ok!
This post was about the must-have things new moms need for themselves after birth.
If you have any pregnancy or baby questions, let me know in the comments below.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.