Hey girl, I am so glad you stopped by so we can chat about the most unforgettable things to do on ladies night.

There is no time like girl time and to make the most of that time, here are the most amazing things to do on ladies' night that will have you all saying, "Remember that time" for years to come.
As a busy mom of 4, I can’t get enough of hanging with my girls. It is like free therapy! We always like to have a great list of things to do on ladies' night.
I don't know about you and your friends, but we get bored having the same things to do on ladies night. It would be like that movie Groundhogs Day, boo.
From cheap to luxe, there are so many enjoyable things to do on ladies night to fit anyone’s budget that you will find below.
Let’s get into it, girl, and discover the best things to do on ladies night that are to be a blast.
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Best Things To Do On Ladies Night
Recipes Perfect For Ladies' Night
1. Happy Hour
Whether you are heading out or want to stay in, start your ladies night off with a happy hour.
You can have a few appetizers too.
2. Nails
If you are starting your ladies night off in the mid to late afternoon, get your nails done together.
About 4 times a year, one of my girlfriends and I do this and we talk the entire time. And get beautiful nails out of it.
3. Go Out To Eat
If you are heading out for happy hour, plan on grabbing supper too.
Try to pick somewhere new.
4. Visit a Vineyard
There is something so gorgeous and peaceful about visiting a vineyard, especially in the evening.
I am not the biggest wine drinker but love going along with friends.
If you are like me, get the sampler option. You will be able to try a variety.
5. Take a Cooking Class
Bust out of your cooking rut by taking a cooking class. It is like going out to eat and doing an activity together at the same time.
6. Yoga
Um did someone say yoga? Yes, please. I recently tried hot yoga and I felt so amazing afterward that I am hooked.
And you know who I went with? You guessed it, one of my girlfriends.
7. Festival or Fair
Spend your evening walking around a fun festival or fair.
I love people watching the most at these things! Let me know in the comments below if you are in the same boat.
8. Volunteer
Find a cause that you believe in and volunteer for it.
9. Dance Lessons
Dancing is an amazing form of exercise. But it is way more fun, and you don't feel as embarrassed when you can learn it with friends.
10. Biking
If you are starting your ladies night in the late afternoon, go for a bike ride together.
What kind of biker are you? Are you one that likes to treat it like an intense workout, or do you like to make a leisurely joyride? I am mostly about the second one. 😊
11. Hiking
You can take a walk around town or find lots of different hiking trails nearby. It is great exercise and gets you outdoors.
Walk and talk girl, walk and talk.
It also helps burn off all those calories you probably consumed while eating out!
12. Book Club
Start a book club with your friends and plan to meet once a month to discuss it.
Let everyone have a turn to pick the next book. You will read some incredible books that you would have never picked on your own.
If you have any good book recommendations, let me know in the comments below.
13. Bowling
Bowling, food, and drinks are a great way to spend an evening.
14. Play Games
Stay in and play board games or cards. This is a great way to spend time with each other and not spend a bunch of money.
Ask all your friends to bring a different appetizer or dish to pass and drinks.
My favorite games to play with my friends include Pictionary, Catch Phrase, and Ticket to Ride.
Scrabble also makes an appearance from time to time.
15. Axe Throwing
My boys have this axe throwing game (it is all made of plastic so it is completely safe) and it is so much fun.
That got me thinking that my friends and I should try axe throwing for real. It is a little intimidating at first since you are using a real axe but you will get used to it.
16. Rock Climbing
Since it is ladies night, I highly recommend finding an indoor rock climbing wall if you are going to pick this activity.
It is a total body workout.
17. Archery
We tried this and it surprised me how much we all liked it.
It is very soothing and exhilarating when your arrow hits near the center of the target.
18. Horseback Riding
There are stables all over that offer trail rides. It is a completely different way to get out and enjoy nature with your girls.
The views from going later in the day are fantastic.
19. Ice Skating
Check out a nearby college to see if they have open ice skating.
This is an option nearby me and I can rent the skates from them for $5.
20. Arts and Crafts
Try something new like pottery or painting with an instructor.
You will be surprised how well you can be at art when you have an instructor there with you.
21. The Movies
Are there any good movies in the theater right now?
The best part about movie theaters is you can probably wear lounge pants and even bring a blanket and no one will care. Be comfy!
What are your favorite treats to get at the movie theater? I can never pass up an ICEE!
22. Movies at Home
You can stay in also and watch a movie at home.
Have delicious food, drinks, and you can have treats.
23. Theater
There is nothing like seeing a show in person. If you haven’t tried this one yet, I highly recommend it.
The best live show I have ever seen was Singing in the Rain with my sisters and my daughter. Amazing!
24. Antiquing
I have a few sisters who are nuts about antiquing.
They are always looking for new to them items but I just like looking at all the stuff.
25. Shopping
Going shopping is so different than going antiquing.
Shopping is going for clothes, shoes, home décor, and other new things instead of new to you things.
26. Concert
Professional singers, symphonies, pianists, and more. There are so many different kinds of concerts to attend.
27. Karaoke
Grab supper and then hit up somewhere that has karaoke. After a drink or 2, everyone will want to join in.
28. Escape Room
My son just did an escape room with his friends and he is raving about it.
I know my friends and I would have a blast with this and I can’t wait to try it.
29. Scavenger Hunt
Put together a photo proof scavenger hunt. They are a blast.
My sister and I created a scavenger hunt when we went out for another sister’s bachelorette party and it was such a hit that everyone went through the list twice.
Going through the photos after is a hoot.
30. Seasonal Activities
Seasonal activities are so fun. They help get into the spirit of the season.
What are your favorite seasonal activities? Let me know in the comments below.
Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Visit a Greenhouse
Go for an evening boat cruise
Do a Halloween Haunted Maze (if you are so bold, me – not so much)
Bake Christmas Treats
31. Sports Activities
From town ball to the pros, go to a sports game.
My favorite to watch is football.
32. Visit a Museum
There a lots of museums around, more than you think. Some are even free. Everyone will learn something new.
33. Quilt Together
My sister is part of a group that will hand quilt once the blanket pieces are together.
Lots of chatter, laughter, and just having the chance to hang with each other.
34. Scrapbooking
My sister in law loves going on scrapbook retreats with her friends. It is a great way to share ideas and materials.
My scrapbooking is all done on Snapfish.
35. Murder Mystery Party
We did a murder mystery party at my sister’s bachelorette party and at Christmas one year.
Everyone was such a good sport about participating and dressing the part.
Girl, this is totally not my vibe but I had fun playing along.
36. Casino
I am not much of a gambler but I will go along.
Some of my girlfriends have the best time when we go, even though they only play slot machines.
Let me know in the comments what activities you choose or if there are some I should add.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by.
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