Hey girl, are you looking for ideas on what to get your toddler this Christmas? Here are the best toddler Christmas gifts you should know about.

Are you trying to find those perfect toddler Christmas gifts that won’t just end up at the bottom of the toy bin?
As a mom of 4, an aunt to 12, and an in-home daycare provider for the last 8 years, I know all about the great toddler Christmas gifts that will actually get played with!
You are going to learn about toddler books, toys for toddlers, toddler arts and crafts, outside toys for toddlers, and so much more.
After checking out all these great toddler Christmas gifts, I know you will be able to find the perfect gift for your toddler.
Let's jump into the best toddler Christmas gifts that aren't a waste of your money.
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Best Toddler Christmas Gifts
Hey girl! Christmas is my favorite time of year and holiday.
I love decorating, light seeing, cookie baking, present wrapping, and everything else that goes with it.
Figuring out what gifts to get all the kids is a blast for me too.
It is so much fun to watch toddlers, and all kids, open their gifts and be so excited about them. The bonus is when you capture a picture of it.
I hope you love Christmas as much as I do. Enjoy every minute of experiencing this holiday with your child this year!
Merry Christmas!
Just so we are on the same page, in this post toddlers’ range in age from 1 – 4.
However, these gifts could be used and enjoyed by kids outside this age range. I have seen it!
1. Books
We all know reading is super important. Gifting books is a great way to build your child’s library.
Board books are so durable, and let’s be honest, they need to be around toddlers.
These are a few of our favorite board books.
2. Learning Toys
Toddlers learn at a crazy rate. Get them something they will have fun playing with and learn at the same time.
When my kids and daycare kids play with these types of toys, I can hear them repeat and learn. Fun to watch them advance.
This has been in a kiddo's hands from the time it was gifted to my oldest son years ago.
3. Baby Dolls

Little toddler girls love to play mommy and carry a baby doll around. I know mine did.
There are so many adorable options out there to choose from.
These are the baby dolls my daughter loved the most!
4. Little People
Little People have been around for a long, long time. Kids just can't get enough of them.
These are the sets that we have, or versions of them. They always seem to be adjusting them.
I hope your toddler will love playing with them as much as my kids do. Yep, mine still play with them!
5. Legos

Legos have been around forever and for good reason. They are AMAZING!
The best ones to start your toddler out on are Mega Bloks and Duplo Legos. They are great any time but especially when you know you will be stuck inside.
Have fun building.
6. Magnetic Blocks

If you have not seen or heard about these magnetic blocks, you are missing out.
My oldest son first got these when he was 4. Now he has 3 sets of them.
These have been played with every single day since the first day in our house, NO JOKE! My kids can’t get enough of them.
If you are going to get magnetic blocks, do not get the cheap ones. You will be disappointed and just be wasting your money.
7. Musical Instruments
Toddlers enjoy listening to music, dancing to music, and making music!
We have a variety of musical instruments that get used mostly when we are stuck inside due to weather.
You have to check out these fun instruments and watch your toddler's musical imagination come to life.
8. Thomas and Friends
Thomas and his friends are loved by so many toddlers. If your toddler falls into this category, consider a Thomas track this Christmas.
You can find many different kinds of tracks on Amazon.
The following are what we have had the most experience with.
We went with the wooden tracks.
These are so cool. They help your little engineer their own railway!
My kids take these tracks out so often that I feel like I have to tiptoe through the tracks to get across my basement.

Don't forget about the trains that go with it.
I am not sure how many there actually are, but I know there is a ton!
We have over 30 wood trains now. The magnets on them are really strong.
9. Cars

Boys and some girls are so drawn to cars.
These are the best cars because they hold up to constant use and can fit easily in toddler's hands.
I have 3 boys and I am not even kidding; we have cars everywhere!!!
10. Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage
Do you want to see endless hours of car fun? Your toddler is going to love the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage!
11. Games
Games are a great way to help toddlers learn and have patience.
They are also a fun way to spend time together.
These are our favorite toddler games.
12. Stuffed Animal

If you are stuck on what to get your toddler, try a loveable stuffed animal.
My kids’ beds are full of them and they love sleeping and snuggling with them.
I have gifted this brand of stuffed animal many times.
They are just the right size, soft for snuggling, and best of all they are machine washable.
13. Wooden Puzzles

Every kiddo that I have taken care of, my own or daycare, are drawn to puzzles.
They help the brain problem solve.
We have had great luck with these wooden puzzles.
They are just the right size for your toddler's hands.
14. Stacking Cups

Stacking Cups make a great gift for the 1-year-old toddler.
My 4-year-old will still take them out and play with them though.
Toddlers like to stack them, knock them over, and then stack them up again.
15. Pretend Play Toys
I cannot tell you the number of hours my kids have played with their play kitchen, tea party set, doctor kit, and so much more. It is so much fun to watch them!
16. Arts and Crafts
Let your toddler’s creative juices flow with arts and crafts activities. I know what you are thinking – oh what a pain – I have been there too!
Try not to mind the hassle of taking everything out, cleaning up, and putting it away. Instead, jump right in there with them and relax with some creating of your own.
There have been many times when I look up and find I am the only one still at the table making something, haha!
It helps your toddler prepare for school, with fine motor skills, and think outside the box.
We have had the best luck with all of these arts and crafts that are perfect for toddlers.
17. Water Bottle
With all this time your toddler is going to spend enjoying playing outside, don’t forget to have her hydrate!
This water bottle is great and is dishwasher safe.
There are a few sizes to choose from, and a ton of print options.
The flip mouth piece ones are spill proof when the mouth piece is closed.
18. Sled

Does it snow where you live? It sure does here.
Help your toddler get out and enjoy it with a new sled.
This sled is great for going down hills or being pulled around.
You do not have to find a big hill for your toddler to go down to have a great time.
We build up a hill from the snow shoveled off our driveway and it has been hours of fun for my kids!
19. Little Tikes Basketball Set

Your toddler will have a blast shooting some hoops with this Little Tikes Basketball Set.
Since we are in a snowy area, this started with its life in our basement and my kids loved it.
It is now outside all the time since they are bigger and have more muscle power.
Only 1 picture frame got broken to make me put it outside!
20. Little Tikes T-Ball Set
Is baseball more your speed?
Your toddler is going to have so much fun with this Little Tikes T-ball Set.
My youngest son just got this out the other day and had a blast with it.
Set up some bases they can run around and get out there to play with them.
Make sure you give some space while they are swinging!
You or your husband may get hit. It has happened to both of us. Ouch!
21. Bean Bag Toss
Do you love playing bean bags as much as we do? Well, it turns out that my kids always wanted to play too.
This bean bag toss game for kids is a great way to get your toddler loving a game that they can play for years to come.
Just set it up next to your boards while you are playing and they will stay with their own game, for the most part.
22. Bubble Lawn Mower

Let your toddler wear themselves out with this bubble lawnmower.
You can fill it with bubbles or not and your toddler will still love using it.
The bubble part of ours no longer works but the lawnmower gets used almost daily, weather pending.
23. Radio Flyer Tricycle

This classic Radio Flyer tricycle is a must-have! It is made to last.
We gifted it to our oldest son when he was a toddler, had 2 more boys who use it, and it is a fan favorite with all the daycare kids and it still looks new!
It is used all the time!
We also have this smaller Radio Flyer tricycle.
My kids have used this trike so much that the outer back layer of the wheels is now worn off and the wheels are white!
24. Bicycle

You can also go for the bike option if the tricycle isn’t what you had in mind.
Our kids love biking around. They have their bikes out whenever there isn't snow on the ground.
Check out this highly rated bike.
25. Sports Balls

Boys and girls love playing with balls of any kind. Balls can be used inside and out!
Whenever we are outside, multiple balls get taken out. I have at least 7 kids out there with me thanks to daycare and they range in age from 1 to 11. I know I get hit with a ball at least once a day.
They carry them around, throw them, and kick them. Balls help your kids with their coordination.
These are the balls that you can find in my back yard!
26. Trampoline
This small trampoline is made to be inside or out, whichever you have room for!
We ran out of space so out it went. My kids love this so much and I don’t have to worry about them getting injured like I would with a full-sized trampoline.
This post was all about the best toddler Christmas gifts.
Leave me a comment below about what your end up getting your toddler for Christmas. Even though my youngest is just past this age, I have plenty of nieces and nephews to shop for.
I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for stopping by!
Merry Christmas